AUGUST 2024 Trans Pacific/DU logs
909 UNID TA 8/4/24 0200 to 0330 UTC. I intentionally parked the SDR on 909 Sat. nite to see if the radio could detect the 0300 UTC sign on of the VOA Botswana station. I had no such luck. There was, however, a lone TA signal on 909.0002 the entire time running weak to maybe 10 dBs over 910's LSB level. This could be one of the more powerful BBC Radio 5 Live synchros, the Spaniard, or the Algerian. MWList has Palma, Spain on 909.0002 but the post is old (from 2014). TPK-WI
909 NEW ZEALAND, Hawke's Bay 8/4/24 0800 to 1115 UTC. A mostly weak, intermittent signal early but strengthening to a weak steady signal sometimes peaking to 10 dBs o/ the 910 LSB level. Faded and gone for good by 1055 UTC. My LSR was 1046 UTC. The signal's frequency was 908.9999 w/ the latest MWList post (4/19/24) @ 909.0000. The New Zealand station is the only one listed on MWList that could be showing up this early @ 0800 UTC. There are no Aussies on this frequency and the eastern Asian stations were still basking in sunshine. TPK-WI
JULY 2024 Trans Pacific/DU logs
1026 UNID TP 7/15/2024 1000 to 1100 UTC. A mostly weak signal that had several peaks to 10 dBs o/ the 1020-1030 sideband level. Faded and gone by 1043 UTC. My LSR was 1026 UTC. Its frequency was 1026.0005. MWList has Melbourne, Australia posted on 6/27/24 @ 1026.0007 and Whangarei , NZL also posted on 6/27/24 but @ 1026.0004. It could be either one. TPK-WI
1206 UNID TP 7/8/2024 1000 to 1100 UTC. I found a lone signal upon tuning in @ 1000 UTC doing 5 to 10 dB's above the 1200-1210 sideband level. It gradually faded, became intermittent and was gone by 1040 UTC. Its frequency was 1205.9989. My LSR was 1020 UTC. The 2 most likely candidates are Dunedin, New Zealand (most recent MWList post 1205.9987 on 5/4/22) and Australian's capital Canberra {most recent post 1205.9991 on 9/4/22}. TPK-WI
1215 UNID TP 7/9/2024 0945 to 1100 UTC. A weak smeared signal showed up starting @ 0949 UTC, peaked about 5 dBs o/ the sideband level, and was faded and gone by 1002 UTC. The smear was centered @ 1215.0020.
Widened signals can be caused by sunrises and/or sunsets @ the point of origin. 4 Japanese stations, Cebu City, Philippines, and Samarinda, Borneo (Indonesia) all had sunsets around this time. MWList had no match for 1215.0020. TPK-WI
1008 NEW ZEALAND Tauranga 7/3/24 0950 to 1115 UTC. A steady strong signal doing 10-15 dB's o/ 1010's LSB level. Started to fade after 1015 or so, became weak and intermittent by 1033 but lingered really long. It was finally gone by 1107 UTC! My LSR was 1017 UTC. Its frequency was measured @ 1007.9999 w/ MWList's latest post (3/8/23) @ 1007.9997. TPK-WI
1008 AUSTRALIA Brisbane 7/3/24 0950 to 1115 UTC. A weak broken signal that never rose above the 1010 LSB level. It first showed up @ 1004 and was gone by 1013 UTC. My LSR was 1017 UTC. Its frequency was 1007.9975 w/MWList having them in the range of 1007.9969 to 1007.9978 from 2010 to 2021 (year of the latest post). TPK-WI
1017 TONGA Nuku'alofa 7/1/24 0950 to 1100 UTC. A strong signal doing a steady 20 dBs o/ the 1020 LSB. Gradually faded and became intermittent by 1035 UTC. Gone by 1045 UTC. My LSR was 1016 UTC. Frequency was 1017.0001. TPK-WI
1017 NEW ZEALAND Christchurch 7/1/24 0950 to 1100 UTC. Tentative. A weak somewhat intermittent signal buried within 1020's LSB level. There was one brief peak to 10 dBs over the LSB level. Gone by 1028 UTC. My LSR was 1016 UTC. The frequency was 1017.0006. MWList's latest post (7/2/23) is 1017.0004. Tentative cuz Wyndham Australia (500 watts), Sydney Australia ( last reported in 2006), and NHK Fukuoka Japan (just starting its LSS) all have been reported near 1017.0006. TPK-WI
