Conor Murphy

Copyright © 2005 by Conor Murphy. All rights reserved.


The sea was calm, your heart would have responded
Gaily, when invited, beating obedient
To controlling hands

We gather 'round the fire now,
Interred within the shadows.
Latching on to the withered sow --
          The shadows like headstone rows.
. . . In utterance of a general moan . . .
          Not knowing that the rhetoric flows
Against the current of our mouths,
Across our inward pointed toes.
          Closet collectivism our sacred cow.


I stare into the flames that lie
Just beyond the tree line there,
Cutting loose from a whispered sigh;
          Seeing through the smoke filled air
Each shadow like a purple headstone,
          Not hoping to penetrate the blank stare
Of that oh-so-unique socialite,
          Who's so elegant
          So intelligent,
Dancing the dance of death with flair.
          I'll dance it alone -- an individualite.


Yet, yet, thou hast an amiable soul,
If sin by custom grow not into nature.

Well I, I sold my soul to God,
Though solely did I brink, bitch, and buy back --
As a prisoner, his privilege to retract,
Will flail, flog, and fink -- a silly, flawed

Instrument of -- now do not think it odd --
Monument to commemorate the lack
Of clown, hangman, and judge, all three in black.

Excuse the first, he only in motley.
Second -- Do you hear him? -- He said: "A scarf."
"A scarf?" quotes the third, "For whom to strangle?"


Insipid inner-city lights can carve
A balcony from which -- Look! -- the angel
Places a triumvirate in his absence,
Plowing an abysmal reticence.

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Pithy Fiction

Pithy Fiction

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B. F. Price / Animals Were Harmed

Jefferson P. Swycaffer / The Gift that Keeps On Giving

Harold Jaffe / Cho

Jefferson Swycaffer / Leviathan of the Blades

Devin Walsh / Felix Culpa

Tony Zurlo / What Did You Do During the War, Daddy-O?

Stephen W. Potts / One Thousand and One Nights

Juventino Manzano / Epiphany in Hell

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Juventino Manzano / Requited Ecstasy

Stephen W. Potts / Loose Ends

Kirsten Noelle Hubbard / An Elegy for the Uninvited

Conor Murphy / Think Nothing of It

Jefferson P. Swycaffer / The Lifeboat Game

Chris Tannhauser / Backflash

H. G. Wells / A Dream of Armageddon

Chris Tannhauser / See-Through

Stephen W. Potts / Apocalypso

Mark Twain / Letter to the Earth

Morgan Lockhart / Coyote and the Faceless Cowboy

Brad Lyke / Murder Takes Your Wings

Stephen W. Potts / The Lord's Work

Conor Murphy / Two Poems: After the Smoke Sermon and Inundation of a Rat

Stephen W. Potts / A Sad Story

Jessica Hayes / Above the Ed Sullivan

Chris Tannhauser / Zoroaster's Conundrum

Jessica Wineteer / Fashion Statement

Stephen W. Potts / The Commuter

B. F. Price / Levels of Comfort

Stephen W. Potts / United We Stand

Jefferson P. Swycaffer / The God Monologues

Alan Wade / Wonder Woman, Hungry

Chris Tannhauser / Sadhus in Trouble

Stephen W. Potts / In Your Dreams

Chris Tannhauser's novel Tears of the Wounded Sky:

Chapter 9: A Patient Darkness
Chapter 8: Backflash
Chapter 7: Scars and Angel Wings
Chapter 6: PR1Σ$+
Chapter 5: Fierce Orbits
Chapter 4: Dead Playboys
Chapter 3: Tabula Rasa
Chapter 2: Blood Sneeze
Chapter 1: Screams Like Meat
Prologue: God's Dogs