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MiniDecor and More

Featuring finished needlework - cross stitch and petitpoint
Foundation pieced quilts
Personalized commemorative scenes
Lots of Show and Tell!

It is June 30, 2010 and my last update was June, 2006!!
Egads!! And now, it's October, 2011 and I guess my website has become my own personal announcement board. My latest announcement is that I've opened a little shop recently and am really having fun with it and find that it is also getting me all excited about my needlework again and even beginning to think about possibly creating some small miniature things. I just discovered tonight that I can add a preview of my current "shop stock" here on my website, so here it is:

and you can link to it via the blue "TheDollhouseNeedle".

And as long as I'm announcing things, it dawns on me I never mentioned on this website that I also created a blog back in 2009 when I made my first trip to Italy (all on my own). I started it as a means of keeping my family and friends up to date on my trip cause I knew if I didn't, then when I came home everyone would say "how was your trip?" and I'd say "great" and that would pretty much be it. But I found I really enjoyed it and have been blogging ever since. I have pages set up for my miniatures, my cross stitch, petitpoint, and mini quilts, and a recipe collection. And I post about any trips I happen to take but also just about what's going on in my town and anything else that strikes my fancy. So, if you'd like to take a look at that you can click on this link: Mary Lynne's Travel Journal. I try to include a lot of pictures - there are a LOT from my two trips to Italy!

So, I apologize for not staying current with this website, but hope if you happen upon it in your browsing, you will pay a visit to these two latest ventures.


Hi and welcome to my web site. I'm Mary Lynne, I live in West Virginia and I retired from my work as a secretary at a local hospital in 2005.

I started building dollhouses way back in about 1991 and have had a wonderful time, building, collecting, doing miniature cross stitch and quilts, etc. You can see some of what I accomplished on this website. Please visit all my pages while you're here. I've listed them below with descriptions of what you'll find. And if you don't have time to visit them all now, please come back.

Now that I've retired and moved to a much smaller home with not much work space or display space, my crafting is pretty much limited to miniature needlework. But I've certainly been enjoying my retirement and have started traveling.

Finished Projects
This is where I post my show and tell.

Mary Lynne's Needlework Shop
I CLOSED DOWN MOST OF MY NEEDLEWORK SHOP A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO. But feel free to contact me - I have a fair amount of cross stitch fabric left, finished pieces of cross stitch and petitpoint, etc.interested in and I will let you know if I have any left. There are links on this page to some of my finished needlework pieces.

The Quilt Shop
Come visit my shop and see the fun I've had after discovering foundation piecing. This is one form of miniatures I plan to keep on with.

Simpson Construction Company
Here you'll find dollhouses and other structures I've built and pictures of my personalized baby, wedding, Christmas, and graduation scenes in gift bags and domes. I've added a link to pictures of a half inch scale house I won on E-bay along with some progress pictures. I finally managed to bring myself to put the house back up on ebay and it is in a new home now where hopefully it will end up being as beautiful as I know it is meant to be.

My Treasure Trove
This is a page purely for my own pleasure. I've taken pictures of some of my most special miniatures so I can share them with all of you.

Miniature Miscellany
This page holds everything I can't find a place for anywhere else. I've also provided a link to some printable sheet music I fixed up.

I hope you enjoy your visit. I'd love to hear back from you, whether it's suggestions, questions, inquiries about custom work, or just "hi"! Thanks for stopping by!

I removed my guest book because I found a couple of kind of strange messages - not really horrible, but nothing to do with miniatures! So, if you want to contact me about my website or have any questions about anything here, please feel free to e-mail me at the e-mail link below.

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