1026 UNID TP 7/15/2024 1000 to 1100 UTC. A mostly weak signal that had several peaks to 10 dBs o/ the 1020-1030 sideband level. Faded and gone by 1043 UTC. My LSR was 1026 UTC. Its frequency was 1026.0005. MWList has Melbourne, Australia posted on 6/27/24 @ 1026.0007 and Whangarei , NZL also posted on 6/27/24 but @ 1026.0004. It could be either one. TPK-WI
1026 NEW ZEALAND Invercargill 7/15/2024 1000 to 1100 UTC. A signal that was waxing and waning between intermittent and 10 dBs o/ the sideband level. Gone by 1036 UTC. My LSR was 1026 UTC. Its frequency was 1026.0020 w/ the latest MWList post (6/27/24) @ 1026.0019. TPK-WI
1215 BOTSWANA Mahalapye 7/9/2024 0217 to 0350 UTC. The only TA signal present during this time. There were no signs of the 2 Spanish stations. Weak and intermittent for the most part but was peaking @15 dBs o/ the sideband level @ 0350 UTC. Frequency was 1215.0015 with the latest MWList post (2/5/23) also @ 1215.0015. Note: The Absolute Radio UK synchros went off the air in Jan. 2023. TPK-WI
1215 NEW ZEALAND Kaikohe 7/9/2024 0945 to 1100 UTC. Weak and somewhat intermittent but peaking
@1008 UTC 10dBs o/ the sideband level. Faded and gone by 1040 UTC. My LSR was 1021 UTC. The frequency was measured @ 1215.0016 with the latest MWList post (8/16/21) @ 1215.0015. TPK-WI
1476 AUSTRALIA Roma 7/11/24 1000 to 1100 UTC. A weak signal embedded in the sideband w/ one brief peak to 10 dBs over @ 1021. Disappeared @ 1025 but reappeared weakly @ 1036. Finally gone by 1040 UTC. My LSR was 1023 UTC. Its frequency was 1476.0034 w/ MWList's latest posting (8/9/23) @ 1476.0033. TPK-WI
1476 NEW ZEALAND Auckland 7/11/2024 1000 to 1100 UTC. A signal doing 10-20dBs o/ the 1470-1480 sideband level for the first 20 minutes. Weak and intermittent after 1030 but w/ a 10 dB peak o/ the sideband @ 1034 and another peak of 5 dBs o/ @ 1048 UTC. It was gone for good by 1051. My LSR was 1023 UTC. The frequency was measured @ 1475.9982 w/ the latest MWList post (5/23/22) @ 1475.9979. TPK-WI
FEBRUARY 2024 Trans Pacific/DU logs
1089 NEW ZEALAND, Palmerston North 2/7/2024 0620 to 0900 UTC. A bonus! A signal on 1089.0006-1089.0007 started to show up @ 0740 UTC, peaking @ 15dBs o/ @ 0817 UTC, 20 dBs o/ @ 0823, and 15 dBs o/ @ 0837. Palmerston North has a 0730 UTC sunset. MWList's latest post (5/23/2022) has them @ 1089.0004. TPK-WI
NOVEMBER 2023 Trans Pacific/DU logs
954 NEW ZEALAND Hamilton 11/23/2023 1155 to 1315 UTC. A weak somewhat intermittent signal staying within the 950-960 sidebband level. It had one brief peak to almost 10 dBs over the sideband level @ 1253
before fading and gone by 1300 UTC. Its frequency was 953.9994 which is an exact match to the latest MWList's 5/27/2022 posting. My LSR was @ the time the signal peaked, 1253 UTC. TPK-WI
OCTOBER 2023 Trans Pacific/DU logs
603 UNID TPs 10/19/23 1015 to 1055 UTC. I had the sdr on 603 this AM while doing the usual (mostly canine related) morning chores. Three weak signals were present- 603.0016, 603.0010, and 603.0001. Most likely they are all DUs but South Korea, Japan, and China can't be ruled out. TPK-WI
1152 AUSTRALIA Busselton 10/29/23 1100 to 1250 UTC. A steady signal at or just above the 1150 USB level. Peaked a few times @ 10 dB over the USB level with one peak of 15 dB over @ 1211 UTC. It had a steady frequency( no drifting) of 1151.9951 . The 2 latest MWList posts have Busselton @ 1151.9950 (4/18/23) and 1151.9945 (10/19/23).
