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Lucifer's Past Commentary


Hey fans, it is me, Lucifer. Sorry, I have been busy as of late, and haven't updated the site or been online.

First off, in Tamaqua on April 15th, I did a cage match with Afa Jr. It was a non-title, of course. We went at it like always and I ended up to be a bloody mess. I thought, that after I gave him The Idolizer, he would be out. I went to the top of the cage to deliver a splash. The thing is, I missed it, because I waited too long. The Samoan Storm, went to the top fo the cage and did a Five Star Frog Splash that Rob Van Dam would mark for. After the match, some guys from ISPW came out to jump Afa Jr. Samu followed, with his little son Lance. He gave Rikishi's Stinkface to one, a Bronco Buster to the other, and a People's Elbow to me.

Highlights: -Russian Leg Sweep off of the top rope.
-Me, taking a solid shot from the cage door.
-Me, hitting the Idolizer on Afa.
-Junior's awesome frog splash from the cage.
-Me, doing a running power bomb.
-Lance (Samu's son) doing a couple of moves on us.

April 19, 2000 is a day that I will always remember. It was the Gary Albright Memorial Show. It was Gillberg, Afa Jr., and I in a three way dance. I jumped Junior in the beginning and gave him a sweet Tilt-A-Whirl Sidewalk Slam. We then went back and forth. Gillberg gave me a back breaker and Afa pinned me with his Frog Splash. Then, Gillberg speared him and went for a Jackhammer. I clipped Gill's leg and Afa Junior fell on top of him, for the pin. Lance ame out and did the same thing as he did at the last show.

Highlights: -Me, doing a Tilt-A-Whirl Back Breaker
-Junior splashing me on the outside of the ring
-Lance doing his thing.... AGAIN!

On Saturday May 6th at the WXW Arena. In a match, that I invented, I took on Jak Molson. We had a 4 Corners of Hell Steel Chair match where we had four steel chairs, one in each corner. The rule was that you hyad to consecutively take your opponents head, and smack the chair in their face. Jak Molson and I tore up the arena. He gave me a big bump on the cage which busted me open. With a wooden chair, I laid it in between his leg and slammed it with a crowbar. He was a couple of octaves higher after that hit. He then took a hammer, and ripped into my cut. The end came when I took his head and slammed it against all four corners. I also delivered a Gangrel-type DDT to retain my hardcore title.

Highlights: -Me, once again, a bloody mess.
-The Chair Shots.
-The Hammer ripping into my cut.
-The Spike DDT I delivered.

Thats all for this time, thanks, talk to you later. Lucifer Grim


Hello my fans! Well first off, last night in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in a hardcore match; My good buddy, The Samoan Storm and I tore up the house. We battled outside to the play ground with him, being nuts; his ass jumped 12 feet off the jungle gym. When we made are way back to the arena, The Latin Hit Squad jumped him. In the heat of competition, I had to take the pin hiting him with my Idolizer. Like I stated, though, he brings out the best in me.

Highlights of the match in Allentown included:
-Afa Jr. coming off the monkeys bars
-His mom smacking me in the face three times
-Him hitting the Frog Splash on me

Halezton, on Friday night, I defeated The Circle Of Destiny's Thorn in a decent match with my Idolzer.

-Thorns DDT
-I did 2 monkey flips
-Me hiting the idolizer

Well, Thank you folks! Until next time,
Lucifer Grim


Hello fans sorry about not being around but been busy and my tryin to do this webpage is totally nuts. Whats goin on with Lucifer Grims? Why wasent he at the last wxw show? Well let me tell you, I was injuried due to an attack 2 days in a row by the Circle of Destiny. Well let me tell you, March 18th Lucifer will be back with fire in his eyes. The Circle of Destiny will pay for what they did to me, Gravestone and Thorn and that Gene Simmons wanna be Prophet. They think by using a chair they are hardcore, Well let me tell you Lucifer Grim is hardcore i will sacrafice my own body to inflict pain and discomfort. SO COD BE READY YOUR A$S ARE GOIN TO BE GRASS AND IM GOIN TO SMMMMMOKE IT


Hello everybody I'll will be doing this alot to just tell you what's happeneing in the World X-treme Wrestling and others federation's I work for.

Well first off the buzz and question going all around the the W.X.W locker room is why I did what I did Saturday night. Well first one thing about me is you never know what this mind is thinking, and I don't need to explain my actions but I will. First off Afa Jr. gave probaly 5 of the greatest matches in my career, and look at what I did to him. I jumped him, I wacked him with cains took his eye out with my mystical mist and he kept coming back.

Then something happened a couple of shows his brother-in-law died in the ring with me and even though I knew it wasn't my fault it got me to thinking then I win the hardcore title and he challenges me to my match that I excel and is my kind of match and he beat the living shit out of me as I did to him. earlier in the night the band of idiots from I.S.P.W attcked his mother and that is what I think broke the camels back and made me think with Samu not always being there Afa Jr. And his mom might need some to help them thats where I come because I have one of most devious minds in W.X.W and I will stand by Afa Jr and his family.

Well that's it for now if u have any questions u would like answered feel to ask and I will respond to everyone

Thank You Lucifer Grim


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