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Contracts are Essential

As has been mentioned before musicians love to play music. However, being in the music business means that what used to be just fun now becomes a business transaction.

When you are asked to perform somewhere or provide some musical service be very clear about your terms. Don't assume that everybody will always treat you as a professional. People tend to assume that you are still doing music mainly because you enjoy it. Even if that's true once you become a music businessperson you must protect your business. Remember time is money and that saying takes on new meaning when you become a music professional.

If someone approaches you about a musical service be very clear on the following:

  1. The specifics of the musical service that they require. All the details of when, where, the amount of time required etc....everything!

  2. The resources that you will need to fulfill their need. Equipment, transportation, performance fee, refreshments, musicians, accommodation realistic and comprehensive. 

  3. The method of payment, it it will be by cash or cheque. Will you require a deposit and what per cent of the fee you require and when you expect to be paid.

Put everything in writing with Your name and Title (Musician, Pianist, Managing Director etc) , the client's name and Title, the name of the Company that they work for along with your signatures and the date of signing to the agreement.


A Contracts is important because it communicates that: 

  1. You are serious about your work 
  2. You are intent on doing a good job
  3. You are aware that people can take advantage of you and you are willing and able to legally protect yourself


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copyright © 2003 Griot Music
Last modified: March 23, 2003