Randolph Hayden

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools made: Wrenches.

Working Dates: Unk.

     Hayden's Malleable Iron Wrench. Patented June 15, 1880. The example is 4 inches long. They were made in 4, 6, 8 and 10 inch lengths and three different finishes. Patent number 228,755.

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                                                                                       Stamped on  the wrench


                                                                                                                                                   PAT. JUNE 16-80".


Pictures courtesy of Dan Gaier a member of the Missouri Valley Wrench Club. 6 inch Hayden wrenches.



See Hotchkiss & Smith, Star Tool Co and Ferree & Hayden.

Patents issued or assigned to this company or one of its owners. See ref. 24 for 
additional Connecticut patents.

Name					Pat. No	Item			Issue Date

Hayden, Randolph			87491		Ice tongs		3/2/1869
Assigned to Ferree & Hayden
Hayden,  R.				97194		Shutter fastener	11/23/1869
Assigned to Ferree & Hayden
Hayden,  R.				194774		Shutter fastener	9/4/1877
Hayden,  R.				217942		Hitching hook		7/29/1879
Hayden,  R.				228755		Wrench			6/15/1880
Hayden,  R.				234126		Shutter fastener	11/9/1880


Reed and Co. probably was the sole maker of the wrench. Patented in 1880. The ice thongs were patented early 
so they took over production possibly from Star Tool Co.
An ad from Merwins' Connecticut River Business Directory For 1881.


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References:  5, 24    Back Home

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