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Brain food for ADD, ADHD, and LD! Specialists from the Brain Train Centre say that there are many ways to make the brain perform better. All it takes is some attention to brain care basics. This is particularly important for those who are labelled ADHD, ADD, and LD.This month you can take an in-depth look at helping the brain with articles from the experts!;

Food for thought:

Science tells us that there are many ways to make the brain perform better.  All it takes is some attention to brain care basics.  This is particularly important for those who are labeled ADHD, ADD, and LD.  Brain care basics consist of strengthening our old brain cells and nurturing the new.  The latest research on the neuroplasticity of the brain tells us that we grow new nerve cells  throughout our life and that the existing ones can be enhanced through nutrition.  Most people and in particular those with ADHD are greatly deficient in the essential fatty acids.  Omega-3 fatty acid is an essential fatty acid found only in the diet.  It is critical for the myelination of the new and old cells in the brain.  People labeled with ADHD, etc. would be wise to investigate getting enough of these critical fats in their diet.
The brain Train Center bites ADD in the butt! Medical research tells us that people with ADHD process information slower than other people.  Thinner nerve fibers process more slowly than fatter ones - ones that have more myelination.  The HANDLE Institute says that with regular gentle enhancement of the weak function and proper nourishment the weak nervous system can be permanently strengthened.  Thus the individual gains the ability to focus and respond appropriately to changes.

The Brain Train Center teaches simple brain enhancement to children of all ages and abilities, including those with ADHD and Learning Disabilities.  The Brain Train Center teaches about a lifelong approach designed to keep our brains healthy and wise.  Some of the key factors taught there are foods that are good for the brain, exercises to help make new brain cell connections, and the importance of water for healthy brains.  Information provided by the center says that water comprises up to 90% of the brain and plays a crucial role in maintaining the electrical potential within the brain and in the distribution of oxygen and nutrition; all of which are critical for thinking and learning.  Simple integrating movements across the mid-line of the body stimulate whole brain activation of this electrical energy and integrate right/left brain function.

 Proper nutrition is needed to make the brain cell connections smooth and strong.  Without this secure link, new connections can be made but will be of short term duration.  Omega-3 fatty acids secure the membranes formed around these nerve cells.

Thus in order for all of us to make sure our brain maintains its status as the fastest and most efficient computer on earth we need to remember to feed it.  Water, brain foods, and gentle enhancing movements across our mid-line(middle of the body) ensure a permanently healthy brain no matter where we are starting from.

You can learn more at They have generously sponsored the ezine this month and given us permission to reproduce their resources in this ezine to keep you informed!

Special diet tips for Hyperactivity and ADD

For hyperactivity and ADD types diet is an important factor and food allergies are frequently significant. The diet may  not be in proper balance or the body may not be able to absorb certain elements properly.


Reproduced from The Brain Train Centre, 3300 Bee Caves Road STE 650 Austin Texas 78746. Phone 512 347 0053
The Brain Train center website here

Brain food

All children can benefit from a diet for a balanced brain. If your child has been labelled hyperactive, ADHD, LD or Dyslexic, The Brain Train Centre invites you to explore the variety of causes that may trigger these symptoms. Research shows causes include: allergies and food sensitivities, low blood sugar and nutritional deficiencies. Most symptoms can be improved through nutrition and natural options versus drugs.
Food pyramid
Include lots of whole grains, the complex carbohydrates that replace simple carbohydrates and sugars. 
Always use real dairy butter and not margarines
Fried and processed foods often contain harmful fats.
Brain Foods
High in Omega-3's High in Protein
Pumpkin seeds
Liver and organ meats
Nuts and seeds

Many children and adults have trouble assimilating high sugar foods and simple carbohydrates. This in turn leads to low blood sugar and the craving for more carbohydrates and sugars. Causing a dramatic bounce up and down from low to high sugar, and highs and lows in physical activities and emotions.

In a study by Lendon Smith, MD, of 6000 hyperactive children, 80% showed improvement within a few weeks by just changing their diet and taking nutritional supplements. Dr. Smith says with sugar metabolism, genetics is a factor, but attention and academic problems only show up if nutritional, visual, auditory, traumatic or emotional insults are added to a compromised nervous system.

