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The T.R.I.B.E.
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The vision for Sunnyside Youth is to become "The T.R.I.B.E., the next generation of prayer warriors."

What does T.R.I.B.E. mean?






The purpose of Sunnyside Youth is to TEACH God's children to REACH the lost and serve the Body of Christ by INVESTING in other believers and BEFRIENDING those who don't know how to EXALT the Almighty God.

I think that when we talk about prayer warriors, the first idea that pops in our minds, is the gray-haired, little ole (notice I didn't say old) lady who prays because "she is not able to serve any other way." I've heard tons of people say that. I want to fight this stereotype. I desire to see our youth seeking God first about all matters.A couple of goals that I have for
The T.R.I.B.E. is to:

1. make sure that each youth is equipped to have a personal, daily-walking relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. make sure that they are confident and capable of defending their faith with gentleness and respect. This includes being willing and able to clearly share their testimony with love and compassion.

3. make sure that they are equipped to "go and make disciples." There are some very good (and inexpensive!) resources with which you can begin to have this powerful prayer life. One is "Returning to Holiness." The other is "How to Have a Powerful Prayer Life"

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