Charles C. Hubbard

C.C. Hubbard & Co.

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools made: Rules and Squares.

Charles Carroll Hubbard         Born 1 April 1832 Wadesboro,  North Carolina. Died 30 Sep. 1898 Morristown, New Jersey. Burial Pine Grove Cemetery, Middletown, Connecticut.

Gaston Tyron Hubbard            Born 8 September 1828, Wadesboro, North Carolina. Died 1 Sep. 1902 Burial Pine Grove Cemetery, Middletown, Connecticut.

Working Dates: C1853-65.

     C. C. Hubbard & Co. and the Hotchkiss Mfg. Co. were bought out in 1865 by the Hubbard Hardware Co.

    He was listed in the 1860 census as a lumber merchant, age 28. In the 1870 census as an edge tool and rule manufacturer living in Middletown, CT. In the 1880 census as an editor and publisher living in Hartford, CT. He was not listed in 1878 city directory. Mayor of Middletown in 1874. He had working space in buildings  on the corner of Church and Hamblin Street. Map Y.

Below is a 15 inch try square.


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Charles C. Hubbard

   Pictured below is the home of Charles C. Hubbard located on Broad Street built 1861.

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See C. & F. Hubbard

References:  26, 27, 28, 85.            Back Home

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