The signal was faded and gone by 1232. My LSR was 1222 UTC. TPK-WI
1152 AUSTRALIA Wagga Wagga 10/29/23 1100 to 1250 UTC. Tentative. A mostly steady , weak signal with a few peaks to 10 dBs over the 1150 USB level. The frequency was steady @ 1152.0004. MWList's latest post (3/20/17) has them at 1152.0002. The ID is tentative cuz this frequency post is old. It was faded and gone for good 15 minutes past my LSR of 1222 UTC. TPK-WI
1152 NEW ZEALAND Timaru 10/29/23 1100 to 1250 UTC. A weak ghost-like signal buried in the 1150 USB. It showed up first @ 1131 UTC, had a brief peak to 10 dBs over @ 1145, and then was gone @ 1147. It came back again @ 1211 and was gone for good @ 1217. My LSR was 1222. The frequency was measured @ 1151.9987 with MWList's latest post (7/2/23) @ 1151.9988. TPK-WI
SEPTEMBER 2023 Trans Pacific/DU logs
792 NEW ZEALAND Hamilton 9/21/2023 910 to 1210 UTC. Steady but weak signal embedded in 790's USB with a few brief peaks to 10 dBs over the USB level. Faded and gone by 1149 UTC. My LSR was 1137 UTC. Its frequency was 792.0016 with the latest MWList post ( 3/8/23) @ 792.0012. TPK-WI
792 AUSTRALIA Brisbane 9/21/2023 910 to 1210 UTC. Steady signal staying above 790's USB level for the most part. Maximum was seen @ 1145 UTC peaking about 15 dBs over the USB level. Faded and gone by 1201 UTC. My LSR was 1137 UTC. Its frequency was 792.0023 with the latest (4/3/22) MWList post @ 792.002. TPK-WI
1116 AUSTRALIA Brisbane 9/11/23 0945 to 1210 UTC. A lone strong signal always doing 10 to 20 dB over the 1110-1120 sideband level. Faded then lingered and gone by 1203 UTC. My LSR was 1126 UTC. Its frequency was drifting back and forth between 1115.9962 to 1115.9967. MWList's latest post(5/18/21) was 1115.9961. TPK-WI
AUGUST 2023 Trans Pacific/DU logs
1422 AUSTRALIA Melbourne 8/23/23 0820 to 1135 UTC. The only TP present during this time. A weak, intermittent signal upon tuning in @ 0820. The signal gradually grew stronger and steady and peaked about 15 dBs over the sideband level around 1048. Then it started to fade and was gone @ 1125 UTC. My LSR was 1106 UTC. Its frequency @ 0820 was 1422.0052 and it had drifted upwards to 1422.0072 by the time it was gone. MWList's 2 latest posts are 1422.0032 (2/26/23) and 1422.0071 (8/12/22). TPK-WI
1476 AUSTRALIA Mount Gambier 8/19/23 1040 to 1130 UTC. A very weak signal buried in the sideband that was only present from 1040 to 1045 and from 1057 to 1110 UTC. Its frequency was 1475.9992 w/ a very recent MWList post(8/10/23) also @ 1475.9992. My LSR was @ 11011. TPK-WI
1476 AUSTRALIA Roma 8/19/23 0925 to 1130 UTC. One of 2 signals on 1476 upon tuning in @ 0925. A somewhat intermittent weak signal during this time w/ one peak noticed @ 10dBs over. The signal was faded and gone by 1122. Its frequency was variable between 1476.0028 and 1476.0033. MWList's most recent post(8/9/23) is 1476.0033. My LSR was 1101. TPK-WI
1476 BENIN Parakou 8/19/23 0300 to 0400 UTC. Tentative. A carrier signal came on air @ 0307 doing mostly about 10 dBs or less above the sideband level until it abruptly went off air @ 0352. There was one peak to 20 dB over around 0335. This was the only TA signal during this time. Benin (TWR Africa) is listed as having a program start time of 0320 . The frequency was measured @ 1475.9939 which doesn't match anything MWList had for Benin. Benin, however, is the only station listed on 1476 that would be coming in at this time besides a 250 watt English station.. TPK-WI
1476 CHINA cities unknown 8/19/23 1035 to 1130 UTC. Tentative. A widely smeared signal showed up @ 1035 and peaked @ about 15 dBs over the sideband level @ 1050 before it became faded and gone by 1054 UTC. Smeared signals can be generated by stations experiencing sunsets and the sun was setting across northeast China and just starting to set along its east coast. The center of the smear was measured @ 1476.0037 with a slight drift upwards before it became totally faded. It was also distinct from the Aussie around 1476.0030. MWList has 11 Chinese stations on 1476 with 6 of them located north of the Koreans. There are also 2 stations located near the east coast. MWList unfortunately has no frequency offsets listed for China. My LSR was 1101. TPK-WI
