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Chapter Twenty-Three

"B, hurry up, we are going to miss our flight" AJ yelled up the stairs to Breyana. Today was the day they went to pack the rest of Breyana's things and move them down to Orlando. "I'll be right down." Breyana yelled back to AJ as she put the finishing touch on her make-up. As AJ waited for Breyana he thought about how he knew going back to her house was going to be difficult considering the whole Kyle mess that happened 2 months earlier. AJ had just recently started to trust her again. They had been happy those past two months. They went to Kevin's wedding and AJ caught the garder which Breyana was totally psyched about. Breyana hung it from the mirror in their bedroom as a reminder to AJ that someday she will be wearing one for him to take off and throw. "Are you done yet?" AJ yelled to Breyana not noticing she had already come down the stairs. "Excuse me" she said as she tapped him on the shoulder. "I'm ready to go." She said in all her perkiness. "Do you have everything?" AJ asked. "Yep, I sure do. Lynn said she would pick us up at the airport." Breyana replied. "Alright, let's get this show on the road." AJ said as he grabbed Breyana's hand to head out the door.

As Breyana and AJ got off the plane they noticed Lynn standing there waiting for them. "Hey you guys...over here" Lynn shouted. AJ was hoping to get out of the airport before anyone recognized him. Lynn's shouting definitly didn't help. They managed to slip through the airport with only a handful of people asking for autographs. AJ wanted to get to Breyana's house and get her stuff packed as soon as possible. Being there made him feel uncomfortable. AJ decided to sit in the backseat of Lynn's car so Breyana could catch up on all the recent events. "Oh, I didn't tell you." Lynn blurted out to Breyana. "Didn't tell me what?" Breyana questioned. "I'm dating someone." Lynn told Breyana and AJ. "Yeah, who" AJ finally spoke up. "I'm dating Kyle." Lynn said cheerfully. "WHAT" AJ said loudly. "Why would you want to date that creep." AJ questioned. At that moment he got a unsetteling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He new something wasn't right with Lynn dating Kyle. "Yeah, we've been dating for about a month now. He asks about you guys all the time." Lynn gushed. "Hey, Lynn, let's talk about this later okay?" Breyana said kindly to her friend. She knew AJ was getting aggitated with the mention of Kyle's name. She could see the anger resurfacing in his eyes. Finally they arrived at Breyana's house.

Breyana and AJ had 2 days to pack. Breyana decided not to sell her house. She wanted to keep it for when she came up to visit family and friends. The first night there, AJ was quiet. Breyana knew that being there made him uncomfortable. She offered to do it alone, but there was no way AJ would let her come here alone. AJ was sitting on the couch deep in thought as Breyana walked into the room. "Whatcha thinking about?" She asked him as she sat down on his lap. "Work. When we get back I have to get back in the studio." AJ replied. "I wish you were coming to the Bahama's with us." AJ told Breyana. "I wish I could come too but it was agreed the girls would stay home. Besides, I'll be busy helping Leighanne plan the wedding." Breyana tried to reassure AJ. "I know, it's just that I'll be gone for 2 weeks. I don't know if I can handle that." AJ retorted. "We've made it without seeing each other for 2 weeks before." Breyana replied. "You'll be fine." Breyana said with a smile on her face. "Let's get back to work, I want to get out of here." AJ said as the doorbell rang.

"Hey Lynn" AJ said as he opened the door. "Hey AJ, I want you to meet Kyle." "Who?" AJ questioned not sure if he heard Lynn right. "This is Kyle" Lynn repeated. Kyle stuck out his hand to shake AJ's but AJ wouldn't dare shake hands with this man that tried to come between him and Breyana. "Lynn, come here!" AJ said as he grabbed her by the arm and led her into the kitchen. "What in the heck is wrong with you. How could you bring him here?" AJ looked at Lynn totally dumbfounded. "Why can't I bring him here?" Lynn questioned. Just as AJ was about to reply he noticed Kyle make a beeline for Breyana at the end of the hallway. "Brey, it's been awhile" Kyle said as he approaced Breyana. Breyana immediately looked for AJ who was barreling down the hallway after Kyle. "Dude, you need to back away from her right now!" AJ demanded. "What's up with you." Kyle asked. Kyle couldn't let his intentions be known. He knew he had to play it cool around AJ. He didn't want anyone to realize that his goal was to get to Breyana. Kyle figured as long as he was dating Lynn, he would always be attached in some way. He knew that if things got bad enough between Breyana and AJ he could be the shoulder for her to cry on. "I said BACK AWAY!" AJ's said in a tone that scared Breyana. "Look you guys, I think it would be best if you and Lynn left." Breyana spoke up. "Breyana stay out of it!" AJ demanded. "Who do you think you are talking to her that way?" Kyle broke in. "Well KYLE, it seems that you and I have some unfinished business to take care of." AJ said in a sarcastically evil tone. "Alex, please don't do this. Not here. It's over with, let it go." Breyana pleaded with AJ. "Yeah, Alex, listen to your girlfriend." Kyle said in a mocking tone. Kyle wanted to get AJ angry. He wanted AJ to punch him. That way Breyana would see him for who he really was. By this time AJ was infuriated. He didn't like the fact that Kyle called him Alex and he didn't like the fact that Kyle's only intention for coming over was to create problems between him and Breyana. "I said leave." Breyana said once again. "Are you sure Brey?" Kyle asked her in a soft tone. AJ didn't like the way Kyle was looking at her and talking to her. "She said leave, now if you don't understand that, I would be more than happy to show you to the door." AJ said trying to maintain his composure. "I wasn't talking to you!" Kyle said to AJ in a tone that made it clear his intentions for Breyana. "Here's the deal, you have exactly one minute to leave or suffer the concequences." AJ told Kyle in a voice that Breyana never knew existed.....