the online dx daily!

EZ Guide inDeX!
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   What is midamerica markets? Vacations are taken several times a year and, of course, gotta check out radio stations and dx on the road. Notes are taken and included here.
   Is this a complete list? NO! Markets are added at will, trips info on is noted or get information/comments from you! Listed is the market, format, power, slogan, and street address.
   This listing was begun in February 2001 and is being updated monthly on the 6th. You certainly may
suggest a market to be added. It will be added.
   Latest market added:Door County,WISCONSIN.

NEW! marked by asterisk*! updated JANUARY 6, 2025
Waterloo-Cedar Falls

1090 KNWS Waterloo REL +93.1 K226CK Waterloo 250w
1250 KCFI Cedar Falls OLDies //105.1FM
1330 KPTY Waterloo OLD C&W//107.3FM "107-3 Hank FM" [KWLO]
1540 KXEL Waterloo NewsTALK
1650 KCNZ Cedar Falls SPO +102.3 K272GA Waterloo 250w
92.3 KOEL Cedar Falls C&W [KOEL-FM KKHQ]
93.1 K226CK Waterloo 250w //1090 KNWS Waterloo REL
93.5 KCVM Hudson Cl HITS
97.7 KCRR Grundy Center Cl ROCK
98.5 KKHQ Oelwein Top40 "Q98-5" [KOEL-FM]
99.3 KWAYFM Waverly HotAC "Y-99.3"
99.7 K259AV Waterloo REL//KSKB
101.9 KNWS Waterloo CCM
102.9 KZIA Cedar Rapids Top40 "Z 102.9"
105.1 K286CI Waverly OLDies //1250 KCFI
105.7 KOKZ Waterloo Cl HITS
107.3 K297BS Waterloo OLD C&W//1330 KPTY "107-3 Hank FM"
107.9 KFMW Waterloo ROCK


920 WMPL Hancock Talk/SPO:Infinity(nights/weekends)FOX:00(6 7 8 11am/12 1 2pm)1000d/206n -24h +107.3 W297CD Hancock 250w
326 Quincy St, Hancock 49930 //107.3 W297CD Hancock
1400 WCCY Houghton, HotAC(&WW1) 1000d/1000n ABC:00 "99-3 the Lift" TIGERS LIONS FINLANDIA RED WINGS PISTONS +99.3 W257CZ 10w
313 E. Montezuma Ave, Houghton 49931
93.5 WKMJ Hancock, AC (JRN) "Mix 93" [WMPLFM]
326 Quincy St, Hancock 49930
96.3 WHBS Houghton 36500w Lite96-3 Houghton's Breeze Light AC
313 E. Montezuma Ave, 49931
97.7 WOLV Houghton, Classic HITS& "97-7 The Wolf" [WOLFFM WHUH]
313 E. Montezuma Ave, 49931
98.7 WGLI Hancock-Houghton, ROCK "The Rockin' Eagle 98-7"
P.O. Box 550, Baraga 49908
99.3 W257CZ Houghton, HotAC (&WW1) 1000d/1000n ABC:00 "99-3 the Lift" TIGERS LIONS FINLANDIA RED WINGS PISTONS //1400 WCCY
313 E. Montezuma Ave, Houghton 49931
101.1 WUPY Ontanagon, C&W "Y101- Superior Country" LIONS
622 River St. Ontonagon, MI 49953
102.3 WHKB Houghton, C&W & "102-3 K-Bear"
313 E. Montezuma Ave, 49931
104.3 WVCN Baraga, REL 100000w @ 860' VCY AMerica
3434 W. Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee,WI 53208
105.7 WCUP L'Anse, C&W "Eagle Country 105.7"
P.O. Box 550, Baraga 49908
107.3 W297CD Hancock 250w //920 WMPL
326 Quincy St, Hancock 49930

970 WZAM Ishpeming ROCK:the Rockin' Eagle +106.9 W295CX Marquette 250w
121 North Front Street, Marquette 49855-4300
1320 WDMJ Marquette Cl HITS
1009 W Ridge St Ste A; Marquette, Michigan 49855
92.3 WJPD Ishpeming, C&W 24h
1009 W Ridge St Ste A; Marquette, Michigan 49855
92.7 WRPP Manistique-Escanaba -Cl ROCK 24h 92.7 the Legend, for Escanaba and the U.P.

93.3 W227CJ Marquette ADULT Top40 //107.7 WMQT Ishpeming
121 North Front Street, Marquette 49855-4300
94.1 WUPK Marquette SoftAC "94-1 the Breeze"
Box 10, Iron Mountain 49801
94.9 WUPZ Chocolay Township, Top40 "94-9 the Bay" FOX:00
524 Ludington St - Suite 3OO, Escanaba 49829
95.7 WHWL Marquette, REL
130 Carmen Dr 49855
96.7 WUPG Republic "Maverick 96.7" OLD C&W
524 Ludington St - Suite 3OO, Escanaba 49829
97.1 WGLQ Escanaba, ADULT Top40 24h PACKERS
524 Ludington St - Suite 3OO, Escanaba 49829
97.5 W248BU MI Marquette OLD(WW1) "97-5 GTO" WFXD-HD3
2025 US Hwy 41 W, Marquette 49855
98.3 WRUP Palmer -Cl ROCK 24h "98-3 RUP" PACKERS
2025 US Hwy 41 W, Marquette 49855
99.5 WNGE Negaunee-Marquette 1850w@597' ROCK. "99-5 K-Rock"
1009 W Ridge St Ste A; Marquette, Michigan 49855
99.9 W260AG Ishpeming SPO:FOX Fox Sports Marquette
2025 US Hwy 41 W, Marquette 49855
100.3 WUPT Gwinn, Cl ROCK "100.3 the Point"
524 Ludington St - Suite 3OO, Escanaba 49829
101.9 WKQS-FM Negaunee AC "Sunny 101.9" +Pop Crush 24h
2025 US Hwy 41 W, Marquette 49855
102.5 WCMM Gulliver, C&W - 24h
524 Ludington St - Suite 3OO, Escanaba 49829
103.3 WFXD Marquette, C&W "103-FXD"
307 S. Front St, Suite 101, 49855
103.9 WNOA-LP Marquette, REL:EWTN
264 Silver Creek Rd. Marquette, MI 49855
105.1 W286BC SPO:FOX Fox Sports Marquette WKQS-HD2
307 S. Front St, Suite 101, 49855
106.1 W291CJ Marquette SoftAC (70s 80s 90s.) 106.1 the Sound WKQS-HD4
307 S. Front St, Suite 101, 49855
107.7 WMQT Ishpeming, ADULT Top40 "Q107" +93.3 W227CJ Marquette
121 North Front Street, Marquette 49855-4300

