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Chapter One

The day started out like any normal day for Breyana. She went about her usual routine that was always done. Breyana was in her twenties and living on her own. She was sucessful at her profession and very happy with the way her life was turning out. She had accomplished most of the goals she set for her life except for having the loving husband and kids....

On this day she had no clue what was about to happen. She just got done with her morning work out and was freshening up when her doorbell rang. When she answered the door she found her best friend of 13 years on the other side. Breyana casually asked Lynn why she was there so early. Lynn egerly told her that she had gotten some concert tickets for her favorite group. Breyana was wondering what this had to do with her. Lynn then asked if Breyana would like to go with her to the Backstreet Boys concert later that evening. Breyana wasn't much of a fan but thought it would be fun so she agreed. Lynn proceeded to tell Breyana to be ready by 7:30.

After an exhausting day at work Breyana came home once again to an empty house hoping one day it will be occupied by a family... She kicked off her heels and decided to relax for awhile. She watched the news and saw that they were doing an expose' on the Backstreet Boys due to the concert later that evening. As she watched she found AJ rather interesting. She wondered why he was so different from the rest of them. After the news Breyana decided to go to her closet and try to pick out a suitable outfit for the evening's events.

Lynn showed up at 7:00 to compare what they were wearing. She couldn't believe what Breyana had chosen. She was dressed in baggy jeans and a XL swearshirt. Lynn promptly took Breyana back to her closet and refused to let her look the way she did. After going through all of Breyana's clothes she found an outfit that she thought would look nice on her friend. Lynn spun around to show Breyana and ordered her to put it on. Breyana didn't quite understand all the fuss but put it on anyway. Lynn casually said...I'm not about to let you sit in the front row looking like you could give a crap about yourself. Breyana saved her comments and continued to get ready. After she was done getting dressed she had to admit that the outfit Lynn had chosen made her look incredible and a little more excited about going.