Chapter Twenty Four
AJ was distant on the plane ride home. Breyana tried to talk to him but he just wanted to be left alone. Both of them couldn't stop thinking about what had happened just hours earlier. AJ knew that as long as Lynn was dating Kyle he would be a problem for Breyana. AJ also couldn't understand why Breyana was upset with him for throwing Kyle out of her house. It was obvious to AJ that Kyle's intentions were to cause a rift between the two of them and it had worked for the moment. AJ looked over at Breyana to try to talk to her but noticed she was sleeping. He felt such jealousy inside his heart. He honestly didn't know what he would do if he lost her to a creep like Kyle. Once the plane landed and they collected their luggage they made their way home.
Breyana didn't say a word to AJ during the ride home. She simply didn't know what to say. She wanted to tell him that everything would be alright but she could tell AJ wouldn't believe her. As they reached the house, Breyana finally spoke up. "If I would have went alone we wouldn't be in this situation." AJ was angered by what she had just said. "I can't believe you would even think of going alone. Did you not just see what happened?? He was trying to make moves on you with me right there. I know you aren't that blind Breyana!" AJ shot back. "He was just asking me how I was. You're the one that turned it into a scene." Breyana retorted. "Okay, so now this is my fault? Come on B, I know you're not that naive. I could totally see in his eyes what his intentions were for you. I can't believe you have the nerve to blame this on me!" AJ replied in an angry tone. "What don't you understand about Kyle being Lynn's boyfriend?" Breyana simply stated. "Wow, you are naive. You obviously don't understand how guys work. Kyle doesn't really want Lynn, he wants you. He is using Lynn to get close to you and if you can't see that then you're blind. Kyle is nothing but a player." AJ explained. "Yeah, I guess you would know what a player is since your so familiar with it!" Breyana retorted. "Whatever" was all AJ could manage to get out. That last comment hurt him. For the rest of the day Breyana stayed at one end of the house while AJ stayed in his office working.
For the past two days Breyana and AJ barely spoke. AJ was leaving for the Bahama's in a day and they were still avoiding each other. AJ kept busy in his office writing songs for the new album and Breyana spent most of her time on the phone with Leighanne working on details for the wedding. AJ decided to merge from his office and try to talk to Breyana. She was on the phone when she noticed him standing in the hallway. She knew that she had to make amends with him. "Hey, leigh, let me call you back.." Breyana said then hung up the phone. "Hey" AJ said in a soft voice. "Hey" Breyana replied. "I think we need to resolve this. I can't stand it anymore. I really don't want to leave and still have this between us." AJ stated. "I know we do but that doesn't mean that your jealous tendonsies will disappear." Breyana said to AJ. "Lets get something straight, I'm not a jealous freak if that's what you are implying. I clearly know this guys intentions. He made them clear to me the other night Breyana. I just wish you would believe me." "Can we just forget about this? I guess we are just going to disagree on this one." Breyana coldly stated. "Yeah, I guess." AJ replied as he turned to walk away. He felt worse than he did before he talked to Breyana.
AJ got up early the next morning to pack and do some last minute things before he was off to the airport. Breyana had barely spoken to him since their attempt at a conversation the day before. Just as he was about to walk out the door he heard Breyana yell down the stairs to him..."Have a good time, I'll see ya in two weeks." AJ couldn't believe she was being so cold about this. He was leaving for 2 weeks and she couldn't even see him to the airport. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. "Well, she told me to have fun, so I guess that's what I'm going to have to do!" AJ thought to himself.