Chapter Twenty-Two
Breyana waited up until 2 in the morning and AJ still hadn't come home. Her head was pounding from all the crying she had done. She finally gave up on waiting for AJ and decided to go to bed. Meanwhile, AJ and the rest of the guys were celebrating a sucessfull tour. AJ tried to have fun but found it rather impossible. He knew what he did to Breyana during the concert was harsh, but he felt he had every right to be upset with her. AJ couldn't help but think of their very first fight on the set of SMTMOBL and what it was about. "Breyana made me pay for 2 weeks, how can she expect me to forgive her in one day" AJ thought to himself. AJ was also upset at the fact that Breyana never mentioned having a prior relationship with that guy named Kyle. If he would have known this, he would have made sure she never went home. AJ knew in the back of his mind that Kyle was a threat to him and Breyana. "Earth to AJ" AJ heard Brian say. "What" AJ replied. "What's up. Why you sittin over here all by yourself?" Brian asked. "Just thinking about things." AJ replied. "Why don't you go home and talk with B." Brian suggested. "It's too late, I know she's sleeping." AJ replied. "Then wake her up, solve this thing between the two of you. You can lock yourselves up in the house now that the tour is done." Brian suggested to AJ. "Yeah, I guess we can huh?" AJ said glumly. "Listen AJ, I know she loves you, I talked to her this morning. She is truly sorry for what happened. Don't let this one go. She's good for you." Brian told AJ. "Well Brian, it seems that you don't quite know the whole story. For once it's not me that screwed up. I'm not the one that did anything wrong. I proved myself true to my relationship, it's Breyana that didn't." AJ told Brian the whole story, about Kyle, the kiss that almost happened, everything. "Well AJ let me remind you about the time you almost kissed a girl you didn't even know. Breyana forgave you for that." Brian said in a scolding tone. "I'm not here to make excuses for her. However, I do think you need to resolve this with her. Go home and fix this. I hate seeing you in misery." Brian pushed AJ out the door and sent him home.
When AJ got home he noticed the newspaper was laying in a mess on the kitchen floor. It was pretty late when he got in. There was a flicker of light coming from the living room of his rather large house. As he walked into the living room he noticed Breyana sleeping on the couch. He just stood there for awhile watching her. He thought she looked beautiful while she slept. She was so peaceful, he didn't want to disturb her. AJ decided to wait until morning to discuss things with her. As he turned off the television Breyana woke up. "Hey" She said. "Hey" AJ responded quietly. Breyana got off the couch to hug AJ but as she got close he backed away. "AJ, do you want me to leave" She asked "I don't know yet B, let's just figure it out in the morning okay?" AJ replied. "Where am I sleeping?" Breyana asked. "The last I knew, your bed is my bed" AJ replied. Breyana couldn't help but feel a little relieved by what AJ said. "Maybe this can be resolved." she thought to herself. As Breyana walked out of the bathroom she noticed that AJ was fast asleep. "So much for saying good night" she thought to herself as she climed into bed next to him.
When Breyana finally woke up she noticed AJ wasn't next to her. She looked at the clock and noticed it said 1:45 pm. She usually never slept that late but considering all the crap going on between her and AJ she was exhausted. As she made her way downstairs, she noticed AJ was in his office on the phone. She stopped in the doorway to let him know she was awake. AJ looked at Breyana and nodded to let her know that he saw her. He held up his hand indicating to give him 5 minutes. Breyana nodded in return and made her way to the kitchen. While Breyana was sitting at the kitchen table trying to wake up she noticed a notebad with AJ handwriting on it. She was leary about trying to read it but was curious. Just as she was about to pick up the paper AJ came down the stairs. "How did you sleep?" AJ asked. "Pretty good, I must have really needed it." Breyana replied. "When did you get up?" Breyana asked AJ. "I could only sleep to 11. It's hard to sleep next to someone you're mad at." AJ shot back. "So how long are you going to be mad at me?" Breyana inquired. "Well, here's the deal. I was ready and wanted to walk away from you for good yesterday but then Brian reminded me of your forgiving nature. It's only fair that I give you an opportunity to explain." AJ said to Breyana.
After Breyana explained the long and short of the other night and about Kyle, he was less angry. "B, I forgive you, but your going to need to build up the trust factor again like I once had to do with you. Just know this...You hurt me." AJ told her. "Yes" was all Breyana could say. "Don't do it again." AJ replied sternly. The rest of the day they gave each other their space to get over the trauma they had just layed to rest.