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(c) Tea

T3h Staff


Name: Kelly, or Kez

Age: 17

Site Rank: Webmistress.

Hobbies: HTML, Java, RP, Clan assistance, Web-site Creation.

Likes: Pizza, Vanilla Coke, Cats, Fanfiction writing, Yaoi (her fave is Yuugiou xP)

Dislikes; Spiders. And People who intimidate and dont give fair chance. And Perverts.

Traits: Short temper, will to try and get along with as many people as she can, hates pointless arguing.

Fave Game: Yuugiou Forbidden Memories

Quote: "I have no fish to embarass you further..ill just let myself trout..I MEAN OUT!"

Chara list: Kinamaru, Téa, Neji (for tyrels clan), Kisara, Asuka Tenjoyin etc...

RP Experince: A good amount of years on MX, coaching and help from a family members friend.