Sault Ste. Marie MI/ON
1230 WSOO Sault Ste. Marie, MI OLD Coast to Coast TIGERS ABC:00
1411 Ashmun Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
1400 WKNW Sault Ste. Marie, MI "News-Talk 1400" FOX:00
1411 Ashmun Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
93.9 WNBYFM Newberry OLDies "Oldies 93"
1411 Ashmun Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
95.1 WUPN Paradise, Cl HITS "Eagle 95.1"
1500 Ashmun St, Sault Sainte Marie, MI 49783
97.9 WIHC Newberry, MI REL "Strong Tower Radio"
980 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1880, Chicago, IL 60611
99.5 WYSS Sault Ste. Marie, MI ADULT Top40 "Yes FM"
1411 Ashmun Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
100.5 CHASFM Sault Ste. Marie, ON HotAC "Kiss FM"
642 Great Northern Rd, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B4Z9
101.3 WSUE Sault Ste. Marie, MI ROCK "Rock 101"
1411 Ashmun Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
104.3 CJQMFM Sault Ste. Marie, ON C&W "Country 104"
642 Great Northern Rd, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B4Z9
105.5 WMKD Pickford C&W "Country 105"
1411 Ashmun Street, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

Duluth MN- Superior WI
560 WEBC Duluth SPO Fan 106-5 //106.5 W293CT Duluth-Superior
14 E. Central Entrance, 55811-5508
610 KDAL Duluth, News-Talk +103.9 W280FB Duluth 250w
715 E. Central Entrance, 55811
710 WDSM Superior WI 10000/5000 DA-N, SPO:Infinity the gAMe
715 E. Central Entrance, Duluth MN 55811
850 WQRM Duluth, 50000/--- REL:VCY +97.7 W249CX Duluth 250w [WWJC]
3434 W.Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee,WI 53208
970 WDUL Superior WI, 1000d/26n Top40:Hot98 (WW1) +98.1 W251CD Superior 250w [WGEE]
715 E. Central Entrance, Duluth MN 55811
1490 KJOQ Duluth, 1000d/1000n REL:Worship 24/7 +100.9 W265DO Duluth 250w [1390 KAOH KQDS]
2001 London Rd, 55812
92.1 WWPE Hermantown,MN Cl ROCK:Sasquatch 708w @ 905' [WWAX]
501 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 200A, Duluth MN 55802
92.9 WSCD-FM Duluth Classical
224 Holiday Center, 55802
94.1 K231BI Duluth AAA
94.9 KQDS-FM Duluth, Classic Hits "95 KQDS"
715 E. Central Entrance, 55811
95.7 KDAL-FM Duluth, AC -24h "My 95.7"
715 E. Central Entrance, 55811
96.5 WKLK Cloquet Cl ROCK "K 96.5" (WW1)
97.3 KDNW Duluth, Cont.Christian "Life 97.3"
1101 E. Central Entrance, 55811
97.7 W249CX Duluth 250w//850 WQRM Duluth, 50000/--- REL:VCY
3434 W.Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee,WI 53208
98.9 KTCO Duluth, C&W -24h "Cat Country 98.9"
715 E. Central Entrance, 55811
100.9 W265DO Duluth 250w //1490 KJOQ Duluth REL:Worship 24/7
101.7 KLDJ Duluth, Cl HITS 24h
14 E. Central Entrance, 55811-5508
102.5 KDKE Superior WI 100000w @ 600' OLD C&W"Duke FM" [KZIO KRBR KHQG KDWZ]
715 E. Central Entrance, Duluth, MN 55811
103.3 WDSE MN Duluth PUBlic Radio:The North 103.3 [KUMD-FM]
130 Humanities Bldg, 10 University Drive, 55812
103.9 W280FB Duluth,MN 250w NewsTALK //610 KDAL
104.3 KZIO Two Harbors,MN 50000w @ 397', AAA TheCurrent + 94.1 K231BI Duluth
501 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 200A, Duluth MN 55802
105.1 KKCB Duluth, C&W "B-105" 24h
14 E. Central Entrance, 55811-5508
106.5 W293CT Duluth-Superior-Cloquet-Hermantown SPO Fan 106-5 SPO//560 WEBC
14 E. Central Entrance, 55811-5508
107.7 KBMX Proctor,MN 7700w @ 912', ADULT Top40 "Mix 108"
14 E. Central Entrance, 55811-5508

