I would like to thank each and every person that has helped in making the
site what it is today. Without their support The History of World Wrestling
Entertainment would not exist. If you have contributed to the site and don't see
your name listed, please just drop me an e-mail. I may have simply misplaced
your info.
In order to protect the privacy of those who have helped the site, I've taken
down the e-mail links that were previously posted. If I had your e-mail
but not your name and removed you from this list, feel free to e-mail me and let
me know.
Financial Contributers:
Jared Hawkins - $10; 4/6/03
Jim Zordani - $25; 4/7/03
Andrew Calvert - $109.50; 5/5/03, 5/30/03, 6/26/03, 9/9/03, 11/20/03, 12/15/03,
2/24/04, 3/18/04, 4/2/04, 7/23/04, & 9/17/04
Anonymous - $5; 7/7/03
John Lister - $25; 2/2/04
Richard Rollock - $5; 2/25/04
Anonymous - $5; 7/24/04
Casey Tomten - $5; 12/11/04
Gregory Mosorjak - $5; 12/14/04
Dante Ramirez - $20; 1/14/05
Sean Oliver - $20; 5/20/05
Robert Kleeman - $20; 8/28/05
Scotty Wampler - $25; 1/24/06
Chris Lesinsky - $35; 10/3/06 & 12/26/06
Joseph Hamdan - $25; 6/14/07
Alan Complitano - $10; 6/16/07
Mike Abitabile - $15; 7/7/07
Michael Shoopman - $10; 7/10/07
William Newton - $46.35; 8/24/07
Oswald Jackson - $10; 1/7/08
Andy Jackson - $4; 2/21/08 & 2/22/08
Patrick A. Riley - $20; 2/28/08
Anonymous - $2; 4/26/08
Craig Benee - $20; 5/9/08
Cherish Wilson - $1; 1/4/09
Anonymous; - $100; 1/4/09
Mike Levay - $10; 3/7/09
Individuals: Aaron Cushman Adam
Firestorm Adam Martin Adam Roy Adam Sanders Adrián Valdivia Akeem
Parsons Alan Keiper Alan Timper Alex Ho Alex Josephs aka atox Alex Padrino Allan Robinson Andrew
Calvert Andrew Christeson Andrew Gardner Andrew McRae Andrew Mollon Andy
Roberts Art Jonathan Becky Taylor Ben LeDoux Ben Temples Blackjack Parsons Bob
Johnson Bobby Adkins Bradley Owen Brandon Baker Brent Hawryluk Brian Beasley Brian Dixon Brian Bingman Brian
Matheson Brian Paige Brian Pickering Brian Scala Brock Moore Carl Campbell Casey Tomten Charles Jean Charles Wheeler Chris Berube Chris Bradshaw Chris Corridan Chris
Dean Chris Owens Chris Putro Chris Tabar Christian Heintz Christian Rhode Christophe Simon Christopher Fabris Clayton Carvalho Clint
Halford Craig Skennard Dan Feriolo Daniel Hill Darren Wyse Dave DeRobbio Dave Greiser Dave Layne David Emmell
David Frederick David Grebenc David Grenier David Hunter David Taub David Wallace Denny Burkholder
Derek Bedard Derek Bush Derek Sabato Derrick Leroux Devin Cutting Don R. Willhite Jr. Dustin Robinson Ed Demko
Ed Stylc Eric Cohen Eric Ehrhardt Eric Larson Eric Walker Erik Carlson Erik Gerlach Francesco Casto Fraser Coffeen Gareth Reed Gary Robinson Gary
Will Gerard Bowes Glenn Newsome Gordon Graham Reynolds Greg Bernard Greg Nugent Greg Parks Greg Rufolo
Houston Mitchell Issacc Cearc J Michael Kenyon Jack Van Dyke
James Linnebur James Maxwell James Trepanier Jamie Johnson Jared Hawkins Jared Insell Jared Oloffson Jason Dickinson
Jason Ouimette
Jason Satterfield Jed Highum Jeff Bradley Jeff Fong Jeffrey Jacobson Jeremy Miles
Jeremy Morgan Jesse Richardson Jessica Bullion Jessica Kuter Jim Zordani JJ
Joel Kolsrud John Corcoran John Culbert John English John Preston Johnathan Barton
Jonathan McLarty Jonathan Raines Jose Perez Josh Gaby Josh
Watko Joshua Morales JR Jackson Justin Bailey Justin Domenicucci Justin Henry Justin
Lijoi Keith Brookes Keith Drabik Kelly Fairbee Kenneth McMahon Kevin Moss Kevin Perry
Kurt Killberg Larry Stoy Luis Morales Luke Hixon Madison Carter Maik Burhenne Mark Davis Mark
Eastridge Mark Tomol Mary Blair Matt Coyle Matt Henstock Matt Hern Matt Mattsey Matt
Mauler Matt Mitchell Matt O'Brien Matt Reischl Matt Wingblad Max Levy Michael Bahn Michael
Chilson Michael Danilowicz Michael DeCarolis Michael Rodgers Michael Schmidt Michael Silvers Mike Abitabile Mike Labbe Mike Minadeo
Mike Nice Mike Noland Mike DuPree
Mike Sweet Mister Saint Laurent Nick Kudreyko Nick Taylor Noel O'Connor Pablo Ricca Pasquale Rulli
Patrick Conkling Patrick Dailey Paul Nemer Paul Zimmerman Peter
Baird Peter Tavares Phil Stenger Philip Smeltzer Ramiro Jesus Escamilla Islas Raul Garcia Ray Smith
Ric Gillespie Rich Miller
Richard Boscia Richard Land Richard J Palladino Rick Baptist Robert Becker Robert Hawkins Robert Portillo
Robert Sandholzer Robert Welch Robert Wojnarowski Ron
Witmer Ronny Kerk Rusty Beames Ryan Droste Ryan Martinez Ryan Niemiller Sam Finley Sandra Diaz Scott Gold
Scott Wojcicki Simon Rowley Stephen Dame Stephen Gray Steven Frye
Steve Breech Steve Dolgosh Steve Hourdakis Steve Johnson Steve Mas Steve Perkins Steve Nichols
Stephen Lyon Steven Schera Struan Mackenzie Ted Oliver Terry Canova Terry Wall Thorsten Hogrefe
Tim Johnson Tim Moysey Tim Taylor Tim Walker
Todd Smith Tom Srbinovski Trae Wisecarver Travis Banks Troy Higgenbotham Vance Nevada Wes Kinley West Potter Yair Grinblat Yasuhiko
Morozumi Anonymous; In memory of a good friend
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter by Dave Meltzer
The Bruno Sammartino Record Book by Georgiann Makropoulos
The History of World Championship Wrestling by Derek Bush
Bodyslams! by Gary Michael Cappetta
Listen, You Pencil-Necked Geeks by Freddie Blassie Wrestling Then & Now by Evan Ginzburg Pro
Wrestling Illustrated PWI Weekly The New York Times The
Washington Post The Wrestler Inside Wrestling
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