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-Malice Results
-PPV Results

(This site is only
temporary until
Paul comes back)
Site was designed by
Jay aka Jay Wolf.


  • Please keep swearing to a minumum. It may be in character, but it is childish and boring
  • No racism, sexism, ageism or anything else ending in 'ism'. At the first sign of anything like this, you will be asked to leave.
  • No using people in your RP's without their permission. The only time you should use people in your RP's is if they have told you that you can, and maybe looked over the RP before it is posted.
  • Be original. Dont steal sayings or angles you have seen on the TV. In the unlikely event it gets past the staff, the rest of the roster will notice.
  • Dont character change to often. This makes it difficult to keep up with moves, angles and ideas. Anyone who changes characters too often will make it difficult for us to do our job, and will be asked to stop.