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EwC Application




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OOC Board


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Rules(This is just a short list until I have more time)

1. HAVE FUN! This is the number one rule in the EWC for a reason. I'm not here to listen to people complain about how they thought they should have won. I'm giving up part of my free time to make one of my favorite things better. So, if you're complaining all the time, you WILL be kicked out, end of story.


3. You MUST RP at least once a week. That's not much to ask, is it? First week you skip RP'ing, you land on the warning list. You don't RP for two weeks in a row, you're put on what we affectionatly call the JOB Squad. If you have any clue what that means, well, that means it's time to stop sniffing the paint, ok? If you have a good reason for not RP'ing (You're on vacation, you've got finals, etc.) let me know, and you'll be ok. Just MAKE SURE TO E-MAIL ME!!!

4. No racial jokes or comments of ANY kind. There are no warnings for this. And racial comments and you're kicked out on your ass. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try.

5. I would like this place to be a close knit group of guys and gals who work together to make this place number one. The OOC (Out of Character) board is there for you to talk to the other wrestlers and get gimmicks up and running. Talk to each other. Trade e-mails, talk over AIM or ICQ, whatever works best. Try and stay in contact with each other. The more planned out everything is, the more realistic and professional this place looks. Let's make this place one of the top feds on the net.

6. This is a new thing I added to this fed, it's called Hardcore Rating. When you fill out your wrestler's app, put there hardcore rating down, it's based on a 1-5 scale.

1: VERY little to NO hardcore at all.(ex. Steve Corino)

2: Little bit of chair use, but nothing to wild.(Ex. Lance Storm)

3: Definitly uses at least a table and/or chair in all there matches. (ex. Rhino, RVD)

4: Pretty big bad-ass, but still uses actual wrestling in the ring. (ex. Justin Credible, Tommy Dreamer)

5: What's a powerbomb? (ex. Crash Holly, New Jack)

7. NO IN RING RPS!!! If you want to send me an in ring, e-mail it to me, and if it's good enough it will go on one of the shows. If I see an in ring rp, I won't count it, so please don't waste your time.

Random Things About The EWC

In Ring Rules

The Eastern Wrestling Coalition has very different rules than your average e-fed in the ring. The EWC has probably the most lenient referees in the sport today. Basically, this means NO DQ. However, for all of those “technical” wrestlers we support fairness as well.


The EwC has 2 shows a week currently. The Saturday Showcase is the Highlight of the week, one might call it the big one. The second, and newest is the Happy Hour. And once a month we will have a PPV.

Random Things One Should Know

As of right now, The EWC is a VERY indie fed. Yes, we have a TV taping, but it's for a syndicated show that will most likely be aired at like 2 in the morning. So, expect no fancy pyro's or titontron video's in the entrance. Also, I don't want to see any in-ring interviews for rp's, if you want to shoot an in-ring promo, simply e-mail me the rp, and MAKE SURE IT'S GOOD, and I'll more than likely put it up on the show. Another thing is that you guys aren't getting paid all that much yet, so unless it's part of the guys gimmick, I don't want to see any Hum-V's or limo's and other things a idie wrestler can't afford, think like you barely have enough money to eat. Now, as you progress up the ranks and/or the show is more popular, you will get a raise in your "verbal contract" and may eventually even get granted a full fledged contract.

Specialty Matches

Cage Matches: Of couse you all know this is the most famous of all gimmick matches. Their are several ways this works. Either you can have steel fencing type of cage or just steel bars. Then you could have the cage cover the whole ring, ring area, or more than one ring. Then you could put a top on it or leave it open. Then you could have many things inside the cage. Such as barbed-wire, weapons, whatever. IMO the cage matches are the best of all of them.

Scafflod Matches: This is the match which I really enjoy watch. Sure the match isn't all that great, it is usually too clumsy, but the end is worth it. The big bang. I'm sure everyone knows the usual format. Though there has been some different ones as of late. Mainly Big Japan has changed this. Its basically a regular barbed-wire match with a scafflod in the middle. It isn't necessary to start on top, but you could always climb up.

Barbed-Wire Match: Probably the most used of all gimmick matches. Its been in use since the late 1970s. The original format of the barbed-wire was for the barbed-wire to be wrapped around each ropes. Another variation is the spider-net where barbed-wire is wrapped vertically around all three ropes. Other variations include a no rope format where the barbed-wire replaces the ropes. Another one would be the barbed-wire board. This is where Barbed=wire is stapled to a board and placed around the ring

Barbed-Wire Cage: This began showing up in the early 1980s. There are again many formats. One is where barbed-wire is wrapped around the cage. Another is where the cage is nothing but barbed-wire. Of couse their are some others.

