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Movie Reviews
Thursday, 4 June 2009

For those that don’t know “Land of the Lost” is based on an old Tv series from back in 1974. It was originally created by Sid and Marty Krofft, who were the most popular children’s show producers from the 70’s and 80’s. They created other shows like the “Brady Bunch hour”, “Donnie & Marie”, “H.R Pufnstuf” and “Sidmund and the Sea Monsters”.


The 1974 show only did 46 episodes before being cancelled but it did become a big cult favorite, enough which in 1991 it was rebooted as a TV series again. That one only lasted 26 episodes though, maybe because it was a bit different from the original series, but it was still targeted towards children.


Now the newest version of “Land of the Lost” which is hitting the big screen is more of a comedy parody of the original show. This was similar of how the movie “Starky and Hutch” was a comedy parody of the original show. In 2005 Universal wanted to begin production by first by hiring director Adam McKay (Anchorman), but then it was offered to Robert Rodriguez (Spy Kids), but he passed on it. Finally in 2007 they got Brad Silbering who had done “Casper”, “City of Angels”, and “Lemony Snickets”


The plot for this one has, Dr. Rick Marshall (Ferrell) being sucked into a space-time vortex alongside his research assistant (Friel) and a redneck survivalist (McBride). In this alternate universe, the trio make friends with a primate named Chaka (Taccone), their only ally in a world full of dinosaurs and other fantastic creatures. Makes you wonder if  they all make it back to our world alive


The names almost stayed the same. In the original the main characters names where Rick Marshall, Will Marshall, and Holly Marshall. In the movie adaptation the Characters are Dr Rick Marshall (Will Ferrell), Will Stanton (Danny McBride) and Holly Cantrell (Anna Friel.) All them are not related at all in this film.


I felt that the character Will Ferrell brought to this film was basically the same character he brought for “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy”. It kind of makes you wonder if he is still funny anymore and if all his characters are going to be the same one.


I really didn't like this one like it that much. I was kind of disappointed by it. I was a fan of the original series and the rebooted one. That’s why I really wanted to give this one a chance. What I’m saying is that they shouldn’t really try to make old TV shows in to comedy parodies. Some will work and some won’t.


Overall I give this movie 2 of 5. I believe that they tried a bit too hard to make it funny.


A fun trivia about Will Ferrell and this film, back in 2001’s “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” he played a character name Federal Wildlife Marshal Willenholly, whose name was a reference and homage to the characters in the original Land Of The Lost TV series (Marshall, Will, and Holly.)


Posted by wagner at 10:41 AM PDT
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Thursday, 28 May 2009


I got a chance to watch UP earlier this week. Which is Pixars 10th film, the first being Toy Story which coincidently  has a teaser trailer the newest in the much loved series, Toy Story 3 attached before the movie starts. Up is actually the first film presented in Disney’s Digital 3-D. The whole movie was computer generated giving it that extra crispiness (you can actually see the thread on some of the characters clothing.)


Just like other Pixar movie you are treated to an animated short film. This one is titled Partly Cloudy. Just like other ones it was pretty funny, but at the same time kind of sad, but I did enjoy it.


Up originally premiere by opening the 2009 Cannes Film Festival which made it the first ever animated film to do so.


Up tells you the story of Carl Fredricksen a retired 78-year-old balloon seller. When Carl was a child, he met and eventually married a girl named Ellie who grew up in a small midwestern town. Ellie always dreamed of visiting South America, but they grew old together, and she died before she got a chance. Now, when developers threaten to move him into an assisted living home, Carl decides to fulfill his promise to Ellie. To accomplish this, he uses 10,000 balloons to make the house fly—but unwittingly takes a chubby eight-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell with him. The two opposites match up for thrilling adventures as they encounter wild terrain, unexpected foes, and all the terrifying creatures that wait in the Venezuelan jungle.


