Chapter Twenty
"Brian, wake up." Nick said as he was nudging Brian's arm. "Brian..wake up." Nick tried for a second time. "I'm up, I'm up." Brian stated in a startled voice. "I think you should look at this." Nick said as he plopped the morning paper down on Brian's chest. They had just reached Orlando and were pulling into venue to park the buses. Brian grabbed the paper and made his way to the back of the bus. "What exactly am I looking at Nick?" Brian questioned. "Turn to page 3." Nick said quick as he noticed AJ walking towards them. Brian was in shock over what he saw. There were 3 pictures of Breyana dancing and holding hands with a guy in a nightclub. Brian was quick to get up from the couch and take the paper with him. "Hey, where are you going with that, I want to read it." AJ said. "No way man, I got it first, wait your turn." Brian said trying to hide the page from AJ. Brian quickly got off the bus to find a spot where he was sure AJ wouldn't find him. As soon as Brian lost AJ, he read the article on Breyana. This can't be true he thought to himself as he read the contents of the article. "I really need to call her and find out what the heck happened." Brian thought to himself. Brian knew he couldn't hide this from AJ for very long so he needed to work fast. Brian went around to all the buses and threw out all the papers. He knew AJ would go nuts if he saw a picture of Breyana with another guy. Next he needed to break away from everyone so he could call her and find out what was going on.
Breyana was at home packing for her trip to Orlando. She felt awful about what happened the night before. Here she would always critisize AJ for his flirtatious ways when last night she did the same thing. If it wasn't for Lynn spotting that reporter for the Orlando Times then she probably would've ended up kissing Kyle. She knew she had to be honest with AJ and tell him what happened before he found out from the papers. Just as she was about to call AJ her phone rang. "Hello?" Breyana answered. "We need to talk." she heard the voice say on the other end. "Brian, what's wrong?" Breyana asked. "Don't you think you should be telling me what's wrong?" Brian retorted. "What are you talking about Brian?" "What am I talking about?, I'm talking about todays paper. Please tell me you were at home last night....ALL NIGHT." Brian said with urgency in his voice. "No, I went out with Lynn, why?" Breyana asked. "Tell me if I'm right B" Brian said..."You went out to a club last night and you were dancing with a guy not to mention holding hands with him. RIGHT?" Brian hoped for AJ's sake her answer would be no. "Brian, what the heck is going on? I went out last night and met up with some friends. How do you know this?" "There is a whole page dedicated to your night out in the morning paper here in Orlando. B, I'm going to be honest with you, I can only hide this for so long from AJ, he is sure to see it when he goes home later." "Where is AJ now?" Breyana asked Brian. "He is still on the bus. I took all the papers and threw them out. If I were you I would get my butt on the next plane and if you can't do that, I suggest you call him and tell him before he reads it in the paper. I don't know what happened last night Breyana, that's between you and AJ but whatever you do, don't let him find out by reading it in the paper. If he sees you with another guy he's gonna flip. So please call him." Brian saw AJ heading his way and quickly hung up the phone. "Yo Rok, where's the paper?" AJ asked Brian. "UM, I dropped in in a puddle on accident and had to throw it away." Brian replied. "Why are you acting so funny this morning?" AJ inquired. "I don't know what you're talking about AJ." Brian retorted. "Come on, I want to get this rehersal over with so I can finally go home." AJ said in a cheerful tone. "Man, this is going to be a long day" Brian thought.
As they were walking into the Venue AJ's cell phone started ringing. "Hold on" he said to Brian. Brian acted like he didn't hear him and kept walking. Brian knew it was Breyana on the other end and wanted to be nowhere near AJ when she told him whatever is was that happened last night. "Hey baby" AJ said forgetting that he was mad at her. He was so happy to hear her voice. He missed her terribly. "Alex, have you seen the morning paper yet?" Breyana questioned. "Nope, clumsy Brian dropped it in a puddle and now I have to wait until I get home. Why?" AJ aksed. "Well, there is an article about me in it and about what I did last night." As Breyana went on to explain AJ's eyes were filled with rage. The more Breyana spoke the more angry AJ got. "Breyana, I'm late for rehersal." was all AJ could manage to get out of his mouth. He didn't want to talk about any of this right now. He wanted to talk to her about it in person. "When are you getting here?" AJ asked Breyana. " My plane lands at 4 and Leighanne said she was picking me up at the airport." Breyana responded. "Fine, I will be home around 4, have Leighanne drop you off at my house and we'll talk about this then." AJ told Breyana. "Alex, I love you." Breyana said with a hopfulness in her voice. "yep" she heard AJ reply in a cold heartless way she never heard before.