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This Is Some Of What Happened At Armagenon Games, Cheats, Movies and More
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Sunday December 14,2003.............Armageddon was an unforgettable night for Evolution, as all four members walked away with gold. Triple H is the new World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton is the new Intercontinental Champion, and Batista & Ric Flair are the new World Tag Team Champions. With Co-General Manager Eric Bischoff firmly behind Evolution, it appears that the balance of power has shifted on RAW. (click here for Evolution T-shirt) However, when Mick Foley came back to WWE as the new Co-General Manager of RAW, he said that he is going to have an administration that puts what the fans want first. Does this mean that Foley will have a plan for Evolution on RAW? Tune in to find out, watch RAW at 9/8 CT on Spike TV! Coming off the heels of his devastating defeat at the hands of Booker T last night at Armageddon, Mark Henry will be looking for revenge when he teams up with Matt Hardy to battle Maven and Booker. Also, Eric Bischoff's Battle of the Sexes was a big hit for the men, as Christian and Chris Jericho defeated Lita and Trish Stratus. Tonight, Eric Bischoff presents Battle of the Sexes 2, as Christian and Y2J team up again to face Lita and Stratus. Jon Heidenreich is scheduled to take on Rico. Finally at Armageddon, Foley announced that one million people have signed the petition to bring Stone Cold Steve Austin back to RAW! If you would like to add your name to the list, click here to sign!