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Friday, 20 February 2004
me and lisette are gunna name our cat Penis.
Wow, Penis your whiskers are getting so long!
What pretty eyes you have, Penis.
Stop eating the turkey, Penis!
Ow Penis, your claws are sharp.
When i pet my penis it purrs.
Penis, Get out of that tree!
My Penis is so hairy.
I have a big black Penis!
My Penis has fleas, I think its been outside too long.
Penis stop peeing in my shoe!
Penis gets really excited when you cum over.
Sorry, Penis threw up in your bed.
My penis coughed up a hairball.
My penis is stinky, it needs a bath!
Oh no! My penis ran away!
Officer I cant seem to find my penis, can u help me?
Aww...Can i pet your penis?
My penis has a spot on its eye.
Wow penis, you have such pretty green eyes.
My penis killed a bird.
I just bought my penis a litterbox.
... And a scratching post too!
My penis sleeps on my pillow.
I bought my penis some dry food.
Wow, you ate alot of food, penis.
Penis is getting fat.
Penis is getting old and doesnt play like it used to.
I remember when penis was a baby.. he was so cute!
Penis tore up the couch.
Penis, stop licking me.
Ew penis, stop jizzing in my eye.

Posted by wizard2/brittyola at 1:11 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 20 February 2004 1:17 PM EST
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I wanted to give all my friend's new nick names.
..if i left you out ill add you so let me know. If you dont like youre new name u can choose an extra name from the bottom of the list and tell me to change it..

adam e. = fluffy
adam b.= sancho
alex s. = mr smith
alex= camshaft
andrew= boat oar
craig= bandersnatch
dev= reeve reamer: the decongestant
erika= chainsaw
evan= MP storm
james= professor sunshine
jesse= triple R
jon= pinky
joanna= shampoo
julie= the magnificant electrician
keith= lloyd mann
kirstie= penelope
kristian= clutch cargo
lisette= le cour don bleu
luis= the mighty tick
matt= the polack
megan= short stack
sasha= taranchula
tyler= fro dro

extra names:
captain eyebrow
latex forman
boss tweed
the glove
chin face
CC storm (standing for carpet consuming)
spent shell
50 cal
dietary fiber man
the labianator

Posted by wizard2/brittyola at 1:18 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 20 February 2004 2:05 AM EST
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