 It’s really a “coming of age" tale and an "unfinished love story", with Carl still dealing with the loss of his wife


Writing for this movie started back in 2004 by Thomas McCarthy, Ronnie Del Carmen, Pete Doctes and Bob Peterson. They created Carl’s character to closely resemble Spencer Tracy and Walter Matthau. The script was done by 2005, which is when the research began to make the scenes more realistic. Since the last part of the movie is based in Venezuela, they actually went down there to make sure what they put on film will look more like the real thing.


The cast of UP are Edward Asner (best known for the Mary Tyler Moore Show) as Carl, who I think did an amazing job. Jordan Nagai as Russell (he was the wilderness kid who stowed away on Carls flying house. Bob Peterson as Dug, the dog who talks with the help of collar that translates his thoughts into English (his scenes were really funny.) Christopher Plummer (Inside Man, Sound of Music) as Charles F Muntz, he was the adventurer that Carl admired as a child. This was directed by Pete Doctes who also had directed a previous Pixar film, Monsters Inc, and Bob Peterson who co-directed.


I really enjoyed this film, I don’t think it’s the best Pixar movie ever made but it is near the top. Since it is in 3D I think it makes it more enjoyable.


I give it 4 out of 5 stars. I really liked the story and how they presented it. This movie makes want to see the next Pixar movie which is going to be Toy Story 3 (releasing in June 18, 2010.)

Posted by wagner at 1:08 AM PDT
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Thursday, 21 May 2009
Terminator:Salvation aka Terminator 4

In the summer of remakes and sequels, here comes another one. Terminator:Salvation. Aka Terminator 4 joins the list. Terminator was originally created from the comic book series created by Marvels Comics.


The last time we saw a Terminator movie the year was 2003 and Arnold wasn’t known as the Governator yet. The First Terminator movie came out back in 1984 with Arnold as the Terminator. The next one came out in 1991 title as Terminator 2:Judgment Day (T2), once again Arnold showed up as the Terminator, where he got his famous quotes, I’ll Be Back and Hasta La Vista Baby. After that one came 2003’s Terminator 3 The Rise of the Machines (once again we got Arnold coming back,) Which you thought was going to be the last one. Then they decide to create a series called The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which is somewhat different from the movies. But wait its still not over.


After long legal battles with the rights to the franchise, McG was finally given the task to direct the newest installment. Here is the plot summary that Warner Brothers Released on May 1, 2009.


The year is 2018. Judgment Day has come and gone, leveling modern civilization. An army of Terminators roams the post-apocalyptic landscape, killing or collecting humans where they hide in the desolate cities and deserts. But small groups of survivors have organized into a Resistance, hiding in underground bunkers and striking when they can against an enemy force that vastly outnumbers them. Controlling the Terminators is the artificial intelligence network Skynet, which became self-aware 14 years earlier and, in the blink of an eye, turned on its creators, unleashing nuclear annihilation on an unsuspecting world. Only one man saw Judgment Day coming. One man, whose destiny has always been intertwined with the fate of human existence: John Connor (Christian Bale). Now the world is on the brink of the future that Connor has been warned about all his life. But something totally new has shaken his belief that humanity stands a chance of winning this war: the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger from the past whose last memory is of being on death row before awakening in this strange, new world. Connor must decide whether Marcus can be trusted. But as Skynet adapts new strategies to end the Resistance forever, Connor and Marcus must find common ground to take a stand against the onslaught—to infiltrate Skynet and meet the enemy head-on.


Just like the previous ones, the story continues from Terminator 3. If you’re wondering this is not a reboot version. If this is your first time watching it, I recommend watching the previous 3 before even watching this one. But if you want to you can still watch it, the characters are somewhat explained to you.


I for one am a fan of the franchise. So going in to watch this one I already had high expectations. I actually did like it. I was fond of Christian Bale as John Conner. Contrary to what you might recently heard about the way he is on set. He’s portrayal was first-class.