970 KQAQ Austin REL:EWTN
1190 WPVW MN Wabasha 1000/- OLD C&W:Pure Country [WBHA KMFX] +99.7 W259CG Alma,WI 150w
1530 Greenview DR SW #200, Rochester 55902-1080
1270 KFAN Rochester SPO:Fan +93.5 K228FY Rochester 250w[KWEB]
1530 Greenview Dr, Suite 200 SW, Rochester55902
1340 KROC Rochester, Talk +96.9 K245CX Rochester 250w
1220 4th Street SW, 55902
1520 KOLM Rochester, SPO:Infinity "The Ticket"
1220 4th Ave SW, 55902
92.9 KFSI Rochester,REL
4016 28th St SE, 55904
96.5 KWWK Rochester, C&W
1220 4th Ave SW, 55902
97.5 KNXR Rochester, Cl HITS Minnesota 97.5
1620 Greenview Dr SW, 55902
99.9 KAUS-FM Austin, C&W "FM 100"
Hwy 105 S, 55912
101.7 KRCH Rochester, Rock:Active "Laser 101.7"
1530 Greenview Dr, Suite 200 SW, 55902
102.5 KMFX-FM Lake City, C&W "Fox Country 102.5"
Box 46, Wabasha 55981 OR 62 1/2 Pembroke Ave S, Wabasha 55981
104.3 KFNL Spring Valley Cl HITS Fun 104 [KVGO]
300 St Paul St NW, Preston 55965
104.9 K285EL Rochester Soft AC "Y105" //105.3 KYBA
105.3 KYBA Stewartville Soft AC "Y105";
1901 NE 1st Ave, 55976 OR Box 154, 55976
105.7 K289BO Rochester //KJCY REL
106.3 K292EM Rochester Top40 //KROCFM
106.9 KROC-FM Rochester, Top 40 +103.3 K292EM Rochester 216w
122 4th Street SW, 55902
107.7 KDCZ St. Charles Cl ROCK:Sasquatch [KLCX]
1220 4th Avenue SW, Rochester 55902

Winona MN
1230 KWNO Winona, TALK 1000d/1000n +98.7 K254CM Winona 250w
752 Bluffview Circle, 55987
1380 KHWK OLD C&W "Real Country" [KAGE] 4000d/54n +101.5 K268DJ Winona 190w
752 Bluffview Circle, 55987
92.5 KSMR Winona EDUC:St. Mary's University of MN
95.3 KGSL Winona, HotAC "KG-95.3" 10900@495' [KAGE-FM]
752 Bluffview Circle, 55987
97.5 KNXR Rochester, Cl HITS
1620 Greenview Drive SW, Rochester, MN 55902
98.3 KQYB Spring Grove
Po Box 99, La Crosse, WI 54602
99.3 KWMN Rushford SPO:Fox, Winona Sports Network [KHWKFM KWNOFM] 11000@499'
752 Bluffview Circle, Winona 55987
101.1 KRIV Winona, Cl HITS "101.1 the River" 5000w@741' [KHME]
752 Bluffview Circle, 55987
101.9 K270AB MN Winona EDUC //KZSE
103.9 K280EI MN Winona C&W //KQYB
105.5 WFBZ WI Trempealeau SPO
106.3 WQCC WI La Crosse C&W
107.3 W297AW MN Winona CLAS //KLSE


730 KYYA, 4400/236 OLDies:K-Bear +98.1 K251CI Billings 250w [KURL]
2075 Central Avenue, 59102
790 KGHL OLD C&W 5000/5000 +94.7 K234CP Billings 250w
222 N.32nd Street, Floor 10, 59101
910 KBLG 1000/64 SPO
2075 Central Avenue, 59102
970 KBUL 5000/5000 News-Talk +103.3 K277DS Billings 99w
PO Box 1276, 59103
1240 KJCR 1000/1000 REL:EWTN +97.5 K248BL Billings 250w +100.9 K265FK Laurel 25w
636 Haugen Street, 59101
1490 KBSR Laurel NOS/Talk
RR Box 1230, 59034
93.3 KURL 99000w@699' [KYYA] REL:Family Radio
2075 Central Avenue, 59102
94.1 KRKX 100000w@590' OLD C&W "Real Country 94-1 K-Sky"
PO Box 1276, Billings 59103 or 27 N 27th Street, Floor 23, Billings,59101
95.5 KCHH Hardin 100000w@984' AC 95-5 Lite FM
2075 Central Avenue, 59102
96.3 KRZN 100000@695' Modern Rock
2075 Central Avenue, 59102
97.1 KKBR 28000w@400' HotAC:Mix97-1
PO Box 1276, 59103 or 27 N 27th Street, Floor 23, 59101
98.5 KGHL-FM 85000w@371' C&W
222 N. 32nd Street, Floor 10, 59101
101.9 KRSQ Laurel, MT 100kw@367'"Hot 101.9"[101.7]
222 N. 32nd Street, Floor 10, 59101
102.9 KCTR 100000w@499' C&W "Cat Country 103"
PO Box 1276, 59103 or 27 N 27th Street, Floor 23, 59101
103.7 KMHK Classic ROCK
PO Box 1276, 59103 or 27 N 27th Street, Floor 23, 59101
105.1 KYSX 6000w@328' Cl ROCK. "105.1 the Bone" [KNDZ KBEX]
222 N. 32nd Street, Floor 10, 59101
107.5 KZRV Billings 100000w@984' C&W
222 N. 32nd Street, Floor 10, 59101

