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About Digimon

How I Got Into Digimon

Rant 1: How I Got Into Digimon As you probably know, Pokemon and Digimon came out at the same time. With Pokemon being the more popular of the ideas at first, Digimon was ignored. Even with all of the Pokemon publicity I was possibly the last pokemaniac for the simple reason that I didn?t know what it was. How could I not know what Pokemon was? Well, that would be my parent's fault. They wouldn't let me watch TV on the weekdays. However like all good little children, I got up at the crack of dawn to watch Saturday morning cartoons. In case you didn?t do that, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. There is nothing good on TV at 5:00 am on Saturday morning. Especially if you are like me and don't have cable:( The only channel with any cartoons on was good old Fox. So, when I was up at ungodly hours on a Saturday, I watched Digimon. At first I hated it. How could this imitation of my beloved Pokemon be allowed on PUBLIC television. But eventually as I began to understand the plot and found that it was a lot more interesting than Pokemon. So I was the first Digimaniac in east Missouri. But I still liked Pokemon. I still watched Ash and Pikachu do the same thing over again every single episode. In the end I converted to Fox Kids when Pokemon continued to occupy most of the air time on Kid's WB. Now I proudly say:

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