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Chapter Two

After dealing with the traffic trying to get to the venue on time Lynn and Breyana found themselves late for the concert. Breyana made mention to Lynn that she never paid that much for parking in her entire life. After the headache of finding a parking space and the walk to the venue, they finally reached their destination. They could hear Backstreet on stage singing Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely. Breyana mentioned to Lynn about that song being one of the only one's she liked by Backstreet.

As Breyana and Lynn struggled to get to their seats, they found themselves in a rather embarassing situation. A huge spotlight was on them and they were being addressed by none other than the Backstreet Boys themselves. Nick made the comment "Well look who finally decided to show up". Then AJ spoke up and said that it was unheard of to have empty seats in the front row so they gave them to someone else. Then he proceeded to look into Breyana's eyes and asked her if she had a problem with that. Breyana returned his stare with one of her own and politely told him she didn't have a problem with that. She softly said that the only problem remaining was where were they to sit?

After the whole seating problem was solved, the concert got back into gear. Lynn was having the time of her life and couldn't stop talking about the fact that they were noticed by none other than The Backstreet Boys. Breyana on the other hand found it rather embarassing. As the concert went on AJ seemed to favor the side of the stage that the girls were sitting on. Since it was the Millenium tour the stage was set up in the octagon shape. Brian or Nick had to continueosly push AJ back into place. When it came time for The Perfect Fan, AJ came right down into the audience and grabbed Breyana. Because of this, Howie had to bring two girls out on stage that were already chosen but AJ grabbed Breyana instead.

Breyana found herself feeling very self consious with thousands of eyes looking right at her. AJ's hand was strong and he held her's tight, almost as if he was trying to tell her something. The whole song he looked right into her eyes. Breyana couldn't help but to return the gaze. After the song AJ whispered into her ear that he thought she was beautiful. The next thing she knew, she was rushed off stage and put back to her seat. Lynn couldn't believe it. She was so jealous of Breyana. Breyana couldn't believe how her night was turning out.

For the rest of the concert, Breyana found herself in a daze. She couldn't stop looking at AJ and wondered why out of all the people in the venue he choose to focus on her. She thought there were girls much more beatiful than her there. The rest of the concert seemed to fly by. The last encore' was done and the boys were singing I Want It That Way. After that AJ was the first one to run off stage and out into the hallway. Breyana watched his every move. She noticed that he pulled a big security gaurd next to him and whispered something into his ear. Breyana watched as she saw the security gaurd come her way. He handed Breyana and Lynn some passes to gain access backstage. Lynn turned to Breyana and made a quick joke saying...."AND YOU WERE GOING TO WEAR BAGGY JEANS AND THAT HUGE SWEATSHIRT"..They both laughed.

The girls waited until the venue was fairly empty until they decided to go backstage. It seemed to take forever to get to their destination but they finally made it. Once backstage, they noticed a rather long line. Breyana tried to see what this line was for and realized it was the line to meet the guys. She thought this is craziness. After standing there for what seemed to be forever it was finally time to meet The Infamous Backstreet Boys. Breyana thought Lynn was going to have a heart attack. She was so excited. The boys all introduced themselves one by one. Then Breyana was introduced to AJ. Once again her hand was intertwined with his. This time she got chills running up her spine and her knees felt weak. She started thinking to herself, this has never happened to me before. What is going on with me?? In the midst of her thoughts, she heard AJ speak to her and introduce himself. He said..."Hi beautiful, my name is AJ". She then introduced herself by softly saying hi and then told him her name.

The Boys didn't have a lot of time to chat so the meeting was kept short. Before they said their goodbyes, AJ asked Breyana if it was okay for him to contact her. She didn't mind so she gave him her email address and her phone number.

The drive home from the venue seemed to take forever. Lynn kept going on and on about her night. Breyana was in her own world thinking about the evenings events. Lynn said something that brought Breyana back from her daydream state. Lynn asked Breyana how it felt to be liked by a Backstreet Boy?? Breyana immediatly denied what Lynn had said. She thought that was simply obsurd. They finally got home around 2:00 am. Breyana was too tired to say goodnight to her friend but managed to get out a quick thank you. As she entered her house, her phone was ringing. Who could possibly be calling at this hour she thought to herself. She really didn't feel like answering it, she just wanted to go to bed but her curious nature got the best of her. She answered it and on the other end heard a male's voice saying "may I speak with Breyana please?"


more than that - amanda latona