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(c) Tea

T3h Quotes

The NEW home for the new generation! Full time web-site!

<`:º¯ì-Kø§åï·Âvøñèj-í¯º:´777> teh loudest Fart ever actually showed up on the richter scale

<{~TB~}[AU]acx[GundamCloud666> This is this cat. This is is cat. This is how cat. This is to cat. This is keep cat. This is a cat. This is dumbass cat. This is busy cat. This is for cat. This is forty cat. This is seconds cat. * Now go back and read the THIRD word in each sentence from the top.

<«`º×¤»Hèávëñ's·ß£ï§§«¤×º´»666> New Winmx Updation: To get horny, Burp your life out >.>

<~Hamel[Âkatsuki]427> Pubic RPing.

<»Tikado-Winder«123> Ooooooolala quiet.
<»`¤·.¸«Ñèttøkü·Ðâ®kf£år뻸.·¤´«666> <.<
<»`¤·.¸«Ñèttøkü·Ðâ®kf£år뻸.·¤´«666> : grabs a mustard bottle and makes farting sounds :
<»Tikado-Winder«123> Darrin for some reason you're obsessed with farting
<»Tikado-Winder«123> I'm not sure if you got an infatuation vibe going on or what o.0

<Îñü¥á§há¤Gî®l¤V讧îðn*loves*Veronica*389_24679> well actually i was thinking about what u think i'm thinking and thinking whether thinking about what i'm thinking will help you think i'm thinking about this or not because i think thinking like this helps you to think ,like this also.... i think

<~Gaara000_34467> im wearing womens underwear o_o

<~Jêððâ_Ðô®ôjîñ_/¥\|<_®±µ®ô_®®ê§±ô®_6842_25477> here is one: OH MY GOD THEY KILLED KENNY YOU....wait that's not kenny...nevermind

<»`¤·.¸«Åxïøm·Ðâ®kf£år뻸.·¤´«666> Save a penis...
<»`¤·.¸«Åxïøm·Ðâ®kf£år뻸.·¤´«666> Ride a dildo

<[Dork] Mý§tîç Gøhäñ Kå$håkµ 619_15560> I have sex with family members, my brother thinsk he is a girl and I'm a horny chair with erection problems

< Phá®åóh ¥ämï *Púzzle* 754_36651> Ladies and Gentleman I stand in front of you, to stand in back of you, to tell you something I know nothing about. Last Night in the middle of the afternoon, just before Breakfast, an Empty Garbage truck, loaded with good furniture, almost ran over a dead alley cat. We hurried to the Hospital as slow as we could, If you don't believe me ask the Blind man he saw it all........

< ¤Ënamored Íniquity¤ 700_27859> o.o my ass can do a lot of tricks.

<{VC}{Tom}Funnehness Teh Bunnehness919_19459> yay for long shafts!

<»`¤·.¸«Ñèttøkü·Ðâ®kf£år뻸.·¤´«> quit fucking the frog Mark O.o;
<»`¤·.¸«Vèyrøñ·Ðâ®kf£år뻸.·¤´«> o_O I cant help it... ITs packin heat

~Update by Tea