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Chapter Nine

"Hello" Breyana stated in a harsh tone. AJ responded by telling her that he had wanted to talk to her about the voice she heard in the background earlier in the day. "B, I'm sorry, I have something to tell you and I'm not so sure how you will react". AJ stated. Breyana asked if it could wait until morning due to the fact that it was 1 in the morning. AJ told her that it couldn't. He wanted to tell her before she would read it in any magazine if it came to that. He explained to her that the voice she heard in the background was a girl that he met earlier that day in Mcdonald's. Breyana was speechless. She couldn't understand why he would do such a thing. Breyana told AJ, "Alex, why would you hurt me like this? I don't understand, I thought you loved me. If you loved me, you wouldn't do such hurtful things". AJ tried to explain but nothing seemed to help. Breyana didn't want to talk to him anymore. She felt sick to her stomach. She was trying to hold back her tears which was becoming incresingly difficult with evey passing moment. "Alex, I really need to get off the phone" she said. "WAIT" AJ shouted into the phone but he was too late. As Breyana layed there awake trying to sort things in her mind, she started to think that being AJ's girlfriend was turning out to be disaterous. She didn't want to forgive him. At that very moment she wanted to forget about him but her heart wouldn't let her. She felt pain in her chest and her stomach was churning. She felt like someone had ripped her heart out. Why did she allow herself to become involved with him? Why did he make such an impact on her? In the midst of her thoughts, sleep set in.

Her alarm went off at 6:00 am as usual, the only difference was this morning was unlike the rest. Breyana felt terrible due to what happened earlier. She could barely get herself out of bed to get ready for work. Her eyes were puffy from all the crying she did and she looked miserable. She tried her best to put on her happy face for the day but inside she was screaming. At work, everyone noticed that she wasn't her usual self. Lynn came into her office asking her what was wrong. "I told you something wasn't right yesterday" Breyana said. "What happened Brey"? Lynn asked. "When I got home from work yesterday, I called Alex and while he was on the phone with me I heard a girls' voice in the background. When I asked him who it was, he told me he would call me back in an hour and then I got hung up on. He never called me back Lynn. He finally called at 1 in the morning last night and when I asked him about the voice, he replied it was his mom which wasn't true. I didn't want to fight with him, so I got off the phone and then he called back 10 minutes later and told me the truth. He almost kissed another girl yesterday and if I hadn't called he might have done more". Breyana managed to get out in one breath. Lynn couldn't believe what her best friend had just told her. "He did end up telling you the truth hun". Lynn told Breyana. "The question is....can you forgive him"? Breyana told Lynn that she found the idea of forgiveness obsurd. "If he loved me, the thought of picking up a girl would've never entered his mind". "I was just conquest for him, just some type of game. He wanted to see if he could catch me and when he finally did, it's time to move on to the next". With that, Breyana burst into tears. Lynn told Breyana to go home and get some rest.

AJ found it difficult to get through his dance rehersal. He was missing steps constantly. He kept bumping into Brian who was getting rather annoyed. "What's up man..?" Brian asked. AJ replied.."I totally messed things up with B last night". "What did you do?" Brian asked. "Ask Nick, he'll tell you the whole story. I gotta' go. I have to make things right". AJ then got out his cell phone and made plane reservations. "What in the hell are you doing"?? Kevin asked sternly. I have to go Kev, I have to fix this..." "You can't go, we have a show tomorrow". Kevin said. "DON'T YOU GET IT, I DON'T CARE ABOUT A SHOW. I HAVE TO MAKE THIS RIGHT, I HAVE TO FIX THIS, I CAN'T DO THIS TO HER..." AJ found himself yelling at Kevin. "Dude, calm what you gotta do...just try to be back by tomorrow night for the show". Kevin shot back. AJ didn't really know what he was going to say to fix the mess he created, all he knew is that he did truly love Breyana and needed to prove it to her no matter what it took!!