Galactic Quest Home Page
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The Galactic Quest Home Page

Download it here: Galactic Quest ( 17K)

In this game, you start out as the leader of a militant civilization in a universe ripe for conquering. The game is a lot like Risk. You start out owning one planet and a few space ships. From there, you must send them to different planets in the galaxy. Each planet starts with a certain number of ships and if a planet is owned by one of the players, it will produce more ships each turn. The production levels of the planets vary a lot and you will never know how good a planet is until you try to take it over. Up to 6 human players can play by taking turns. It is best to play with human opponents, but there is the option to play against a cunning computer opponent too. I've spent many sleepless nights playing this game with friends in the dorms where I live. It's the best game I've ever made.

If you like the game, E-mail me! Suggestions? E-mail me!

You get the point.

I am currently working on an RPG game. It'll rival Diablo. Just kidding.

It won't rival Diablo, but it will be a lot of fun. If you want me to let you know when I post the game, slip me an e-mail so I have your address.


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