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My Second Rant: Tai

I'm warning you. If you don't like Tai you might want to stop reading now because I can and probably will go mushy on you. In addition to being a huge digimaniac, I'm Tai's biggest fan. I don't know why but he is just oh so cool. Matt fans are probably looking at this in awe, but no I'm not insane. I don?t know why I like him. I think it might have been the hair... In '01 Tai was the leader. I am a leader myself, so this had a special attraction. But I wasn't too obsessed with him yet because he was a little over the top. In fact, all of the characters were over the top in '01. He fought with Matt, which didn't appeal to me at first. But let's face it. It's an exercise of guyness. They can't help it. But I have to admit (*blushes*) I ended up liking it in the end. I mean, two of the best characters on Digimon fighting it out? Just guess what my teenage opinion is. One thing that I really didn't like, though, was his Digimon. Augumon is possibly the ugliest creature I have ever seen. It was probably '02 that did it for me. He was taller and a lot less dramatic. His hair was exactly the same (awwww! *smiles dreamily*). He no longer fights with Matt (DARN!). Sadly, the people that create Digimon didn't think that Tai was good enough to be shown in Digimon '02 very often (grrrrrrrrr?). And so I watched as my favorite character was first replaced by a younger version of himself (OK so that wasn't sooooo bad, but still?) and then disappear all together with the premier Tamers. But I'm still a giant Tai fan. So here's to the best character on Digimon. May the original Goggle Boy live forever. Long live huge hair!

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