The film used Technicolor’s Oz process during post-production. This is a partial silver retention on the interpositive, similar to bleach bypass (black and white image over a color image). Giving it that post nuclear war look.


Some things here and there could’ve been changed but all in all it blended in pretty good. Just like the Previous ones this one was had Stan Winstons amazing Special Effect (recently passed away this past year), who had originally created the way the terminators looked back in the original.


I gave this one 3 ½ of  5 because I think that more could’ve have been done. Hopefully for the next one they try and take it to the next level.


Posted by wagner at 2:21 PM PDT
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Thursday, 14 May 2009

I finally was able to watch Angels and Demons, which is part 2 of the original “The Da Vinci Code”. In this one the Vatican brings back Robert Landon (played by Tom Hanks) to help them stop the Illuminati, a secret society who’s sole mission is to destroy The Vatican City. Robert Landon with the help of a scientist must now sort thru all the ancient clues to stop the biggest catastrophe from happening.


With a plot like that, just makes you want to watch it. Most people usually watch the original so they can be caught up with the next one. You don’t have to worry about it with this one. Angels and Demons is pretty much a brand new movie in itself. Just like the original they go thru a series of clues and I for one like it when they tell you about the ancient world which I thought was really good. Even though if a lot of the things they tell you are actually fictional.


The movie is based on the novel by the same author who wrote The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown. It was published back in 2000 which was 3 years prior to The Da Vinci Code being publish. This kind of makes you wonder if it’s a sequel or not. In this new one the book shows you the conflict between the church and science, which they also showed in the movie.


This was directed by Ron Howard who also directed the original. Screenwriter Akiva Goldsman also returned to pen this movie adaptation. Originally slated to be release in December, but because of the writer’s strike it was pushed back to May 15th. Others in the film are Evan McGregor who plays the Camerlengo Patrick McKenna, and Ayelet Zurer as Victoria Vetra a CERN scientist.


I for one liked The Da Vinci Code more over Angels and Demons, even though they were almost similar to each other. I was not all impressed with this one. It could’ve been a whole lot better. Just like the original it all takes place during a same day timeline, but doing that made it seem like a really long movie, which it was. The run time on this movie is almost 2 ½ hours long. If it wasn’t for some load noises here and there I think that I would have honestly fallen asleep. If you liked the original don’t expect this one to really keep you that much entertained. The ending is something that you don’t see coming, so that’s pretty much the only thing to look forward to. Besides the beginning of the credits.


I give it 3 of 5


Posted by wagner at 1:24 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Star Trek


I was able to catch an advance screening of Star Trek this past week. Mind you I’m not much of a Star Trek fan, so going in I didn’t have much expectations already. It was originally schedule to be release this past December, but Paramount believed it could reach a wider audience in the summer time. This newest installment in the Star Trek franchise is almost a reboot version. It is not the same Star Trek that your parents might remember.

Following the financial failure of Star Trek Nemesis (2002), this was the last Star Trek to make it to the big screen. You wouldn’t think that they would make another Star Trek anytime soon. In 2005 Paramount decided to get new blood in the mix. They brought in the writers from Mission Impossible 3 Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtman to write the new one. They also went out and got a director by the name of J.J Abrams (directed and produced Lost, Alias, Fringe, and Cloverfield), who was able to bring  a new look to this cult classic.

This 11th installment brings back all the original characters of the show, but with new actors. The Story tells you the about  the early days of James T. Kirk, played by Chris Pine (Just My Luck, Smoking Aces, and Bottle Shock), Spock played by Zachary Quinto (Heroes, 24), and the rest of the USS Enterprise’s crew. This one went in a different direction compare to the original versions from the Star Trek universe.

Right from the beginning there was already action going on. It didn’t stop there; it continued thought out the whole movie. A course they had to throw in some emotional and sexual scenes here and there but it was all perfectly placed. From what I’m told this had more comedic moments than other Star Trek films.

