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Chapter Five

Breyana was sitting at her desk thinking back on the video shoot for SMTMOBL and couldn't get the picture of AJ flirting with Stacey (the girl in the video) out of her head. She couldn't understand why he would do such a thing much less how he could do it right in front of her. Breyana knew he had the reputation of being the flirt but she never thought he would act that way in front of his own girlfriend. What was supposed to be a week of bliss turned out to be the week from hell. AJ was on his 5th email saying he was sorry to Breyana. She found it impossible to work and decided to take the rest of the day off. Once she got home her phone started ringing. She knew it would be AJ and decided not to answer it. Breyana was feeling hurt and didn't want to talk to the person that caused it.

After she woke up from her nap, Breyana's spirits were a little better. She decided to call Lynn and see if maybe she wanted to go grab a bite to eat. Lynn showed up an hour later and the two left. They started discussing AJ and his ways. Lynn told Breyana that is the risk you take getting involved with a celebrity and that she needed to make the decision of whether she was going to stick by him or leave him. Lynn tried to help her understand. Celebrities always have to put on an act. They loose perspective of their true selves and become wrapped up in the image but every once in awhile you get that glance of what really is and it's great. Breyana listened to what Lynn had to say and took it to heart. "What would I do without my best friend" Breyana casually said. "die a lonely fasion victim" Lynn jokingly replied.

When Breyana returned home she found a dozen long stemed white roses on her doorstep. She took them into the house and read the card attached. It read....

I'm incredibly sorry for my actions. They were inexcusable and unjustified. I don't want to loose the best thing that has ever happened to me. It's been 2 weeks of misery...will you please call me? I miss your sweet voice,
Love Always,

AJ loved to call Breyana "B" which explained the way the card started out but she never knew about the Alex part. She sat there for about an hour trying to decided if she should call him. Finally her heart couldn't take it anymore and she gave in. "Hello"? AJ said "Hey" Breyana's voice said in return. "B, I'm so glad you called me. I've missed you so much. I'm sorry for what I did. Did you get the flowers"? Breyana told him that she received the flowers and they were beautiful but that wasn't going to erase what he did. AJ understood and wanted to make it up to her. "What are you doing in 3 days"? AJ asked. Breyana replied "Working as usual, why"? "I'm going to be in Chicago for 2 days and was wondering if you wanted to drive down"? AJ said with a hopefullness in his voice. "I really miss you and I want to make it up to you" AJ added. Breyana told AJ that she would drive down after work on Friday and meet him at his hotel. "One question AJ"? she said. "What" AJ said in reply. "Why did you sign the card Alex"? AJ told Breyana that only people that are close to him know him as Alex and not AJ The Backstreet Boy. Breyana then asked if he wanted her to call him Alex and AJ replied only if you want to.

The clock read 4:50 and in ten minutes Breyana was on her way to see AJ. She wasn't happy about driving in rush hour but she would deal with it. Her clothes were already packed and in the car waiting. It wasn't a long drive to Chicago, it only took about an hour but considering it was rush hour it might take 2. 5:00....Finally she thought to herself. Breyana must have ran out of the building because she almost knocked Lynn over where she was standing. Lynn casually said "I know where your running to"!! "Have fun Brey". Breyana shouted back to Lynn "You bet", and she was off.