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Chapter Twenty Seven

MPD2861: Okay I'll give you a hint as to who I am....I'm 5'10, blonde hair, blue eyes, and from your hometown.

BreyLean69: male or female?

MPD2861: Male

BreyLean69: The only person I know that fits that discription is Kyle. Is that you Kyle?

MPD2861: Yep, you guessed it. Good Job Brey!!=-)

BreyLean69: Well thank you. What are you doing online?

MPD2861: Just killing time, Lynn is sleeping and I'm bored. Why are you online?

BreyLean69: Well, Alex and I were talking and of course it turned into another argument. What am I doing wrong? I just don't understand.

Kyle was intriqued by Breyana's last instant message and decided to give her his honest opinion of AJ. Kyle really didn't want to appear as the bad guy in all this, but before AJ came along they had extensive conversations as to what they wanted for their lives. Kyle couldn't understand why Breyana was in a relationship with someone that could give her nothing of what she really wanted for her life. Kyle felt the need to remind her of their converesations about marriage, kids, and about all the stuff that she wanted and that AJ was unable to provide. Kyle felt the need to bring Breyana back into the real world and not the world of a popstar.

MPD2861: Let me ask you one question.

BreyLean69: Go ahead.......

MPD2861: Is this really what you want for you life? What I mean by that is the whole glitz and glamour life...parties, concerts, screaming fans, living in hotel rooms. I'm sure the list can go on but I thought you wanted a family. I thought you wanted a normal life. Life with AJ is nowhere near normal.

BreyLean69: Well all I can really say to that is You'll move mountains for the one you love. If I have to put up with all those things, I'm willing to do that. I know it's not what I envisioned for my life, but hey who's to say things won't change.

MPD2861: You mean you actually think that you will be able to have your lifes dream with him? Lets be realisitic Brey. Do you think AJ will ever have a normal life. Just try to picture it....everywhere you go, there will be a bodygaurd, you'll have to put your life on hold until he is ready to settle down. Are you really willing to do that?

The last message from Kyle really hit Breyana hard. She knew that deep down what Kyle was saying was right. Was she willing to put her life on hold for AJ? She knew she needed to figure these things out.

BreyLean69: I'm willing to right now. I haven't really tried to figure out my future with Alex yet. Listen, I need to go, it was nice talking to you and tell Lynn I said Hi and I miss her....

Meanwhile, AJ and Amanda were in the hotel resturaunt having a late dinner. AJ thought Amanda was very attractive. She had long dark brown hair and blue eyes. AJ noticed how her eyes glowed against the background of her dark hair. What AJ didn't know was that a couple of booths behind him was Brian keeping his eye on everything. Brian didn't like spying on AJ but he wasn't about to let him screw up his relationship with Breyana. "Let me ask you a question." AJ said to Amanda. "Shoot" She said emphatically. "If you were a guy would you feel comfortable with your girlfriend having guy friends?" AJ asked. "Well, that would depend on the history between the two of them. If they have always been just friends like a brother sister type thing, I don't think I would mind. But if it was more than that at one point, then I would have a problem." Amanda explained. "See, I'm not the only one that thinks that way." AJ blurted out. "I take it this is about your girlfriend?" Amanda asked. "Yeah, she thinks I'm too jealous but I'm not. She has this so-called friend Kyle and it's clear to me that he's trying to get her and she doesn't see it. They dated breifly before we became an item and a few months ago he tried to kiss her while she was back home for a visit. She says that he is just a friend and like I said, I know different." AJ found himself rambling. "Well, I really don't know what to tell you, I've never been in a position like that before. Do you trust her?" Amanda inquired. "Well yeah. After the kiss thing I didn't trust her for awile but yeah, I would have to say that I do trust her." AJ replied. "Well if you trust her, then let her work through this thing and come to realize Kyle's actions on her own." Amanda was proud of the advice she had given AJ. They had been so wrapped up in their conversation they didn't realize it was getting late. Just as they were leaving the resturaurnt, a photographer snapped a picture of AJ and Amanda holding hands while leaving. "Dammit" AJ shouted. "What's wrong" Amanda asked. "That photographer just took a picture of us holding hands." AJ said angrily. "It's not like were involved or something, you were just leading me out of the resturaunt." Amanda said innocently. "The press is going to have a field day with this. I can just see the headlines now...."BACKSTEET BOY HAS NEW LOVE" AJ blurted out. "I don't think it will be that big of a deal AJ." Amanda retorted. "Oh but it will be a big deal. Breyana just moved in with me and the press knows my personal life. GOOD JOB ALEX!!" AJ said as he left Amanda at her car and went back to his room.