Chris Pine as James Kirk was a good casting call (even though he had to do 2 auditions to get the part.) He brought the character to life almost like a young William Shatner. Even thought people will always argue that William Shatner will always be the best James Kirk. Chris Pine will at least be able to put his name out in the mix. Chris Pine to better help himself with the role of James Kirk asked William Shatner for his approval, which he got, but when he wanted him to help him out to better prepared for the role he denied.

Zachary Quinto on the other hand had some help, from the original Spock, Leonard Nimoy. Who also plays the older Spock in this new movie.  I guess since William Shatner didn’t like the role that was offered to him that got him mad.  Zachary’s Spock was pretty much spot on to Leonard’s Spock. The way he stood, talked and did his gestures.

Others in the film were Karl Urban as Dr Leonard “Bone” McCoy, Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura, Simon Pegg as Montgomery “Scotty” Scott, John Cho as Hikaru Sulu, Anton Yelchin as Pavel Chevko and the villain was Eric Bana as Nero.

Like I said earlier I’m not of a Star Trek Fan but after watching this movie I can’t wait for the next ones to come out. I think this movie just helped bring back the franchise from the brink of death. It is going to be the most see movie of the summer.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Posted by wagner at 2:42 PM PDT
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Thursday, 30 April 2009

Got the chance last night to go and screen the latest movie in the X-Men Franchise Wolverine at the Graumanns Chinese Theater. But I wasn’t the only one because I believe half of Hollywood was there. They filled up the Chinese Theater that usually accommodates about 1000 people to capacity and added another showing in their upstairs theater. In the second screening people had to wait for the print to be built up. That’s what they get for showing up late. I at least got the good one. Security was really tight. Nobody with a cell phone camera was allowed to bring it in. It all had to be checked in. I guess after that whole leaked incident, they don’t want it to happen again.


Once the screening was under way I knew I was in for something good. The way it started I was pretty impressed. Gave you a lot of background detail. I guess to better help you understand the story. They introduce you to James and his brother Victor. Who as children find out that they are mutants. They would eventually grow up to be Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Sabertooth (Lie Schreiber). In the comics you would get one story, but when comics are made into movies their stories always change. This one was no exception. In this new adaptation Wolverine must find Sabertooth for the soul reason of killing him because he killed his girlfriend. While trying to find him, the leader of their old group offers to help but with the promise that he must volunteer for a risky new experiment to create Weapon X. He a course agrees, thus making him pretty much indestructible, because that’s when he is introduced to adamantium the strongest metal. I like the fact that they introduced some X-Men universe Characters like Deadpool and Gambit. Fans of the comics and the previous X-Men’s will really like this.


Some people have probably seen the leaked version on the web, I for one boycotted that. Because I wanted to see the finished one, I don’t really know if there were significant changes between the two but people should really go and see the big screen version. Last count that I got was that over 1 million people had seen the leak version


This was directed by Gavin Hood who recently directed Rendtion and Tsotsi. Looks like lately studios are going in new directions by going after new up and coming directors instead of using known directors like they did with X-Men 3 (Brett Ratner) who in my opinion almost killed the X-Men Franchise. Other is this film were, Danny Huston (William Stryker), Will I AM (John Wraith), Kevin Durand (The Blob), Taylor Kitsch (Gambit), and Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool).


If you have time this weekend, even if you’re not a fan. This movie will probably make you a fan. Just go and check it out and judge for yourself. You will enjoy it.

Posted by wagner at 12:48 PM PDT
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Sunday, 26 April 2009

Earth was co-directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield. Both have done countless documentaries. Most recently both directors worked on the Discovery Channel series “Planet Earth.” Disney’s “Earth” was the 1 hr 30 min version of “Planet Earth.” If you ever saw “Planet Earth” back in 2007, you’ll recognize a lot of scenes. Originally this film was released internationally back in 2007, but is being released on April 22, in the U.S which is also Earth Day.  

