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(Prisoners of Sayuri)

No, it's not a misspelling of POW or PMS. it's POS, Prisoners of Sayuri. so what is this exactly?? well, it's what it sounds like. every once in a while i will send out Taroomon to kidnap someone. it may be a character from a tv show or a someone from another site. them we slap on the honorary POS out fit (black and white stripes with POS written in bright pink letters on the back)For a short time they become members of the site. they get their own temporay portion of the site and their own stop on the front page of the site. it's not much use, you say. Well, it is to me!!! i get to spend time with those i value most :)

Bring out the Prisoners!!
So who do we have among us today?? Check it out!

The very cool red-headed member of Wiess Kruez

The Big Haired Leader of the Digidestined

Only the Cutest Pokemon in Existance

I'm afraid that's all for now. You have someone that you think i should kidnap??? why don't you tell me about it?

Ninetales- ninetales!!

Taroomon- that is going to get annoying...

Tai- *notices what he's wearing* Ahhhh!!! what have you done to me?!?!?!

Sayuri- not that you looked much better before

Aya- where am i? *draws sword*

Taroomon- Saya, why didn't you take away his sword?

Sayuri- I didn't thik he could do anything with it.

Taroomon- it's a sword!! hat did you think it was there for?

Tai- decoration maybe??

Taroomon- butt out!

Tai- fine i'll just go home then...

Sayuri and Taroomon- WHA!! NO!!

Sayuri- sorry bud, but you can't leave yet...

Aya- hello?!?! assasin with a sword here!!

Sayuri- oh hold on a sec, one crisis at a time!! *ties Tai to a chair* there, now for you... *turns to aya* put down your sword man. it's not like you could get out of here anyway. there's only one entrance and it's blocked right now.

Aya- i'm trapped here?!

Taroomon- Why do you think we're here?

Sayuri- if we could get out, we would. dont' worry, you'll get your on stuff around the site soon enough.

Tai- We get stuff!?!?!

Ninetales- Ninetales!!

Taroomon- we ahve got to get a muzzle for that thing...

Sayuri- for ninetales??

Taroomon- no, for Tai

Tai- @.@

Have i missed something, is there a busted link, or just want some friendly conversation?? E-mail me