Kearney-Grand Island
1230 KHAS Hastings 1000/1000
1340 KGFW Kearney News,Talk,Sports 1000/1000 +96.1 K241CN Kearney 250w
PO Box 669 Tri-Cities, NE 68848
1430 KRGI News,Talk, Grand Island 5000/1000 +105.5 K288HC Grand Island 250w
3205 W. North Front St 68803
1460 KXPN Kearney SPO:ESPN 5000/56
403 E. 25th, Kearney 68848
1550 KICS Hastings Sports 500/35 //1460 KXPN Kearney
93.3 K227BQ SS:LaGranD
94.5 KLIQ Hastings AC
96.5 KRGIFM Grand Island C&W Country
3205 W. North Front St 68803
97.3 KRGY Aurora ClROCK
98.9 KKPRFM Kearney Cl HITS:98-9 the Vibe
403 E. 25th, Kearney 68848
99.7 K259CZ ROCK "Thunder 99.7"
100.3 KZEN Central City C&W
403 E. 25th, Kearney 68848
101.5 KROR Hastings ClROCK
311 E.11th Street, Kearney 68847
102.3 KRNY Kearney C&W
PO Box 669 Tri-Cities, NE 68848
103.1 KKJK Ravenna Top40:2DayFM
103.5 K278BR C&W "Legends"
105.9 KQKY Kearney "Hits106" Top40
PO Box 669 Tri-Cities, NE 68848
107.7 KSYZ Grand Island ADULT HITS:107-7 the Island

North Dakota:

550 KFYR TALK +99.7 K259AF Bismarck 350w
240 N. 4th St, 58501
710 KXMR 4000/4000 SPO:FOX "K-Fan"
3500 E. Rosser Ave, 58501
1130 KBMR OLD C&W "Country 1130"
3500 E. Rosser Ave, 58501
1270 KLXX Bismarck TALK&,
1830 N. 11th Street, Bismarck 58501
92.9 KYYY, AC:Mix 92.9
240 N. 4th St, 58501
94.5 KQDY, C&W "KQ 94.5"
3500 E. Rosser Ave, 58501
96.5 KBYZ Classic Rock:96-5 the Walleye
Box 1377, 58502
97.5 KKCT Top40 "Hot 97-5"
Box 1377, 58502
98.5 KACL Cl HITS, "Cool 98.7"
Box 1377, 58502
101.5 KSSS, ROCK "Rock 101"
3500 E. Rosser Ave, 58501
104.7 KNDR Mandan REL
1400 NE 3rd St, 58554
105.9 KKBO Flasher-Bismarck C&W"105.9 the Rig"
3128 E. Broadway, Bismarck 58501

Devils Lake
1240 KDLR, Devil's Lake, OLD C&W, 1000d/1000n CBS:00 24hr LIVE +99.7 K259C Devils Lake 250w
318 Walnut Street W, 58301
96.7 KQZZ, Crary, HotAC, 38000w@561',"Mix96.7" TESHn [Devil's Lake]
318 Walnut Street W, 58301
99.7 K295CV Devil's Lake //1240 KDLR OLD C&W, CBS:00 24hr LIVE
318 Walnut Street W, 58301
102.5 KDVL, Devil's Lake, OLDIES, 100000w@471', "Cruiser 102"
318 Walnut Street W, 58301
103.5 KZZY, Devil's Lake, C&W, 100000w@453' "Double Z Country" LIVE 6am-Mid, 12-6am After Midnight
318 Walnut Street W, 58301
740 KNFL Fargo 50000/940 +107.3 K297BW Fargo 250w [KVOX]
1020 South 25th Street 58103-2312 SPO:ESPN "the Fan"
790 KFGO Fargo Talk 5000d/5000n DA-N /104.7 KFGOFM Hope
1020 25th St S, 58103
970 WDAY Fargo News-Talk, 5000d/5000n
301 8th Street S, 58103
1200 KFNW West Fargo, 1000/700 DA-N REL-GOS,
Box 6008, 58108
1280 KVXR Moorehead, MN REL:EWTN
216 Belmont Rd, Grand Forks ND 58201-4620
1660 KQWB West Fargo, 10000d/1000n SPO:FOX +92.7 K224FD Fargo 250w
2501 13th Ave S, Suite #201, 58103
92.7 K224FD Fargo 250w //1660 KQWB West Fargo, 10000d/1000n SPO:FOX
2501 13th Ave S, Suite #201, 58103
93.7 KOYY 100000w@1030' Top40 "Y-94" [WDAY-FM]
1020 25th St S, 58103
95.1 KBVB Barnesville,MN-Fargo-MoreheadND 98000@302' C&W "Bob95FM"
96.9 K245BY Morehead,MN RHY Top40 96-9 HitsFM
97.9 KFNW-FM Box 6008, 58108 REL
Box 6008, West Fargo, ND 58108
98.7 KLTA Moorehead,MN 100000w-581' ADULT Top40 "Big 98.7" [KQWB-FM]
301 8th Street S, Fargo,ND 58103
99.9 KVOX-FM Moorehead,MN C&W "Froggy 99.9"
301 8th Street S, Fargo,ND 58103
101.9 KRWK, 93000 @ 1000', Adult HITS "Jack FM"[KFGO-FM]
1020 25th St S, Fargo, ND 58103
104.1 KBOT Pelican Rapids 50000 @492' AC
1340 Richwood Road, Detroit Lakes 56501
104.7 KFGOFM Hope TALK //790 KFGO Fargo [KMJO]
1020 25th St S, Fargo, ND 58103
105.1 KQWB-FM Breckenridge,MN 100000w-713' Rock "Q105.1"
2501 13th Ave S, Suite #201, West Fargo,ND 58103
107.9 KPFX Fargo Classic Rock, 10000 - 764' "107-9 The Fox"
2501 13th Ave S, Suite #201, West Fargo,ND 58103

