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Chapter Eight

The next couple of months went rather fast for Breyana and AJ. Her weekends were spent at airports, hotels and with screaming fans. She saw AJ whenever she had the chance. If AJ had it his way, Breyana would be with him all the time. When they weren't together they were on the phone or emailing each other. Their love seemed to be bullet proof. They even got webcams so they could see each other over the internet. Breyana couldn't be more happy and in love.

It was going on her second week without seeing AJ. She missed him terribly. She started to seriously condisder AJ's offer to take a leave of absence from her job and join him on tour. The only thing that stopped her was that after the tour, she would go back home and AJ would return to Florida. Oh well she thought, time to get back to work. Lynn walked into her office asking her how she was doing. Breyana told Lynn that she was kind of sad that day in particular. "Why" Lynn asked casualy. Breyana told Lynn that it was almost 5:00 and she still hadn't received her daily phone call from AJ or an email. This was very odd considering she could set her clock by the time AJ called everyday. "One o'clock everyday" Breyana said. "He calls everyday at one". Lynn tried to reassure Breyana that missing one call wasn't anything to worry about. "Maybe he is in a meeting, maybe rehersal ran late, don't drive yourself crazy with this Brey". Breyana told Lynn that something just wasn't right. She could feel that something just wasn't right. After Breyana got home she checked her answering maching for messages and her computer for email. There was nothing. Finally after waiting all day for AJ to call, she decided to call his cell phone. After about 5 rings AJ picked it up. "Hello" AJ mumbled. "Alex, are you alright, why didn't you call me, I been worrying about you all day". Breyana retorted. "B, I'm sorry time just got away from me today". AJ said in a whisper. Breyana asked him why he was whispering and AJ told her that his throat was hurting from so much singing. Just as AJ finished what he was saying Breyana heard a female's voice in the background...."AJ where are you????" Breyana felt her face get warm and her stomach turn...."Who is that AJ" Breyana asked. "UUMMM let me call you back in an hour" AJ said to Breyana and then she heard a click.

After her conversation came to an abrupt end with AJ, Breyana had nothing to do but wait. Her head was swarming with all sorts of things. She wanted to know who that girl was and she wanted to know now, not in an hour. She was thinking about how close her and AJ were and how they shared their first night together 4 months ago. Breyana said to herself "I knew I shouldn't have made love to him, I knew I sholdn't have gave my heart so carelessly. She was getting more upset by the minute. She couldn't stop thinking about AJ. She was getting angry with each passing minute that he didn't call. Finally the exhaustion of it all caught up with her and she drifted off to sleep.

Don't wanna love you if you don't love me
Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too
Don't wanna tell you this now but it wouldn't be right
If I didn't tell you this tonight....
~~Samantha Mumba~~

Breyana was woken up from the phone ringing. She glanced at her alarm clock and it said 1:30 am. She picked it up and managed to get out a "Hello"? "Hey baby" AJ said in reply. "Where are you and why didn't you call me back" Breyana said sharp and to the point. "I had a show, by the time I was done with soundcheck and getting ready there was no time to call you". "What's wrong with you"? AJ asked hoping she wouldn't remember what happened earlier. "Alex, I want to know who that girl was in the background earlier and I want to know now". AJ snapped back at Breyana...."calm down that was ju-just my mom". Breyana knew it wasn't his mom. Denise never reffered to him as AJ. She always called him Alex and when she was mad she used his full name. She knew he was lying. AJ had a tendonsy to stutter when he wasn't telling the truth and she noticed the very prominant stutter in his phrase. "Since when does your mom call you AJ" Breyana asked. "She does sometimes, it's not very often, but sh-she does" AJ managed to reply. "Whatever you say AAAAAA JJJAAYYYY" Breyana shot back. Breyana went further to say that she didn't want to fight with him and was having a hard time believing him. She saw no need to further the conversation with him. Before she hung up the phone with AJ she casually said to him...."AJ, I believe in the 3 strike policy. You are on strike 2, one more and you are out!!" AJ soon heard a click on his end of the phone.

"Dammit" he said. "Why do I always screw things up?" He questioned himself. Just as he was talking to himslef Nick came into the room looking at AJ stangely..."Who are you talking to"? Nick asked. "Myself" AJ annoyingly said. "May I ask why" Nick replied. "Why do I always get myself in troulbe with women"? "Why can't I just be happy with what I have"? AJ said staring at Nick. "What did you do to her now" Nick asked AJ. AJ explained that that afternoon, he met a really attarctive girl at the local McDonalds and brought her back to his room. Just as he wanted to kiss her, his cell phone rang and it was Breyana and that she heard the girls voice in the background. Nick looked at AJ in disbelief. "Dude, you're gonna screw this one up like the rest aren't you"? Nick asked. "I'm not trying too man, I honestly love her, I don't know what get's into me". "The worst part about it that B knew I was lying." AJ told Nick. "Let me stuttered"?? Nick said. "Yeah, I think I did". AJ retorted. "Well if I were you and wanted to keep this one, I would fess up and suffer the consequences" Nick told AJ sternly. "Yeah, I guess that's the only way to go".....AJ found himself dialing Breyana's number......