Wrestling Then and Now

by Dale Pierce

DALE PIERCE: Where are you from and where can you be seen wrestling?

HALLOMASS: I wrestle for NAWA and NAWA-DFW in Texas, CZW in Pennsylvania, and NAWA And NWA-Wildside in Georgia.

DP: How did you come up with this name?

H: I'm a big fan of the band Samhain, and I'm also a big fan of Halloween and the other pagan holidays. Was researching the origins of the holidays and came across Hallowmass.

DP: You were trained by?

H: "Killer" Tim Brooks and Jason Nash.

DP: What is your Web page URL?

H: www.hallowmass.com

DP: You also play in a band. What type of music?

H: We play melodic pop punk, a la the Misfits.

DP: Any CDs available?

H: Yes, we have our first EP available through our website, and our new EP is being released this month (June 04).

DP: With whom have you had some of your best matches?

H: My former tag partner Samir and I have had some great matches. We had good match with Paul London and Mike Thunder here in Texas, and Nick berk and Z-Barr in Pennsylvania.

DP: What wrestlers did you grow up watching and admire?

H: Ric Flair--he's the man. It's sad to see him as an old man today, but in his prime, he was the best and is still better than half the workers out there today. I also loved the Great Muta. I watched him as the Super Black Ninja in Texas and later as Muta in the NWA. He rules.

DP: On the other hand, are there others you watched and totally disliked?

H: There were guys that I didn't really like, but I don't want to disrespect them in anyway, because even though I didn't like their work, they still paved the way for me to be here.

DP: Do you have a favorite finishing move?

H: I use the "Last Caress". It's an inverted facebuster. And the "Final Descent," a sitout neckbreaker.

DP: Do you plan on expanding out of your regular area or just staying where you are for wrestling?

H: The name of the game is exposure. I'm always looking to get out of Texas though, so any interested promoters please feel free to contact me.

DP: Any interesting stories concerning your wrestling career?

H: Not anything out of the ordinary. I've gotten to see alot of places that I never would have went to, and I meet a lot of great people.

DP: Closing comments?

H: If you want to get into the business, please go to a legit school and show the boys respect by learning how to do everything the right way. Pro wrestling is an art. Don't disrespect it or your forefathers, and please keep supporting the business.

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