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Chapter Seven

Breyana woke up around 2:30 in the afternoon. She rolled over to see if AJ was still there and saw no trace of him except that there was an envelope on his pillow with "B" on it. She picked up the envelope and looked inside of it. There was a short note saying...

How did you sleep? I couldn't sleep long so I watched you sleep for awhile. You are a true inspiration. Here is a little "something" that I wrote while you were having sweet dreams......
I love You,

"Do You Dream Of Me"

Dreams within the still of night
On wings of hope take flight inside of me
There upon some distant shore
We want for nothing more than what will be
And you and I, here we are
I wonder as we've come this far....

If I could only read your mind
Tell me the answer I would find
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?

Love has found a magic space
A deep and hidden place where time stands still
Now I hold you in my arms
You know you hold my heart and always will
And you and I, here we are
And it's a wonder that we've come this far.

If I could only read your mind
Tell me the answer I would find
Do you dream of me?
And when you're smiling in your sleep
Beyond the promises we keep
Do you dream of me?

Breyana's eyes flowed with tears as she read what AJ had wrote to her. She wanted to know where he was. At that moment she wanted to tell him exactly how she was feeling but AJ was nowhere to be found. Breyana figured while she was waiting for AJ she would take a shower. As she got out of the shower she heard music playing in the other room. She wrapped a robe around herself and whent to investigate.

As she walked out of the bathroom, she found the room dimly lit and candles burning everwhere. There was a vase of white roses on the table which was Breyana's favorite flower, and a very elegant dinner had been prepared. Breyana's jaw dropped in amazement. She called out for AJ but got no response. She looked around the hotel room and found him relaxing on the bed listening to headphones. AJ didn't hear Breyana come in nor did he see her due to his eyes being closed. Breyana thought of the song he wrote for her and her emotions came flooding back. She found herself standing in front of AJ as he lay on the bed. He still didn't know she was in the room. She reached down and ran her hand down his leg. He opened his eyes to see Breyana standing in front of him wearing only her robe. Her hair was still damp and hung down her back. AJ thought she looked absoulutely beautiful. AJ sat up and hugged her around her waist. Breyana leaned down to kiss him. As they kissed, AJ could smell Breyana's lotion. She smelled wonderful. They were both finding it impossible to resist each other. The more they continued, the more difficult it was to stop. Breyana was the first one to pull away. When she caught her breath she thanked AJ for the beautiful song and the dinner he had arranged.

All through dinner they couldn't stop staring at each other. There was so much sexual tension it was unbelieveable. AJ intensely watched Breyana take every bite of her food. He was aware of every movement she made. Breyana was equally aware of evey move AJ made as well. As dinner came to a close they both felt like they were going to explode. Breyana wanted to tell AJ everything she felt. As they cleaned up, Breyana made mention to AJ that she wanted to talk to him about the night before. Breyana went into the bedroom to get the letter that AJ wrote but when she turned around AJ was right behind her. He couldn't maintain himself anymore. AJ leaned in to kiss Breyana. She didn't back away. The passion between the two of them was unheard of. AJ gently pushed Breyana down onto the bed, she gave him no resistance. They fumbled with each others' clothing until there was nothing left. They gave themselves to each other that night with no reservations about it. Both hearts were totally exposed. Breyana had never expierenced so much emotion before. Her heart was pounding she found it difficult to catch her breath. AJ made sure he was gentle with her. That night they decided to give themselves to each other completely. After all was said and done, Breyana turned to look over at AJ and softly said to him..."I Love You Alex". AJ replied with "I love you too B".