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Success requires a team

To be successful in the Music Business requires a lot of resources and business skills. It requires a knowledge of basic book-keeping, Marketing, Entertainment Law, Management, Negotiating skills and of course musical skill and talent..

At the beginning of their careers most musicians tend to do everything themselves. They manage themselves, book the gigs, place the ads, rehearse the band, choose the clothes, perform the show. record the music, design the CD cover and so on. Though it can be a lot fun and very satisfying, it is not the most efficient way to function as a musician. 

To be a great musician requires a lot of dedication to the creative process, hours of practice and an atmosphere that is conducive to keep the creative juices going at maximum flow. To have to also be concerned with the other administrative issues can be a real drain on one's creativity not to mention health!

There comes a time when a musician must consider hiring a team of professionals to care of the tasks that might take away from them being the best musicians that they can be. This team is very important and must be chosen carefully.

The Team would consist of the following:
bulletPersonal Manager
bulletBusiness Manager
bulletBooking Agent
bulletRoad Manager

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copyright © 2003 Griot Music
Last modified: March 23, 2003