The movie takes you thru all the four seasons in order to show what happens during those seasons, and how different types of animals adapt to the changes. It also follows three groups of animals: polar bears, whales and elephants. The movie documents the trials and tribulations of these animals in order to survive.   

Every time they do an “Earth” series they seem to change the person who narrates it. The “Planet Earth” series was narrated by Sigourney Weaver. “Earth” 2006 was narrated by Patrick Stewart. The most recent “Earth” 2009 was narrated by James Earl Jones. Listen to all three and compare them.  

Although a lot of the scenes were replayed, “Earth” is still an enjoyable movie. The most memorable scene was the great white shark who had completely leaped out of the water during a chase scene with a seal—there’s the hunter and the hunted.  

I really recommend this to anyone. It really helps you realize the many types of life forms that we have on this home we call earth. 

Posted by wagner at 12:44 PM PDT
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Thursday, 16 April 2009
17 Again

The story is about a father (Matthew Perry) who after years of regretting how his life turned out after a decision he made when he was 17,meets a janitor who gives him the chance to relive his old glory days. Once he becomes his 17 year old self again (portrayed by Zac Efron), he must find out why he was given this chance before its too late and he loses his family.


 I think this is pretty similar to other hit films like, “13 Going 30, and “Big”. You kind of see the outcome right from the start, but you still sit there and wait for the end to come. It seems like every few years Hollywood is going in that direction. Using movies where people have a chance to see themselves and make a few changes. Other than the few similarities, it was a very entertaining movie. I did enjoy it. Zac Efron did do a good job. I can see why he doesn’t want to do anymore musical type movies and stick with drama/comedy types. He most recently dropped out of filming Fame. Others in the film were Leslie Mann (Knocked Up), Michelle Trachtenberg (Buffy series), Thomas Lennon (Reno 911!), and Sterling Knight (Sonny with a Chance). Directed by Burr Steers, who has done mostly television shows and done some acting. It is one of those films that you would need to see with an audience. So if you have some time this weekend go and check this one out. I think your going to enjoy it.

Posted by wagner at 5:30 PM PDT
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Monday, 13 April 2009

Hannah Montana the movie. If your a fan of the show you'll love the movie. It has all the same elements of the show. If you haven't seen the show you will now. Same cast, just a little change of scenery.

You got Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) going back to her home town in Tennessee with her dad Ray Stewart (Billy Ray Cyrus). Where she is just trying to be herself and not Hannah Montana. All goes to plan til some trouble starts a brewing.

I actually did like the story. Its very kid friendly. Miley for being only 16 years old, does have a bright future in acting. I'm not saying that its oscar worthy but she does put in all she can.

This movie was directed by Peter Clelsom. Same guy who directed "Shall We Dance (Jennifer Lopez), Serendipity (John Cusack, Kate Benkinsale), and Town and Country (Warren Beatty). I would say nice resume there.

I'm guessing with the 34 million it made this weekend which is the highest grossing Easter holiday opener. All the Hannah/Miley fans came out in full force.

Posted by wagner at 4:44 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Jody Hill the guy who brought you "The Fist Foot Way" now brings you "OBSERVE AND REPORT"

Starring Seth Rogan, Ray Liotta, and Anna Farris.

When a flasher decides to terrorize a local mall, the head of securiy Ronnie Barnhardt (Seth Rogen) is called in to find the criminal. But when a local cop (Ray Liotta) is called in solve the crime. That doesn't go well with Ronnie and his fellow mall cops.Thats when the fun begins.

I was able to go the premier last night. Wow what a night. This is a movie you have to see with a crowd.

 The whole begining was freaking hilarious. It had non-stop laughs. Seth Rogen's character who BTW is also Bi-Polar makes it even more funny, also with the help from the supporting cast. Non stop laughs. Way better than that Paul Blart Mall Cop.