Essential Fatty Acids, in particular the omega-3 fatty acids, are often found in decreased amounts in children with ADHD .This essential fatty acid is shown to improve memory, mental ability, and mental health. Supplements are easily found in the form of ground flax, flax oil. and fish oil.

Ritalin was designed as a diagnostic tool and is similar to cocaine. Both are stimulants that go to the same receptor sites in the brain. Ritalin works because it speeds up the thinking process going through the pathways of the brain. This creates the appearance of balance in the thinking and attentive processes. Studies show no long term effects from Ritalin. At the end of an 8 year study, 80% continued to have ADHD symptoms and 60% had advanced to ODD (opposition defiant disorder) and CD (conduct disorder) Researchers found that Ritain, like cocaine decreases the flow of blood to all areas of the brain 23-30% This can cause a broad array of adverse drug reactions from growth inhibition to psychosis an their impact on the fabric of the brain including brain structure, biochemistry, blood flow and energy utilization.

This article is not intended as medical advice. Please refer to your nutritionist or medical practitioner for specific needs.Our thanks to for this information. Visit their website for more detailed information.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid
~An essential fatty acid
The brain is composed of 60% fat, and we need lots of good fats in our diet daily. Omega -3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats and the primary building blocks of the brain and retina. This is a critical link to proper brain development for our children and throughout our lives.

Essential fatty acids including omega-3 and omega-6 are a special group of fats necessary for lifre and health. They must be obtained from our diet. Omega-3 is also referred to as DHA, docosahexaenoic acid.
Defieciency of omega-3's in our diet are linked to: decreased learning ability, ADD, ADHD, LD, dyslexia, depression, mental health, alzheimer's and dementia.

Omega-3 fatty acids are often deficient in the American diet. They are mostly found in Flax Oil and ground flax, cold water fish, fish oil, unrefined or cold pressed canola oil, wheat germ oil, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
You can buy it as a supplement here online,.

Natrol Omega-3 Softgels,
Natrol Omega-3 Softgels,
Increasing research reveals the health-promoting properties of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids-EPA and DHA in promoting a healthy vascular system and helping ADHD people in their brain. (The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.) Derived from a variety of select fish and analytically screened to contain less than 1mg of cholesterol per softgel.

"~when you add omega-3 oils to your diet, you get "brain food" The brain "depends on foods containing omega-3 and 6 fatty acids" - Clara Felix, All about Omega-3 oils, 1998

"~Because the brain is predominately made of fat, almost all of its structures and functions have a crucuial dependency upon essential fatty acids, which we get directly from our foods." - Michael A Schmidt, Smart Fats, 1997

Information supplied by  the Brain Train Centre

The Brain Train by Frances Meiser
Increase your brain power, vitality, and memory  Integrate your brain through developmental play. Help children and adults who have been labeled with learning disabilities or behavior problems (such as
 AD/HD and dyslexia) with this book called "The Brain Train" It makes learning fun! 
  • Is whimsical and appealing 
  • Includes an interactive worksheet to be filled out  daily by the child (This reinforces the message and  enhances their development of good habits.)
  • Is appropriate for classroom educational programs in the areas of wellness, physical education, and biology 
  • Integrates the latest brain research with early childhood development knowledge. 
  • Is great for family story telling and practice 
  • Has resource pages for parents and teachers
  • For more information and to order click here
The BrainTrain by Frances Meiser

How to Raise a Healthy Child : Medical & Nutritional Advice from America's Best-Loved Pediatrician by Lendon H. Smith 

 No More Ritalin : Treating Adhd
Without Drugs"by Mary Ann Block 

ADD Nutrition Solution a 30 day drug free plan

Omega 3 Oils : To Improve Mental Health, Fight Degenerative Diseases, and Extend Your Life by Donald O. Rudin, Clara Felix,

Smart Fats: How Dietary Fats and Oils Affect Mental, Physical and Emotional Intelligence by Michael A. Schmidt 

Dr. Whitaker's Guide to Natural Healing:America's  "Wellness Doctor" Shares His Secrets for Lifelong Health!

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