Chapter Eleven
Breyana and AJ didn't say much while they were in the resturaunt. All she really wanted to do was go home. On the way home there was an awkward silence between the two of them. AJ wanted so much to hold her but Breyana kept her distance. Breyana wanted everything to be alright between the two of them but she wasn't sure if she could trust AJ again. They finally arrived at Breyana's house. The car ride seemed to take forever. As they walked into the house Breyana pointed AJ in the direction of the couch. AJ couldn't believe he had to sleep on the couch. She came out of her room with a blanket and a pillow. She proceeded to make the couch into a very small bed for AJ. "B, do I really have to sleep on this"? AJ snickered. "Yep, you do. Why would you think you would sleep anywhere else?" Breyana retorted. "I just thought....." AJ said. "I know what you thought"! Breyana snapped back. Breyana wanted to be strong and didn't want to cave. It was killing her to be this mean to AJ but she didn't want to be the fool in the long run. Breyana said a quick good night to AJ and was off to her bedroom.
As AJ layed there thinking about what might happen tomorrow when Breyana gave him his anwer, he could smell Breyana's shampoo on the pillow and her lotion on the blanket. It was dirving him nuts. He was so close to her, but couldn't have her. "Man, did I screw this up" he thought to himself. AJ couldn't lay on that couch anymore. It was way too uncomfortable. He got up and went to the bathroom, just as he came out, he noticed there was a light on in Breyana's room. He peeked in the crack of the door and saw her sitting on the bed. She looked beautiful. Her hair was cascading down her back and the dimmed light seemed to make her skin glow. He stood there for awhile watching her write a letter. He assumed it was to him. He decided that now was the time to get things resolved with Breyana. He softly knocked on her door.
"Come in" she said ever so softly. AJ walked into her bedroom and noticed all the pictures of them on her dresser. At that moment it hit him how much she actually had cared for him. "B, I can't wait until tomorrow to resolve this. I don't want to lose you. There has got to be a way to make things right". AJ said as he walked across the room to Breyana. "Well Alex, how do you suppose we solve this"? "I've been thinking, if you come with me on tour then we won't have anything to worry about, not saying that I would even attempt to pick up anymore girls, but I've realized that I want you there with me all the time. It's hard for me to be without you. For how funny this is going to sound, I was lying on the couch and could smell your shampoo on the pillow and it made my heart ache because I want to smell that everyday. I want little reminders of you in the hotel room, on the bus, everywhere". AJ hoped what he said made an impact on her. He went on to say.."I want to put my arms around you at the end of the day, I want to wake up to your face every morning. I want to see the world with you. I want to see the excitement on your face when you discover something new. I want to make you laugh, see you smile, have fun with you". The anger inside of Breyana was fading with every passing word from AJ's lips. The things that he was saying a girl only dreamed of. How could she stay mad at him. How could she walk away from him. "Let me get this straight, you want me to leave my job and babysit you"? she said just to test him..."NO, that's not what I mean B". "I want you to come with me because you want to not because you think I need to be babysat". AJ said in return. "Let's just say that I'm willing to leave my life here behind to be with you, can you promise me that what happened will NEVER, and I mean NEVER happen again"? Breyana inquired. "B, I can promise you with my heart that nothing bad will ever happen again." AJ replied. "So is everything okay now"? AJ inquired. "Well, it will take me awhile to trust you, but yeah, I guess we are alright." Breyana said. "Don't sound so enthused" AJ said with a sarcastic tone. "Well I have been put through an emotional roller coaster the past 36 hours, what did you expect?" Breyana said. "B, do I have to still sleep on the couch, that thing is awful." AJ said. "No, I guess you can sleep in here with me, but no funny stuff, I have a lot of packing to do tomorrow not to mention I NEED SLEEP!!" Breyana said in a tone AJ knew not to question. "good night baby...I love you" AJ said as he climed into bed. Breyana answered with a simple "Me too" and soon enough they were both fast asleep.