Grand Forks ND
1230 KTRF Thief River Falls,MN NewsTALK +93.3 K227DF Thief River Falls 250w
Box 40, 56701
1260 KROX Crookston,MN AdCon +92.1 K221GU Crookston 250w +105.7 K289CE Grand Forks,ND 250w
208 S.Main St, 56716
1310 KNOX 5000d/5000n DA-2, News-Talk, Sports/nights +107.9 K300BG Grand Forks 250w
Box 13638, 58208
1370 KWTL 1000d/250n, REL +92.5 K223DF Grand Forks 250w
PO Box 88, Casselton 58012
1440 KKXL 600d/300n ND, SPO"Fan"
505 University Ave, 58203
1590 KGFK East Grand Forks,MN Cl ROCK Rock 95 +95.7 K239BG Grand Forks, ND 250w
667 Demers Ave, Suite 2002, Grand Forks MN 58201
89.3 KUND-FM, 37500w @ 215'
1814 N. 15th St, Bismarck ND 58501
92.9 KKXL-FM 100000w @ 358' Top40 "XL93"
505 University Ave, 58203
94.1 KTRF-FM Red Lake Falls,MN "94-1 the Falls" ADULT HITS
Box 40,Thief River Falls,MN 56701
94.7 KZGF 100000w @ 325', Top40"Z94.7" [KYTN KNOX-FM]
Box 13638, 58208
96.1 KQHT Crookston,MN "96.1 The Fox" Classic Rock
505 University Ave, Grand Forks,ND 58203
97.1 KYCK Crookston,MN C&W
Box 5210, Grand Forks ND 58206
98.5 KQYZ Emerado-Grand Forks CHRISTMAS 98.5
100.3 KSNR Fisher, MN 10000w @ 564' C&W "100.3 Cat Country" [Thief River Falls]
P O Box 1248, Minnetonka,MN 55345
104.3 KZLT-FM East Grand Forks,MN AC
667 Demers Ave, Suite 2002, Grand Forks MN 58201
107.5 KJKJ 100000w @ 456', Classic Rock "KJ-108"
505 University Ave, Grand Forks,ND 58203

Minot ND
910 KCJB Minot, OLD C&W, Talk "91 Classic Country"-24h FOX:00
5425 S. Broadway, 58701
1320 KHRT Minot, SoGOS -24h
3600 Country Rd 19 S, 58701
1390 KKRZ Minot, Cl HITS& -24h [KKOA]
101 S. Main St, 58701
93.7 KIZZ Minot, Top40 "Z94" -24h
101 S. Main St, 58701
94.9 KTZU Velva-Minot Cl ROCK "94.9FM-the Zoo"
PO Box 28, Bottineau,58318 or HWY 5W, 58318
97.1 KYYX Minot, c&w, "97 Kicks FM" -24h [KHHT]
5425 S. Broadway, 58701
99.9 KMXA-FM Minot,AC "Mix 99.9" -24h
5425 S. Broadway, 58701
101.9 KBTO Bottineau, C&W "Sunny 101.9"
PO Box 28, Bottineau,58318 or HWY 5W, 58318
102.9 KWGO Burlington-Minot C&W "102.9 WGO"
PO Box 28, Bottineau,58318 or HWY 5W, 58318
105.3 KZPR Minot, Classic AoR, "105.3 The Fox" -24h
101 S. Main St, 58701
106.9 KHRT-FM Minot, ContempChristian& -24h
3600 Country Rd 19 S, 58701

South Dakota:
1210 KOKK Huron, C&W, 5000d/900n
1835 Dakota Avenue S, 57350
1340 KIJV Huron, Cl HITS 1000d/1000n +95.3 K237EL 250w "Tiger 95"
1835 Dakota Avenue S, 57350
93.3 KJRV Wessington Springs Classic ROCK "Big Jim"
95.3 K237EL Huron Cl HITS:Tiger 95//1340 KIJV
96.9 KDLO Watertown C&W
98.3 KUQL Ethan OLDies
99.1 KZNC Huron, C&W, 3000w@185'
1835 Dakota Avenue S, 57350

1060 KGFX C&W 10000/1000 +103.1 K276GT Pierre 250w
214 Pleasant Drive, 57501-2472
1240 KCCR Pierre ClHITSd/SPO:ESPNn SAT,SUN 1000/1000 +98.9 K255DE Pierre 250w
106 West Capital Avenue
92.7 KGFXFM Pierre Top40
214 Pleasant Drive, 57501-2472
94.5 KPLO Reliance C&W
214 Pleasant Drive, 57501-2472
95.3 KLXS Pierre C&W:Country 95.3
106 West Capital Avenue
100.1 KJBI Fort Pierre ClHITS
214 Pleasant Drive, 57501-2472
104.5 KCCRFM Blunt-Pierre 100000w ROCK "Capital City Rock 104.5"
106 West Capital Avenue

Rapid City
810 KBHB Sturgis C&W, Farm +105.5 K288HB Sturgis 250w
E. Hwy 79, Sturgis 57785
920 KKLS Rapid City OLD C&W "the Cowboy" +104.7 K284BA Rapid City
2100 S. 7th Street, 57701
980 KDSJ Deadwood, OLDies +103.5 K278AM Spearfish 250w
745 Main Street Deadwood SD, 57732
1150 KIMM Rapid City SPO:FOX +106.7 K294BT Rapid City 250w
909 St. Joseph St, Suite 200, 57701
1340 KTOQ Rapid City, SPO:ESPN 1000d/1000n +105.7 K289AI Rapid City 250w -24h
306 St. Joseph St, 57701
1380 KOTA Rapid City, NewsTALK& +100.7 K264CP Rapid City 250w -24h
518 St. Joseph St, 57701
1450 KBFS Belle Fourche News-Talk //103.1 KYDT Pine Haven,WY
707 Harding St, Belle Fourche, SD 57717
92.3 KQRQ Rapid City, 86000w@581' "Classic Hits Q92.3"
518 St. Joseph St, 57701
93.1 KRCS Sturgis, Top40 "Hot 93.1" -24h
2100 S. 7th Street, 57701
93.9 KKMK Rapid City, AC "Mix"-24h
2100 S. 7th Street, 57701
95.1 KSQY Deadwood, ROCK -24h
PO Box 1680, Rapid City, 57709
745 Main Street Deadwood SD, 57732
95.9 KZZI Belle Fourche, C&W:The Eagle 95.9 FM +96.3 K242BK Rapid City 250w
745 Main Street Deadwood SD, 57732
96.3 K242BK Rapid City 250w //95.9 KZZI Belle Fourche C&W:The Eagle 95.9 FM
745 Main Street Deadwood SD, 57732
97.9 KVPC Rapid City REL:VCY AMerica -24h [KTPT KLMP]
3434 W. Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee,WI 53208
98.7 KOUT Rapid City -24h
909 St. Joseph St, Suite 200, 57701
99.5 KRKI Keystone OLD C&W "99-5 the Range"
1711 W. Main St., Rapid City,SD
100.3 KFXS Rapid City, Classic Rock "100.3 The Fox" -24h
909 St. Joseph St, Suite 200, 57701
101.9 KFMH Rapid City, CL HITS "Kool 101.9"