1476 NEW ZEALAND Auckland 8/19/23 0925 to 1130 UTC. One of 2 signals on 1476 upon tuning in @ 0925. A weak but steady signal barely rising above the sideband level. It had one peak @ 1112 to 15 dB over the sideband level before it faded and was gone @ 1124. Its frequency was 1475.9982 w/ the latest MWList post(5/23/22) @ 1475.9979. My LSR was 1101 UTC. TPK-WI
JULY '23 Trans Pacific/DU logs
657 UNID TP D&Us (down and unders) 7/9/23 0930 to 1100 UTC. A signal doing about 20dBs o/ the sideband level was present upon tuning in @ 0930 UTC. Actually there were 2 carrier signals separated by no more than 1/10 of a hertz. The frequency was 657.0001. MWList has Wellington NZL, Byrock, Australia, and Tauranga NZL all w/in a tight range of 656.9997 to 656.9999. I'm guessing the station doing 20 dBs over was Wellington NZL w/ its 50 kwatts. The signals were finally gone 30 minutes past my LSR of 1020 UTC. TPK-WI
1278 UNID TP D&U 7/26/23 1000 to 1130 UTC. A lone signal was present upon tuning in @ 1000 UTC. It was running fairly steady with a few peaks to just above 1280's LSB level. It really lingered a long time past my LSR of 1035 UTC, finally being faded and gone @ 1125 UTC. The frequency was measured. @ 1278.0013. It could be either of the 2 D&Us listed on this frequency. Melbourne Australia's latest post on MWList (2/26/23) is 1278.0015 and Hawke's Bay NZL has a past history of being on 1278.0013. TPK-WI
891 AUSTRALIA Adelaide 7/27/23 0930 to 1050 UTC. A weak sometimes intermittent signal within WLS's USB. Peaked @ 0955 UTC about 10 dB's over the sideband level. Gone for good by 1040. The frequency was measured @ 891.0019 with the latest MWList post from exactly 2 years ago @ 891.002. My LSR was 1036. TPK-WI
891 AUSTRALIA Townsville 7/27/23 0930 to 1050 UTC. The signal was doing 10 dB's over WLS's USB level upon tuning in @ 0930. It remained a visible signal waxing and waning above and under the USB level until it was gone for good by 1038 UTC. Its frequency was 890.9961 w/the latest MWList post(12/4/21) @ 890.996. My LSR was 1036. TPK-WI
891 NEW ZEALAND Wellington 7/27/23 0930 to 1050 UTC. A very weak, intermittent ghost like signal @ first buried deep in WLS's USB. After 1015 it became a steady signal and peaked @ 10 dB's over the USB @ 1029 UTC. Faded and gone for good by 1038 UTC. Its frequency was 890.9985 w/ the latest MWList post (5/27/22) @ 890.9983. My LSR was 1036. TPK-WI
945 NEW ZEALAND Gisbourne 7/16/23 0900 to 1100 UTC. Tentative. A single weak intermittent TP signal was present that had a few brief peaks to 10 dBs o/ the sideband level. Faded and gone after 1040 UTC. Its frequency was measured @ 945.0042 with the latest MWList post(9/24/21) @ 945.0040. My LSR was @ 1026 UTC. TPK-WI
JUN '23 Trans Pacific/DU logs
1017 TONGA Nuku'alofa Jun9 0820 to 1100 UTC. Found a lone TP signal upon tuning in @ 0820. The signal was pretty steady doing about 15 dBs o/ the sideband level until it started to fade around 1025 UTC. It disappeared completely by 1042. My LSR this AM was 1012 UTC. The frequency was measured @ 1017.0055 w/ the latest MWList post ( 3/23/23 ) @ 1017.0050. TPK-WI
1107 AUSTRALIA, Sydney 6/14/23 1000 to 1030 UTC. A lone TP signal peaking @ 10dBs over the sideband level upon tuning in @ 1000 UTC. The signal was faded and gone by 1020 UTC. The frequency was measured @ 1006.9999 w/ a MWList post ( 2/14/18 ) of 1006.9998. The sun was just starting to set over the only other 2 candidates, Japan and the Phillipines ,but their signal path is mostly over land ( trans-Alaskan ) which dims their chances of ever getting here. My LSR was 1011 UTC. TPK-WI
MAY '23 Trans Pacific/DU logs
738 unID 5/30/23 0930 to 1042 UTC. The signal was mostly engulfed in the sideband noise but it did make one brief peak to 10 dB o/ the sideband level. Frequency was measured @ 738.0005 with MWList having the NZL station @ 737.9999 (5/20/2022) and nothing for the Aussie located @ Manjimup. The weak carrier was gone for good @ 1042 UTC. I'm guessing NZL. TPK-WI
