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Chapter Twenty-One

Breyana's plane landed at 4 just as planned. As she got off the plane she saw Leighanne waiting for her along with a bodygaurd. "Hey Leigh" Breyana greeted her. "Hey, so how was your two days at home?" Leighanne questioned. "Well, they started off pretty good, but as you already know, it ended up a nightmare." Breyana replied. "Yeah, AJ's in quite a mood today." Leighanne told Breyana. "I hope he's not mad at me." Breyana retorted. "Well, let's just say he's not happy. He had an awful time at rehersal and kept asking Brian to get him a paper in which Brian denied his request every time." Leighanne told Breyana. "Is AJ at home now?" Breyana asked Leighanne. "Yep, he left early, so I'd say he's been home since 2. Come on, let's get your luggage and be on our way." Leighanne told Breyana as the made their way to baggage claim.

The drive to AJ's house seemed long and uncomfortable. Breyana kept trying to think of ways to explain herself to AJ. She new he was going to be incredibly angry with her due to recent events. As they pulled up in the driveway Breyana felt her stomach starting to get a little upset. She saw AJ standing in the doorway and he didn't look happy. He assisted in carrying in her bags and helped her carry them into the bedroom. AJ didn't say much at first. All he could do was glare at Breyana with a dissapointed look on his face. "Are you ever going to talk to me about this Alex?" "Well lets see B, you go home for 2 days and start to hook up with some guy named Kyle? What is there to talk about? Personally, I don't even know why you bothered to come down here. It seems to me that your mind is made up." AJ said in a cold harsh tone. "What are you talking about. I didn't try to hook up with anyone. I was just talking with him and we danced." Breyana replied. "Have you seen the pictures they printed in the paper? They seem to tell a whole diffent story. Since when do you dance close with someone who is a "so-called friend" as you say. It's all starting to make sense to me now. You go home for 2 days and give me some lame excuse about you need to decide if you want to live me. Nice way of deciding Breyana." AJ said in a furious tone. "Alex, you don't know the whole story. You are reacting off of something you saw in the paper. Give me a chance to explain." "Why? What's the point? I already called Lynn and got the story from her." AJ shot back. "And what did Lynn tell you?" Breyana replied trying not to cry. "Lynn told me a lot of things about last night, like for instance Kyle told you that he liked you and tried to convince you to stay and not be here with me. She also told me that you guys were once an item...SOMETHING OF WHICH I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT!!" AJ said yelling at Breyana. "And now you tell me earlier on the phone that you almost kissed this guy...really Breyana, what is there to explain?" At this point Breyana was in tears. AJ wouldn't listen to a word she said. She would try to explain and he would just walk away. "ALEX, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!" Breyana found herself screaming at AJ. "Listen Breyana, I really don't have time to do this anymore, I have to get ready for tongiht. I have to meet Brian and the guys at the venue in a half-hour. Your ticket is on the table, come if you want." AJ then turned his back on Breyana and walked out the door.

Breyana fell onto the bed crying. She should've stayed home last night. She should've never danced with Kyle. She regretted leaving AJ and going home for those 2 days. She couldn't stop crying. How were they going to get through this. Breyana found it difficult to pull herself together but managed to do it anyway. AJ left her ticket and backstage pass on the table with the car keys. She noticed the paper on the counter in the kitchen and bacame furious with herself. She grabbed the paper and threw it across the kitchen. It was already 6:30 pm and her day was far from over.

Breyana arrived at the venue just before show time. She didn't want to go backstage before the concert started in fear of the way AJ would treat her. As she enntered the venue she noticed a huge crowd heading her way. She really didn't feel like answering any questions so she quickly grabbed a security guaud and had him lead her backstage. "Great, just the place I didn't want to be" she thought to herself. Breyana decided to steer clear of AJ's dressing room and decided to pay Brian a visit. "Come in" Brian yelled from the other side of the door. "Hey Brian" Breyana said as she walked through the door. "Hey B, how ya doin'" He asked. "Not so good. AJ is furious with me and I don't really know what's going on with us." Breyana replied. "Just give him a little time, he'll get over whatever happened." Brian tried to cheer her up. "I don't think so, this time I screwed up." Breyana told him. Just as Breyana was about to explain to Brian, he got called to the stage. Breyana stayed in Brian's dressing room until she knew AJ wouldn't see her.

As the concert started, Breyana decided to find her seat. She noticed that AJ avoided her side of the stage. Usually, he would stay on her side of the stage and the guys would have to push him out of the way. Tonight was different. AJ stayed away until it came time to sing "Don't Want You Back". Breyana could tell that AJ had anger and frustration running through is veins. As he started singing the song, he went to the side of the stage and grabbed a rose that someone had thrown. The whole time AJ sang the song he kept his eyes focused on Breyana.

Don't Want You Back

You hit me faster than a shark attack
You saw my picture
On the Backstreet's Back, alright
And you were more than just a pretty face
But how you fooled me, I'm still amazed baby
But I should have known that I would be
Another victim of your sexuality
But now we're done and over with
I don't want you back


Don't want you back
'Cause you're no good for me
I know
That's all I can say
Don't want you back
Forgive my honesty but you gotta go
I don't want you back

You started going out with so-called friends
But I was blind and so I lost all common sense
But there were things that made me realize
Like all the hundred no, thousand lies

CHORUS - repeat

Baby, don't bother telling me your reasons why
Just let us sing this story 'bout you and I

Don't want you back
That's all I know
Don't want you back
All I can say
Don't want you back
You know you gotta go

CHORUS - repeat

The words of the song stung Breyana's ears. The way AJ was acting on stage she knew was directed at her. As the end of the song came near, AJ took the rose he was holding and broke it in half then dissapeared from the stage. The rest of the guys noticed how AJ was acting and were rather annoyed with him. Kevin went after AJ after he dissapeared. "What the hell is going on with you?" Kevin asked. "You can't just walk off stage in the middle of a show. Get your ass back out there!" Kevin said to AJ in a tone that AJ knew not to question. Meanwhile, Breyana couldn't stay. She didn't want to affect AJ anymore. She got up and left the venue. She didn't go back to AJ's house right away, she drove around for awhile. "Maybe I don't belong here" she thought to herself. She decided she would make one more attempt in the morning to discuss things with AJ.

"Don't Want You Back" appears courtesy of Backstreet Boys "Millennium" copyright 1999