A couple of weeks had gone by and things were great between Breyana and AJ. AJ had a week off soon and Breyana was excited about the time she would get to spend with him. They talked daily on the phone and AJ always sent her email's at work. AJ even stated at a press conference that he was seriously dating someone although he didn't mention her name. The conversations they had seemed endless. Breyana thought she was in the perfect relationship although she wasn't crazy about the long separations from him.
The day had finally arrived. She was getting ready for her week with AJ. She had just finished packing her bags when the phone rang. Breyana answered the phone with an excitement in her voice..."Hello"? "Hey baby, how are you"? AJ asked. Breyana replied saying she was fine and excited about her trip. She couldn't wait to see him. AJ then asked her if she was ready. She told him she just on her way out the door. Just as she finished getting out the words, the doorbell rang. She asked AJ if he could hold on while she answered the door. As she walked down the hallway she heard laughing on the other side of the door. When she opened it she got the surprise of her life. There stood AJ. "What are you doing here?? I'm supposed to be coming to you"!! Breyana said. AJ told her he couldn't wait so he decided to come and pick her up. Soon they were off to the airport to fly out to Los Angeles.
Once they arrived, they had to be rushed through the airport due to his popularity. Breyana wasn't prepared for what she had encountered. To her AJ was just AJ, not some guy tons of girls lusted after. She saw girls practically throwing themselves at his feet. After all the mayhem they made it to the hotel. Breyana started thinking about how easy it was for AJ to have any girl he wanted and started to wonder if she was just a conquest. AJ had reserved separate rooms for them. Breyana thought that was a very nice thing for AJ to do. It made her feel as if AJ wasn't expecting "anything" from her.
Once they were setteled, AJ told Breyana he had some last minute details he had to take care of and that he would be gone for about 2 hours. She didn't mind. She relaxed, watched some television and then drifted off to sleep. In her sleep she felt something soft across her face. It was enough to wake her up from a rather unsettling dream she was having. When she opened her eyes AJ was standing above her with a white rose. Breyana thanked him for the rose and gave him a very passionate kiss. AJ returned the kiss and they both found it rather difficult to stop.
As "things" progressed Breyana felt the time was right to give herself to him but didn't want AJ to think that she was "easy" so she slowed down the pace and then pulled away asking him what he was doing the past 2 hours.
AJ replied "just some business" and didn't want to seem to discuss it any further. Breyana then asked him if he was okay and AJ replied "did I give you the feeling that anything was wrong"? "It's just that your answer was short and it made me think something was wrong". She said. "I just don't like doing business on what is supposed to be my vacation" AJ replied. AJ went on further to say that they had to film the video for "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" while they were in LA. Breyana didn't mind that AJ had to film this video AJ on the other hand was rather annoyed with the whole thing. AJ told Breyana that filming this video took 3 days away from the time they were supposed to spend together and he wasn't happy with it. Breyana asked AJ if she could come with him to the shoot that way they wouldn't be separated. He agreed.