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Despite all appearances, Felicia's Journey is not a straight-to-cable fantasy film. Instead it's, "the richest most provogative srial killer movie in cinema history." Some one really did describe it that way. It's from Atom Egoyan (also made The Sweet Hereafter, an excellent film) and is truly about a serial killer. Not the richest most provocative serial killer movie in cinema history in my book.

(By the way, see that "M/A" sticker in the upper left-hand corner? That stands for "Martial Arts".)

The cover is from the 1992 hit "The Swordsman" starring Lorenzo Lamas, where Lorenzo fights a psychotic millionaire through time and space over the possession of the sword of Alexander the Great. With that kind of cover art and such a high brow premise I wished I had seen it instead...

Here's a copy of the real cover of Felicia's Journey:

Not sure which is scarier, Bob Hoskins being scary or Lorenzo Lamas trying to look tough....



