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Rant 3: Sora

SORA IS EVIL, DEMENTED, AND TWISTED!!!!! I could stop this rant here, but I won't. You see, that is my basic opinion of her. Sora just rubs me the wrong way. I could try to like her but that won't happen. Psychotic people like me need to have someone to hate. It's our whole existence. Sora just happens to be the type of person I would hate in real life. She is nice and perfect and all around likable. I hated her from the start. That and she is constantly the big sister. Always looking out for the people around her. Like people can't handle their own lives. '02 didn't help my opinion of her at all. Good God! The girl plays TENNIS. I mean, it's tennis. I hate soccer too, and she used to play that. Getting onto what she used to be again. Let me point out a few things. She is a tomboy. Can I point out stupid that is. YOU ARE A GIRL!!!! That plus the whole blue helmet thing. Yolie's helmet is cool, 'cause it's orange. But we're talking freakin' sky blue!!! I also don't like her hair. And that is weird because I normally love the hair in Digimon. It doesn't help that she is moving in on my guys!! I couldn't believe it! It's bad enough that she butts in on other peoples lives, but then she goes after my beloved Tai and Matt! I don't know so much about Izzy, but if she's going after him too, so help me? So, all I can say is, "LET THE IRRITATING GIRL BURN!!!!"

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