Double Hell Matches: This is yet another variation of the barbed-wire. Its where two sides are wrapped in barbed-wire. The other two sides are left open. On the outside of those two sides are usually pits of barbed-wire, some times explosive

Other Barbed-wire Variations: There are plenty out there. Some are barbed-wire brick matches. Some are barbed-wire ladder matches. Others are explosive barbed-wire matches, barbed-wire chain matches, and tons and tons others though not all that popular.

Explosive Matches. I'm not sure when the first one was exactly, but this has become very popular. FMW is the promotion most famous for it though. This type of match is usually mixed in with barbed=wire or something else. Small type of explosives are placed throughout the ring, though most of the times in barbed=wire in or in the cage. Also an interesting note about explosive matches is there has never been one in the United States, until the EwC opened.

Ladder Match: Used to crown an undisputed champion. The belt in question is draped high above the center of the ring, and one of the wrestlers has to set up a ladder in the middle of the ring, climb it, and grab the belt to become the winner.

Table Match: This match was more or less intoduced by the imfamous Dudley Boys. The first person to put their opponent through a table is declared the winner. Other varations include a 2/3 table match where as whoever puts there opponent through two tables first is the winner.

Table/Ladder Matches. At first they were totally seperate things. Ladder matches were to crown an undisputed champion. Tables were just used as weapons. Now adays they have become one. Just to be an ultimate garbage gimmick spot galore match. Mainly used in ECW (don't know of any where else this happens) there isn't much point to it. Basically a regular match iw tables and ladders.

Fire: This is perhaps the most dangerous of all gimmick matches. Fire is usually apart of a gimmick match though there hasn't been many mathes where this is the main focus. Types of matches include where barrells on the outside are set of fire and sparks shoot into the ring. Also buckets of rags hang throughout the ring where are soaked in gas and set on fire.

Glass: This is another element in gimmick matches that could be contested as the most dangerous. The first ever Glass match was supposed to be on Dec. 8, 93 between Matsunaga and Onita. It was basically supposed to be a cage match of glass with explosives in it. Though Onita didn't have the match. Though the glass match did happen. The first match was between Head Hunters and Shoji Nakamaki/Hiroshi Ono 9/16/94 in the IWA. The usual format for the match is several boxes on the outside with glass in them. Also there have been times where glass was placed over a small barbed-wire pit.

Nails!: At first thought this match sounds the sickest, but isn't really. There haven't been two many of these matches. The first was in 1992 between Leatherface and Matsunaga at a W*ING Event. Basically all this match is, is where a board have nails nailed through it. The shart part is sticking up. To win you have to through you opponent on it.

Thumbtacs: OW! At first a crazy idea, but now one that has caught on. I'm not sure when the first one was, but I atleast know it was before the KODM. : ) There have been many variations of this match. The most common is where a tray of thumbtacs is in the middle of the ring and they can be used to hurt your opponent.

Pirahna Death Match. This insane idea for a match has your usual Big Japan no rope anything goes format. It has some barbed-wire boards and suck laying around the ring to be used. In the middle of the ring is a tank full of small pirahna. The object is to dump your opponent in their to win.

Desert Death Match. Once again a no rope barbed-wire anything goes match. This time it has Cacti and other things resembling a desert in the middle of the ring along with some barbed-wire board. There is also a tank full of scorpions which you dump your opponent in for ten seconds to win.

Circus Death Match: Well the ring has a scafflod type thing set up over top of the ring. Then their is a net of barbed-wire waiting to catch these insane wrestlers. Well after bumps on the barbed-wire in the first two minutes they cut the barbed-wire put it in a big pile then the wrestlers go all crazy nuts every where.

Dry Ice Death Match: This is basically like the pirahna death match except their is a tub of dry ice in the middle of the ring.

Fire Stones Death Match.: Well it has the no rope barbed-wire format and all around the rings are various things set on fire. Also inside the ring their is a box of some stuff that are all on fire. Hard to see because the lights are out during the match.

Irish Drinking Match: Two men sit at a table and both drink on pint of gueniss. Then they wrestle. After each failed attempt at a pin or submission the two must drink another pint. The cycle shall continue until the winner is declared. If a man should happen to vomit, he must drink one extra 1/2 pint.

Title Defenses

The Kamikaze Title: will be defended in a "DEATHMATCH" of some sort. From the above list. And must be defended once a month!
The Television Title: must be defend 2 times a month in any kind of match.
The Hardcore Title: must be defended in a Hardcore match at least 2 times a month.
The Tag Team Titles: Must be defended 2 times a month in any kind of Tag Team match.
The World Championship Title: MUST BE DEFENDED TO THE THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER,(whoever that may be), at least 1 time a month in any style of match, other than a death match.

Rules for the "Characters"

1. NO wrestler should show up drunk, or appear to be drunk in a match!
2. NO wrestler should come to the ring drunk, or with devises of drunken beverages.
3. NO DRUGS!!! No exceptions, any wrestler caught to be using drugs, or suspected to use drugs, or be on them, will be tested, and dealt with as the PREZ see's fit!!!