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This site is design for easy research on how the human body works. After viewing many sites I found that trying to find information about the human body with images was not the easiest thing. This site is devoted to allowing others learn about the human body in a fun and easy way, less jargon more english. This site will be complete with images and hopefully flash videos for your learning pleasure. All information was researched by Justin Riehl and comes from reliable resources (which will be listed on the site for copy right purposes). So click on the part of the body you would like to learn about out or select from the different body systems. Please enjoy and have fun learning.

This site is currently Under Construction. None of the links right now work. I will be working on trying to get this site up and running as soon as I can. As well I would like to apologize for the lack of colour but my monitor has no red.






Visitors to How Does A Body Work:
Last Updated: June 28,2003
Site Created October 19,2002

What is in the Head area and how it works
What is in the Chest area and how it works
What is in the Stomach area and how it works
What is in the Pelvis area and how it works

Above Image
Head Area
Chest Area
Stomach Area
Pelvis Area

Not in Image
Circulatory System
Digestion System
Lymph System
Respiratory System
