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Chapter Twenty Six

"AJ, I thought I told you no phone calls while we are working." Kevin said in a rather annoyed voice. "How is this work? We've been listening to you ramble on for the past hour Kev." AJ snapped back as he answered his phone. "Speak" AJ said in a harsh tone. That was AJ's way of letting whoever it was on the other end that he was in a bad mood or didn't want to be disturbed. "Well, I love you too honey." Breyana said in reply. "Oh, hey B, now isin't really a good time, we are working and the deal the guys and I made was no phone calls. AJ explained. He really didn't want to get off the phone but he did promise everyone he would try to focus. "Oh, well if you gotta go, then you gotta go." Was Breyana's reply. "What's with the sarcastic tone?" AJ inquired. "Well, I was just hoping we could talk. We haven't been getting along that well and I wanted to talk about it." Just as Breyana finished what she had to say she heard Kevin yelling for AJ to get off the phone in the background. "I really have to go Breyana. I will talk to you later." All she heard was dead air after that.

Breyana was bored after that. AJ wasn't there to keep her company and Leighanne was too preoccupied with wedding plans. Breyana decided to go online and see what kind of gossip was floating around for the current week. Every week there was a different rumor about the guys. As she was browsing the internet she heard "You've got mail" which she loved hearing. She checked her mail and noticed it was a message from AJ. "B, they said no phone calls, but they didn't say anything about e mails....."Are you there? If you are instant message me....jnn696969.... AJ made it look like he was taking notes on the laptop of everything Kevin was saying. Breyana decided to instant message AJ.

BreyLean69: Hey, are you there.....

jnn696969: Yeah, how's it goin at home?

BreyLean69: Fine, I miss you.

jnn696969: That's not the impression I got before I left...You blew me off.

BreyLean69: What did you expect, I was mad. I didn't come online to fight with you.

BreyLean69: I was too angry, I didn't want to end up saying something stupid.

jnn696969: Well, telling me to have fun and I'll see ya in 2 weeks isin't exactly smart Breyana.

BreyLean69: I don't want to get into this right now. It's apparent we don't agree on this one. Why can't you let it go.

jnn696969: Why should I let it go. You're acting as if you don't even care how I feel about this whole thing. It's like you're telling me in so many words..."GET OVER IT ALEX"

BreyLean69: Well, why don't you get over it? It's done with. I live with you now and left my life behind remember. Why can't you appreciate what I did for you?

jnn696969: I just want you to understand. I just want you to see what that guy is trying to do.

BreyLean69: Listen, I've had enough of that. I'm done with that. You're kicking a dead horse now LET IT GO!!

jnn696969: I can't believe you're being this way. You want me to let it go, FINE, I'LL LET IT GO...

BreyLean69: Hey...I'm sorry for yelling.

jnn696969 is no longer online and will not recieve the last message is what Breyana read next. Her heart sunk. She felt terrible for fighting with AJ once again. Why was it so difficult to get past this one issue?

AJ looked up at the clock and it read 8:30. Kevin was still talking of course and AJ was beginning to wonder if he was going to be late for his dinner with Amanda. AJ and Breyana's online conversation went exactly as he planned. They were still mad at each other and nothing was resloved. AJ wanted to get another girls perspective on the whole thing to see if he was handling it wrong which is where Amanda came in. It was now 8:45 and AJ was getting increasingly antsy. "Guys, are we almost done here?" AJ inquired. "Why, do you have a hot date??" Nick joked. "Um well acutally, I'm having dinner with Amanda." AJ remarked like it wasn't a big deal. "WHAT" Brian nearly had a heart attack. "What the hell is your problem" Brian said accusingly of AJ. "What, you act like I slept with her or something. It's just dinner. Besides, I want to get her point of view on the whole Breyana thing." Was AJ's reply. "That's SO NOT A GOOD IDEA." Nick said to AJ. "I'm not doing anything wrong guys, so just drop it. Now, I hate to leave you all but I have someone waiting for me." AJ said as he got up and left. The rest of the guys were dissapointed in AJ's behavior and hoped that he would come to his senses.

As Breyana sit there reading about another so called source that says her and AJ have broken up once again, she got another instant message.

MPD2861: Hey Breyana, how's it going?

BreyLean69: Who is this??

MPD2861: Who do you think...

BreyLean69: I don't know, Why don't you tell me.

What Breyana didn't know is that it was Kyle. He was on Lynn's computer and noticed Breyana was online. Lynn was sleeping so Kyle wanted to take full advantage of the time.......