If you have time this weekend you should definately go out and see it. Just so you know it is rated R. So you know what that means. Yes I know you know what I'm thinking. There is nudity.. But not the kind that I like. For those that saw Watchmen and remember Dr Manhattans Blue Penis, well that was nothing compare to what they are going to show you in Observe and Report.

Hope this motivates you to go and check it out




Posted by wagner at 2:34 PM PDT
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Friday, 3 April 2009

Last night I was able to watch the newest film Fast and Furious aka part 4. Even though it takes place before Tokyo Drift.

This installement was directed by Justin Lin who also directed Tokyo
Drift. They also brought back Vin Diesil, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, and Jordana Brewster.

Its pretty much the same as all the other Fast and Furious movies. But this one fits in between 2 Fast 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift. Its the 4th movie but its really more like part 3. Once you watch it you'll get what I mean. I don't want to give out too much about without spoiling it for you.

This ones story is basically, Dominic (Vin Diesil) going after the same heroin dealer as FBI agent Brian O'Conner(Paul Walker). They must find a way to work together so they can bring down the organization, that did them both wrong. Throw in a couple of modified car and some awesome muscle cars and BAM! you got yourself a movie.

This one wasn't that bad, but I still think that the 1st one (The Fast and The Furious) is still the best one.

This weekend go out and check it out. Its worth it. Plus you'll probably see a car show outside the theatre you go to. Just like how I'm looking out my theatre right now. All we need is some models and some music.....


I'm Wagner

and I'm out!


Don't forget to leave me comments. Helps boost my ego. lol


Check out my other blog where I just talk about all things beyond wagner.

Posted by wagner at 5:05 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 1 April 2009

On March 22, I was able to go to the world premiere of Monster vs Aliens.

This movie was directed by Rob Letterman (Shark Tale) and Conrad Vernon (Sherk 2).

The cast includes  Reese Witherspoon (Susan Murphy), Seth Rogen (B.O.B), Hugh Laurie (Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.), Will Arnett (The Missing Link), Kiefer Sutherland (General W.R. Monger), Rainn Wilson(Gallaxhar ), Stephen Colbert (President Hathaway), and Paul Rudd (Derek Dietl ).

When a planet explodes and a meteorite enters the Earth's atmosphere, Susan Murphy (Reese Witherspoon) comes in contact with it and soon she grows into a giant. Naturally, she is caught by the government and detained in a top-secret building with other monsters: a scientist who experienced a botched experiment to give people the live-span of cockroaches (Hugh Laurie), a gelatinous blob with no brain (Seth Rogen), a playboy fish-ape hybrid (Will Arnett) and finally, the chemically-altered Insectosaurus. When an alien leader Galaxaar (Rainn Wilson) attacks the planet, the President (Stephen Colbert) calls upon this group of monsters to help save the day. 

I actually enjoyed this movie. It made me laugh. I know its a kids movie but it did have a lot of adult comedy. With the All-star cast it had. It better make me laugh.

 If you have a chance go and watch it. Especially in 3D. BTW its cost and extra 3 dollars for the 3D effect. 

Posted by wagner at 11:54 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 April 2009 12:23 AM PDT
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Written and directed by Greg Mottola, the same guy who did SUPERBAD.

Right off the bat your like yea should be a good movie right.

They even casted Kristen Stewart (Twilight Fame), Bill Hader (Superbad) and Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder).

With that Cast, it should make it even better right?

Wrong, I don't think that I even Laughed. Kinda of a downer movie for me. Could have been a whole lot better.

The story is about a guy who just graduated college in 1987 and is going to go to Europe with his buddies. When his parents tell him that they don't have any money to help him on his trip or his future at grad school. He has no choice but to look for work. Only place that would hire him is.... Adventureland. That's where he meets Kristen Stewarts character (Emily). This place helps him grow as a person, making new friends and romances.

 If your really high or something go ahead and check this movie out. Otherwise your going to be a bit dissapointed.


Up next is Fast and Furious. A.K.A part 4.