102.7 KXMZ Box Elder-Rapid City Top40 "Hit 102.7"
103.1 KYDT Pine Haven,WY - /Belle Fourche, SD News-Talk //1450 KBFS Belle Fourche
707 Harding St, Belle Fourche, SD 57717
104.1 KIQK Rapid City, C&W -24h
306 St. Joseph St, 57701
104.7 K284BA Rapid City,NewsTalk //920 KKLS
106.7 K294BT Rapid City 250w //1150 KIMM Rapid City SPO:FOX
909 St. Joseph St, Suite 200, 57701
106.3 KZLK Rapid City, HotAC "Star 106.3" -24h
518 St. Joseph St, 57701 or PO BOX 1760, 57709
107.1 KSLT Spearfish Contemp. Christian
107.9 KXZT Newell SD, Country

South Dakota:
Sioux Falls:
1000 KSOO C&W 10000/100 SPO:ESPN ESPN Sioux Falls +102.3 K272FZ Sioux Falls 250w [KXRB]
51000 South Tennis Lane 57108-2212
1140 KXRB 10000/5000 OLD C&W //100.1 KXRBFM [KSOO]
51000 South Tennis Lane 57108-2212
1230 KWSN 1000/1000 +98.1 K251BH Sioux Falls 250w SPO:Infinity [KISD KKRC]
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
1320 KELO 5000/5000 News-Talk-SPO "Kelo 1320 & 107.9" +107.9FM KELQ +105.1 K286CN Sioux Falls 250w
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
1520 KZOY 500/-- 80s HITS "Sunny Radio" +92.1 K221FO Sioux Falls
721 N. Splitrock Blvd., Brandon SD 57005-2004
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
95.7 KSQB Top40 "Q95-7"
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
51000 South Tennis Lane 57108-2212
98.1 K251BH Sioux Falls 250w SPO:Infinity//1230 KWSN 1000/1000
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
99.1 KSOOFM Lennox C&W:Kickin' 99-1 & 100.5
51000 South Tennis Lane 57108-2212
100.1 KXRBFM Brandon //1140 KXRB OLD C&W [KDEZ]
100.5 KIKN Salem C&W:Kickin' 99-1 & 100.5
101.9 KELOFM Hot AC [KTWB]
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
102.7 KYBB Canton, ClROCK
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825
104.7 KKLSFM Top40 "Hot 104.7"
51000 South Tennis Lane 57108-2212
107.9 KELQ TALK//KELO 1320 "Kelo 1320 & 107.9" +105.1 K286CN Sioux Falls 250w
500 S.Phillips Ave, 57104-6825

Door County

910 WDOR Sturgeon Bay 1000/---PSSA:0600-SUNSET (DAYS ONLY) OLDies//FM 93.9 ABC:00 new:1951
93.3 W227CH Sturgeon Bay AAA//106.9WLGE
93.9 WDOR-FM Sturgeon Bay OLDies//WDOR ABC:00 new:1964 24h
96.7 WBDK Algoma OLDies [WOMA, algOMA, 96.5] new:1985
97.7 WQDC Sturgeon Bay Cl HITS:Rewind97-7 new:1988
98.9 W255AQ Sturgeon Bay + 96.9 W245BS Green Bay //92.7 keWAUNee SS:LaMasGrande
99.7 WDKF Sturgeon Bay OLD C&W:Duke FM
102.1 WRKU Forestville Top40:U102-1 new:1999
103.3 W277BP Sturgeon Bay Sturgeon Bay's Classic Rock:the Pirate 250w WBDK-HD2
104.1 WRLU Algoma C&W
105.1 WSBW Ephraim Adult HITS:theGoat new:2007
106.9 WLGE Baileys Harbor AAA:theLodge new:2008

540 WAUK Jackson, TALK:The Sha 101 FM +101.1 W266DR Waukesha 250w CBS:00
720 E. Capitol Dr, 53212
620 WTMJ Milwaukee, News-Talk +103.3 W277CV Milwaukee BREWERS
720 E. Capitol Dr, 53212
860 WNOV Milwaukee, Urban AC,TALK "TheSource" +106.5 W293CX Milwaukee 99w
2003 W. Capitol Dr. 53206
920 WOKY Milwaukee, SPO:FOX/NBC "Big 920"
12100 Howard Ave, 53228
1130 WISN Milwaukee, News-Talk FOX:00 "NewsTalk1130" +97.3 WRNW-HD2
12100 Howard Ave, 53228
1250 WSSP Milwaukee,SPO:Infinity:AM1250theFan
11800 Grange Ave, Hales Corners,WI 53130
1290 WZTI Greenfield AM1290-the Fonz [WMCS WZUU WMIL]
N72W12922 Good Hope Rd, Menomonee Falls,53051
1340 WJOI Milwaukee REL:Joy 1340 +98.7 W254CU Milwaukee [WRIT WBCS WMKE WLZR WJYI]
5407 W. McKinley Ave 53208
1400 WRJN Racine 98.1 W251BU Kenosha +99.9 W260CV Racine OLDies CBS:00
4201 Victory Ave, Racine, WI 53405
1460 WJTI West Allis-Milwaukee, 1000/240 CCM:theFamily *
1470 WRYU West Bend CL HITS/ROCK:We Rock yoU //101.3 W267CL West Bend [WBKV WIBD]
PO Box 933, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095
1510 WGKB Waukesha TALK +101.7 W269DL Milwaukee 200w [WRRD WAUK WAUX]
720 E. Capitol Dr, 53212
1540 WPTT Hartford 500/-- Cl HITS:92.9FM //92.9 W225CP [WTKM]
1560 WGLB Elm Grove 2500/250 UrbanGOS +96.1 W241CI Milwaukee 99w
1640 WSJP Sussex REL:Relevant //100.1 WSJPFM Port Washington +99.9 W260DP Pewaukee 250w [WGNW WPJP WKSH 1370 Pewaukee]
PO Box 10707, Green Bay,WI 54307

