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w00t! version 1.o


Pictures of My Life

Fourth of July, 2004 at my brothers house!
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!!!! Unless you take pics ;) I'm 21 now!
This is me with Liam my "adopted" little brother hehe.

This is me, becky, and a green pig in Winters.

This is me in my new formal its awesome possum.

This is Karen and me in a gondola at the Ventitian in VEGAS BABY!

This is me at Lestats, an awesome coffee shop in Normal Heights.

This is me at work with Will like a year ago

This is my hair, naturally curly and LONG, heehee.

Me and my buddy Karen playing dress up in our formals after Karen got her new pink one, aren't we gorgeous?

EEP! Me in line for HP5!!

Me with the girls I met in line after we got our copies of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. w00t for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!!!