Posted by wagner at 2:34 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Directed by Zack Snyder. The same guy that brought you "300" which was another Graphic Novel Adaptation.

This compared to how 300 was made, this was a bit different. 300 was short and sweet. While Watchmen was a bit more longer and complexed. Watchmen wasn't all that I was expecting. Yea it was good that they made it into a movie but, it could've been speed up a bit more. There were parts where it did drag for a bit. But when there was action, there was action. It pretty much followed the original story. Some parts were changed. If you read the novel one major change with will be the ending. But I'm not telling you..

They could've at least put some pants on for Dr Manhattan (he is the guy that is all blue). Unwanted nudity

The one performance that I really enjoyed was Jackie Earle Haley as Walter Kovacs / Rorschach. He really brought the character to life.

If you have about 3 hours to spend you should go and check it out. I've seen it twice already. But thats just me. Otherwise read the Graphic Novel.

Posted by wagner at 2:39 PM PST
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Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Notorious tells you the life's and times of Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace. From a street crack dealer to one of the coast's most influential rap artist.

Its stars new comer Jamal Woolard as Biggie, Derek Luke as Sean Combs and Angela Bassett as Voleta Wallace.

The movie to me was bit bias towards biggie and bad boys records. Really made him seem like he was the victim in life. Especially after the incident that involved Tupac Shakur getting shot.

Overall the movie was OK, the Jamal's portrait of Biggie was good and convincing.

If you haven't seen this movie, go and check it out.

Posted by wagner at 11:04 PM PST
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Monday, 14 April 2008

A group of friends whose leisurely Mexican holiday takes a turn for the worse when they, along with a fellow tourist embark on a remote archaeological dig in the jungle, where something evil lives among the ruins.

 If you jump real easily you'll jump during this movie. otherwise.. wow 2 hrs i will never get back.

if you have the chance just read the book.

Posted by wagner at 12:44 AM PDT
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After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker develop superhuman abilities like incredible strength and armored skin. Rick decides to use his new powers for good and becomes a costumed crime fighter known as "The Dragonfly." However, standing in the way of his destiny is the villainous Lou Landers. After an experiment gone wrong, Lou develops the power to steal a person's life force and in a dastardly quest for immortality becomes the supervillain, "The Hourglass." With unimaginable strength, unbelievable speed and deeply uncomfortable tights, will the Dragonfly be able to stop the sands of The Hourglass and save the world?


what else can i say its just a spoof movie about every superhero movie.

just like the other spoof movies some laughs but not a lot.

wait for DVD. thats all i gotz to say

Posted by wagner at 12:41 AM PDT
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Starring Owen Wilson

After being harrased by a school bully, two teenagers hire a former soldier of fortune (Wilson) as a bodyguard, only to find out that he has his own agenda.

Not a bad comedy shoot i was LOL.

check it out if its still in theaters.

Posted by wagner at 12:37 AM PDT
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Starring Joshua Jackson that kid from Dawsons Creek.

A newlywed couple Ben and Jane move to Japan for a promising job opportunity - a fashion shoot in Tokyo. During their trip on a dark forest road they experience a tragic car accident, leading to the death of a young local girl. Upon regaining consciousness, they find no trace of her body. A bit distraught the couple arrives in Tokyo to begin their new life. Meanwhile Ben begins noticing strange white blurs in many of his fashion shoot photographs. Jane believes that the blurs are actually spirit photography of the dead girl who they hit on the road, and that she may be seeking vengeance.

Not the greatest scary movie ever but it was ok.. its one of those movies you gotta see at the privacy of your own home

Posted by wagner at 12:35 AM PDT
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Friday, 14 March 2008
10,000 BC
Before you watch this go an rent 1 million BC. which is the original. Because this new version, could have been a little better. I sat thru 2hrs waiting to see the tiger fight.. that never came. Just really wait for DVD on this one..

Posted by wagner at 12:01 AM PDT
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