92.1 WVTY Racine-Kenosha C&W "V T Y Country" [WEZY WMKQ]

92.5 WMBZ West Bend C&W "Buzz Country"
PO Box 933, West Bend, Wi
92.9 W225CP Saukville Cl HITS:92.9FM //1540 WPTT Hartford
93.3 WLDB Milwaukee, AC "B93.3"
N72W12922 Good Hope Rd, Menomonee Falls,53051
93.7 W229CQ Milwaukee SS "La 93.7" -WDDW-HD2
94.5 WKTI Milwaukee ESPN [WTMJ-FM WLWK]
720 E. Capitol Dr, 53212
95.7 WRIT Milwaukee, Cl HITS "95.7 Big FM"
12100 Howard Ave, 53228
96.1 W241CI Milwaukee 99w //1560 WGLB Elm Grove 185/250 UrbanGOS
96.5 WKLH Milwaukee, Classic Rock
5407 W. McKinley Ave 53208
97.3 WRNW Milwaukee SPO "97-3 the Game" PACKERS
12100 Howard Ave, 53228
97.9 W250BN West Allis 10w SS:LaCaliente
611 W. National Ave., Suite 201, Milwaukee 53204
98.3 WJMR Menomonee Falls, Urban AC "Jammin'98-3"
5407 W. McKinley Ave 53208
98.7 W254CU Milwaukee //1340 WJYI REL
5407 W. McKinley Ave 53208
99.1 WMYX Milwaukee, HotAC "99-1 the Mix"
99.1 WMYX-HD2 Milwaukee OLD/Soft "MeTV FM"
11800 Grange Ave, Hales Corners,WI 53130
100.1 WSJPFM Port Washington REL;Relevant Radio //1640 WPJP Sussex +99.9 W260DP Pewaukee 250w [WGLBFM WPJP WSJP]
PO Box 10707, Green Bay,WI 54307
100.3 W262CJ Milwaukee + 107.3 W297B Franklin OLD C&W
N72W12922 Good Hope Rd, Menomonee Falls,53051
100.7 WKKV Racine, Urban "V100.7" HD-2 Soft Oldies
12100 Howard Ave, 53228
101.7 W269DL Milwaukee 200w TALK //1510 WGKB Waukesha
720 E. Capitol Dr, 53212
102.1 WLUM Milwaukee Alternative "Rock 102-1"
2979 N. Mayfair Road, Milwaukee,WI 53222
102.5 W273DQ Milwaukee 99w //1460 WJTI West Allis-Milwaukee, 1000/240 CCM:theFamily *
102.9 WHQG Milwaukee, Rock "102-9 the Hog"
5407 W. McKinley Ave 53208
103.3 W277CV Milwaukee 250w //620 WTMJ NewsTALK
720 E. Capitol Dr, 53212
103.7 WXSS Wauwatosa-Milwaukee, Top40 "Kiss FM"
103.7 WXSS-HD2 Wauwatosa-Milwaukee Hot 105-7 R&B-Hip-Hop
11800 Grange Ave, Hales Corners,WI 53130
104.7 WDDW Sturtevant SS "LaGrande"
1138 S. 108th Street, Milwaukee 53214
105.3 WLVE Mukwonago, Contemporary Christian "K-Love"
5700 W.Oaks Blvd., Rocklin,CA 95765
105.7 W289CB Milwaukee "Hot 105-7" R&B-Hip-Hop
11800 Grange Ave, Hales Corners,WI 53130
106.1 WMIL Waukesha-Milwaukee C&W "FM106.1"
106.1 WMIL-HD2 Waukesha-Milwaukee OLD C&W "the Wolf"
106.1 WMIL-HD3 WI Waukesha ALT "ALT-2K"
12100 Howard Ave, 53228
106.5 W293CX Milwaukee //860 WNOV
2003 W. Capitol Dr. 53206
106.9 WRXS Brookfield-Milwaukee OLD:Pure OLDies 106-9 [WNRG]
5407 W. McKinley Ave 53208
107.3 W297B Franklin +100.3 W262CJ Milwaukee OLD C&W
107.7 WVCY Milwaukee, REL:VCY
3434 W.Kilbourn Ave 53208

