

Asa Richardson

Richardson & Co.

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Bevels, Rules, Gunter Scales, Gauging and Wantage Rods, Yard Sticks, Board Measures, Ship Carpenter's Bevels, Shoe-Maker's Size Sticks, Steel Bladed Try-Squares, Parallel Rules, Etc.

Working Dates: 1830-43.

1830 Lemuel Hedge became a partner. It appears the Mr. Hedge repaired musical, mathematical and philosophical instruments.

In 1832 William Goodrich became a partner.

Carter & Company was formed in 1843 and they bought the stock and tools of Asa Richardson & Co.

      He had an extensive line of rules made from various woods and ivory and bevels.

     Below is a 2 foot Carpenters' Sliding Rule.




Richardson1.jpg (41192 bytes)

                                                        Marked "*     RICHARDSON & Co     *

                                                                               *      MIDDLETOWN     *"

     The Carr catalog, ref. 51, shows the following types of rules and tools made by Richardson.

     Joiners', carpenters', and engineers' rules and bevils. Straight, 2 and 4 fold rules, gunter scales, gauging rods, etc. The rules were made of boxwwood, satinwood or ivory. The catalog has 44 different rules, guages and squares.

References:  3, 9, 14, 17, 19, 51.    Back Home

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