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Chapter Three

Breyana asked who was calling before she would tell the person on the other end if it was her. The male's voice on the other end said..."This is AJ, is Breyana there?" Breyana couldn't believe what was happening. She casually said.."Hi AJ, this is Breyana." AJ apologized to Breyana for calling so late but she said she didn't mind. AJ found himself wanting to know everything about her. He asked her everything he could think of. They talked about their families, friends, likes and dislikes, the topics were endless. By the time they finally got off the phone it was almost 9:00 am. Breyana was exhausted but couldn't stop thinking about the extensive phone conversation she just had with AJ. By the time she relaxed and fell asleep it was 11:00 am.

When Breyana awoke the clock read 7:30 pm. She was still exhausted from the night before. She found herself restless. She decided to make herself something to eat and then take a shower. As she got out of the shower she heard her doorbell ringing. Breyana was wondering who could that be? She didn't have any plans with Lynn and didn't remember scheduling anything else. As she slipped on some shorts and a tank top she made her way to the door. Before she opened it she asked "Who is it?" fumbling to make herself look presentable. The voice on the other side was familiar. It's AJ, did I catch you at a bad time? Breyana immediatly ripped the towel from her head and let her long wet hair hang down. "UUUMMM hold on one second AJ" she said as she scrambled for her brush. As luck would have it, she couldn't find her brush so she took a deep breath and answered the door.

"Are you okay?" AJ asked. Breyana replied, "yes, I'm fine, I just got out of the shower so you will have to excuse my appearance". AJ informed her that he though she looked beautiful wet hair and all!! She was flattered by his compliment. She immediatly felt herself get nervous. Her stomach was going in circles and wasn't sure what to say. AJ broke the ice by asking her how her day was. Breyana replied..."I don't know, it hasn't offically started yet". She then explained that she just woke up not too long ago. Breyana had a look of confusion on her face and AJ took notice of it. He then asked her what was wrong. Breyana couldn't help herself and asked..."what in the world are you doing here"? She went on to say "don't you have a show tonight"? AJ replied.."no, I don't have a show until tomorrow. The guys are on their way to the next state and I stayed behind to spend some time with you, I can always catch a flight tomorrow morning."

As the night went on, Breyana and AJ found themselves enjoying every minute they got to spend together. AJ was quite the flirt and had a compliment for everything that she did whether it would be smiling or just figiting with the remote control. This was all new to Breyana, she wasn't quite sure how to handle it. Breyana noticed that AJ had the most intense eyes she had ever seen. When he would look at her she couldn't help but to look back with the same intensity. When AJ wasn't looking she liked to watch him and study his features. Little did she know, AJ was doing the same.

As the night was coming to an end, AJ wanted to relay to Breyana exactly what he was feeling for her. As he was about to leave for his flight, he pulled her close and kissed her with such intensity Breyana felt as if she was going to fall to the ground. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. For some reason, she kept telling herself it was only a dream...but it wasn't. As AJ left, he told her he would call her when he arrived in the next city and maybe when he has another day off she can come and visit him.