Rhinelander-Eagle River,WI
810 WJJQ Tomahawk 980/13 SPO:Infinity +100.7 W265BF Tomahawk "Infinity Sports Tomahawk"
81 E. Mohawk Drive, 54487-8618
900 WATK Antigo 250/195 +98.7 W254AX Antigo "Lakes 98-7" (WW1)
92237 US Highway 45 South, 54409-8889
950 WERL Eagle River News-Talk +101.7 W269DZ Eagle River 250w "Freedom Talk 101.7FM & 950AM"
909 North Railroad St., 54521-8876
1240 WOBT Rhinelander 950/1000 SPORTS +101.3 W267AF 250w SPO:Fox "101-3 the Game"
3616 St Highway 47, 54501-8819
1570 WLKD Minocqua, SoftOLD/NOS 5000/500 +105.7 W289CT Minocqua 250w "the Lake"
3616 St Highway 47, 54501-8819
92.5 WJJQ Rhinelander, C&W/OLD/AC, Solid Gold weekends "on the Q" "Northwoods 92-5" [92.7]
81 E. Mohawk Drive, 54487-8618
93.7 WCYE Three Lakes, C&W "Coyote Country" [WLSL]
909 North Railroad St., 54521-8876
94.5 WRJO Eagle River, Cl HITS (70s/80s) BREWERS [WERL-FM, 94.3]
909 North Railroad St., 54521-8876
95.9 WMQA Minocqua, AC:95-9 the Island
3616 St Highway 47, 54501-8819
96.5 WNWX Rhinelander, HotAC "Mix 96" [WHOH]
909 North Railroad St., 54521-8876
96.7 W244BU Rhinelander REL //WCWL
97.3 WHDG Rhinelander C&W "Hodag Country"
3616 St Highway 47, 54501-8819
100.1 WRHN Rhinelander Adult HITS "100.1 Jack FM" [100.3]
3616 St Highway 47, 54501-8819
100.9 ---- Tomahawk, Salvation Poem Foundation FCC Auction 109 winner:July 27,2021
103.9 WEQC Crandon CCM:Prayz Network
104.9 W285FS Eagle River 250w News TALK //950 WERL "Freedom Talk 104.9 & 950 WERL"
105.3 WRLO Antigo Cl ROCK 105-3
106.1 WACD Antigo-Crandon-Rhinelander C&W:All Hit Country
92237 US Highway 45 South, 54409-8889
Wausau-Stevens Point
550 WSAU Wausau, News-Talk +99.9 WSAU-FM Plover +95.1 W236CO Marshfield 250w
602 Jefferson St., 54403
730 WJMT Merrill OLDies 24h +96.3 W242CZ Merrill 250w [WXMT] "Blue Jay 96-3"
1010 WPCN Stevens Point 1000/9 OLDIES"True" //92.1 W222BN Marshfield [WSPT WSPO WXYQ]
500 Division St, 54481
1230 WXCO Wausau TALK:Bull Falls Radio +98.9 W255DN Wausau 235w

1390 WRIG Schofield, 10000/7200 SPO:FOX +93.9 W229AI Rothschild 250W
920 Grand Ave, 54476
93.9 W229AI Rothschild //1390 WRIG Schofield 250w
920 Grand Ave, 54476
94.7 WOZZ Mosinee 50000w@492' Adult HITS [WOFM] JackFM
920 Grand Ave, 54476
95.1 W236CO Marshfield 250w //550 WSAU Wausau NewsTALK
920 Grand Ave, 54476
95.5 WIFC Wausau 98000w@1150'Top40 [WSAU-FM]
602 Jefferson St., 54403
96.3 W242CZ Merrill 250w //730 WJMT Merrill OLDies 24h
96.7 WLJY Whiting Top40 "Hot96-7"[WYTE]
2301 Plover Rd, Plover 54467
97.9 WSPT-FM Stevens Point, 100000 @ 338' Cl HITS "07-9 'SPT"
500 Division St, 54481
99.9 WSAU-FM Plover, News-Talk//WSAU-AM
2460 Plover Rd, Plover 54467
100.5 WAVV Rothschild-Wausau AC "Wave 100.5" [WDTX]
1110 E. Wausau Ave., 54403
101.9 WDEZ Wausau, 100000w @ 1076' C&W "Great Country"
920 Grand Ave, 54476
103.3 WGLX-FM Wisconsin Rapids Classic Rock
645 25th Ave, 54495
104.1 WXVM Merrill, 24000w @ 617' REL:WRVM Suring [WMZK]
120 Mill St, 54452
104.9 WCWB Marathon, 21000w - 358' OLD C&W "B104.9" [WKQH WMGU WIGL]
500 Division St, 54481
105.3 WRLO-FM Antigo, 100000w - 981', Classic Rock
N2237 US Hwy 45S, 54409
105.5 WIRI Nekoosa OLD C&W:Wis-Country [WLJY]
645 25th Ave North, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
106.1 WACD Antigo, 1000w - 276' C&W:All Hit Country
N2237 US Hwy 45S, 54409
106.5 WYTE Marshfield C&W [WLJY] "Y106.5"
3012 Post Rd. Stevens Point 54481
107.9 WBCV Wausau, 100000w @ 1000' Classic HITS "Big Cheese" [WYCO]
1110 E. Wausau Ave., 54403

Thunder Bay, ONTARIO
88.3 CBQT CBC Radio One
89.3 CBON-20 CBC French
90.5 CKSI Thunder Bay
91.5 CKPR Thunder Bay HotAC - originally Top40 on AM580
93.1 CFNO Marathon - AC (+repeaters, easily heard along North part of Lake Superior)
94.3 CJSD Thunder Bay Rock 94
95.1 CJOA Thunder Bay
97.1 CITB Thunder Bay
98.1 CJTL-1 Thunder Bay
99.9 CJUK Thunder Bay Cl HITS:the Bay dropped Top40 "Magic 99.9" in September 2018
101.7 CBQ Thunder Bay CBC
102.7 CILU Thunder Bay -Campus radio
103.5 CKED Shuniah 50w Top40 Energy 103-104//
104.5 CFQK Kaministiquia 50w Top40 Energy 103-104
105.3 CKTG Thunder Bay C&W Country 105 -was Top40 as Hot 105 to 2005.