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Chapter Ten

During his flight, AJ kept thinking of ways to make Breyana realize how much he actually loved her. He knew he was going to have to do a lot of groveling. He was certain that he could win her heart in the end though. While he was on the plane, he came up with an idea. AJ decided that he needed Breyana's best friend Lynn to help him. "Hello"? Lynn said. "Lynn, this is AJ. I need your help with something". "Why should I help you with anything? You broke Brey's heart. I don't know if I want to be a part of anything you do". Lynn said sharp and to the point. "Please, I love her. I never meant to hurt her. I really want to show her and tell her how much I love her. I walked out on rehersal not to mention I have a show tomorrow which I don't really care if I miss". AJ explained to Lynn. "Lynn, what can I possibly do to get you to help me"? AJ inquired. "You know if I decide to help you there is a possible chance Breyana still won't forgive you right"? Lynn said. AJ told Lynn that he understood and that it would be a one in a million chance. But he was willing to try whatever it took. Lynn made a mental note about his persistance. "Listen, my plane will be landing in about 20 minutes, meet me at the airport and I'll explain then" AJ said. Lynn didn't know he was calling from a plane she was impressed with his determination.

AJ had arranged for Lynn to wait in a private room at the airport. Word couldn't get out that he was in town or the surprise for Breyana would be ruined. (in the background..."Now arriving flight 69 from Boston at gate 96) Lynn heard that AJ's flight had finally arrived. She was getting restless in the room when finally AJ walked in. "What took you so long?" Lynn said. "I had to wait for everyone to get off the plane and all the family members to leave before I could get off. I don't want to risk anyone recognizing me" AJ explained. "So what's the plan"? Lynn asked. AJ explained the plan to Lynn and when they were done making the final arrangements, Lynn was off to Breyana's house.

Breyana was lying on the couch watching television when she heard a knock on the door. She really didn't want to answer it so she pretended she wasn't home. "BREY, I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE" Lynn yelled through the door. Breyana got off the couch and let Lynn in. "What do you want" Breyana snapped. Lynn told her that she wanted to go out and requested Breyana's company. "I don't want to go anywhere" Breyana said. "I'm not giving you a choice in this Brey." Lynn said. "Go get dressed and fix yourself up. AND DON'T PUT ON BAGGY JEANS AND A SWEATSHIRT. We are going to a nice place so wear something appropriate". Breyana sighed and snickered under her breath. "I heard that!!" Lynn said to her. Breyana's favorite food is italian and AJ knew this. He arranged it so that he would have Breyana's favorite italian resturaunt all to themselves. All Lynn had to do was get her there. AJ was getting impatient waiting for them to show up. Meanwhile, Breyana finally finished getting ready. She was wearing a knee length skirt with a cute short sleeve shirt which showed a hint of her navel. Lynn thought she looked cute. "Nice Job" Lynn commented. "Thanks" Breyana said in a not so excited tone. "Where are we going anyways?" she asked. Lynn told her is was a surprise. Breyana noticed the direction Lynn was driving. "Why are we going to That's Amore" she asked. "I'm hungry. Can't a person eat"? Lynn said back. Lynn parked the car and they both got out. Breyana commented on the empty parking lot. That's Amore was never empty, even on the slowest day of the week there was a good 15 cars in the lot. "Are you sure it's open" Breyana asked. "Quit asking me so many questions" Lynn retorted. As they entered the resturaunt Lynn said that she had to use the Ladies room. The hostess showed Breyana to her seat. As she walked toward the table she noticed a vase of white roses and she thought to herself "this has the making of AJ written all over it. Breyana sat there waiting for Lynn to return from the bathroom. 10 minutes had gone by and no Lynn. She was becoming increasingly aggitated due to the fact that she didn't even want to go out in the first place. Finally after about another 5 minutes she heard footsteps walking toward her. Breyana looked up to see AJ standing in front of her with a single long stemmed white rose with a piece of paper taped to his chest. On the paper it read in huge letters....I'M SORRY. Breyana didn't know what to say. Inside she was happy to see him but on the outside she was infuriated with him. She thought to herself (how can I be mad at him, how cute is that...standing there with a huge note attached to his chest). She didn't want to let him think that he could do these things and just simply show up with flowers and a note and all would be okay. As Breyana sat there thinking she heard AJ's voice asking if he was forgiven. "Why should I forgive you? You took total advantage of my trust for the second time. Why should I ever trust you again. Alex, if you love me, you will be faithful to me". AJ interupted Breyana..."Nothing happened. You called and nothing happened. I'm sorry, truly sorry. Kevin is pissed with me for walking out the way I did. I didn't care though. I had to show you how much I love you". "LOVE ME????????? How can you call it love when you pick up another girl?? I don't think that is the standard definition of love Alex. How can you love someone and then hurt them"? Breyana questioned. "B, I don't really have an explanation for what happened. It just happened and I'm truly sorry for that. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you. If you want me to stay here for a couple of days, I will. If you want me to wear an ankle monitor, "I WILL", just know that I never want to hurt you again. AJ could feel his frustration level rising. This was more difficult than he had imagined. "What do you want me to do B" AJ questioned. Breyana replied..."I have until tomorrow right"? "yep" AJ said. "Okay, here is what is going to are going to come home with me BUT,you are sleeping on the couch and I will give you an answer in the morning".