738 AUSTRALIA Grafton 5/30/23 0930 to 1042 UTC. Tentative. Signal strength varied from buried in the sideband noise to 15 dBs o/ the sideband level. Frequency was 738.0027 w/ the latest MWList post @ 738.0021 { 4/19/2022). Gone for good by 1042 UTC. My LSR was 1016 UTC. Grafton has 50 kilowatts of power while the other down unders are @ 5 kilowatts. TPK-WI
MARCH '22 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC with unIDs listed first
801 unID TP Mar12 1134 to 1217 UTC. Very weak, intermittent "ghost" buried in the 800 USB. Gone by 1217 UTC. Its frequency was 800.9992. MWList has a 4/10/18 post of 800.9997 for the 25 KW Cangzhou, China station. My LSR was 1209 UTC. TPK-WI
801 unID TP Mar12 1230 to 1300 UTC. Very weak, intermittent "ghost" buried in the 800 USB w/ a frequency of 800.9951. Not present before 1230 UTC. MWList has a 2/26/17 post of 800.9949 for the 1 KW Nelson, New Zealand station. TPK-WI
NOVEMBER '21 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC with unIDs listed first
Trans Pacific loggings: UTC unIDs listed first
846 unID TP Nov16 0845 to 1100 UTC Weak intermittent signal buried in the sideband noise that first showed up around 0845 UTC. The Canberra and Cairn Aussies both have sunsets around this time. By 0845 New Zealand, Japan, Korea, and NW China were past their sunsets. Frequency was 845.9992. TPK-WI
846 KIRIBATI Kiritimati Nov16 0300 to 1100 Started showing up as early as 0315 UTC as a weak intermittent signal in the sideband noise. Eventually it became a steady signal running about 15 dBs o/ the sideband noise level. It went off the air around 0950 UTC. Kiritimati's sunset was at 0415 UTC so Radio Kiribati was already putting in a signal here in MKE an hour before Kiritimati’s sunset! Frequency was recorded as 845.9962 w/ a MWList frequency range of 845.9955 to 845.997. TPK-WI
OCTOBER '21 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC with unIDs listed first
Trans Pacific loggings: UTC unIDs listed first
531 unIDs TAs Oct30-31/21 2250 to 0115 Two TAs w/o audio. 530.9993 peaked @ 10 dBs over and 530.9986 @ 5dBs over. Spain, Romania, Botswana?? TPK-WI
828 unID TPs Oct13 1045 UTC. Weak signals on 828.0004(NZL?) and 828.0013(Aussie?). WCCO's LSB not so strong. TPK-WI.
1413 unID TP Oct05 1045 UTC. One lone signal in the 1410 USB noise, 1413.0023 , which is a match for Newcastle, Australia. Need a fade-in/sunset match to confirm. TPK-WI
SEPTEMBER '21 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC
Trans Pacific loggings: UTC unIDs listed first
747 unID TPs Sept28 1120 UTC. 3 weak signals present. 746.9986, 746.9997, and 747.0009. None were present earlier @ 0700 UTC. TPK-WI
1368 unID TP? Sep7 1133 to 1146 UTC A weak TP? signal in the 1370 LSB noise showed up @ 1133 and was gone by 1146 UTC. Possibly a legit station signal. This time period has the sun setting across central China and Thailand. If China or Thailand, TP would stand for trans-polar and not trans-pacific TPK-WI
594 NEW ZEALAND, city undetermined Sep11 0638 to 0715 UTC. Weak carrier in the 590-600 sideband noise first detected @ 0638 UTC. Frequency was 594.0002. The early fade-in can only be NZL. The only TPs past their sunsets were the 2 NZLanders. The next TP sunset would be Horsham, Australia @ 0818 UTC. The 594.0002 frequency was less than a hertz away from what MWList had posted for the 2 NZL locales of Timaru and Wanganui. TPK-WI
657 NEW ZEALAND, cities undetermined Sep18 0550 to 0730, 1035 to 1157 UTC. A weak signal showed up inside the 650-660 sideband noise around 0550 while the Madrid TA was still present. It grew in strength and became a steady 15-20 dB signal over the noise. Faded and gone for good @ 1157 UTC. The very early TP fade-in can only be NZL. The frequency measured was 657.0001 which is within a few tenths of a hertz of what MWList has for the 2 NZLanders on this frequency, Tauranga and Wellington. The signal could be either of them, maybe both. TPK-WI
837 NEW ZEALAND (cities undetermined) Sept5 0600 to 0715, 1045 to 1140 UTC. Two weak signals first detected after 0600 mixing w/ the Spanish TAs . Both signals faded and gone by 1140 UTC. The frequencies were 837.0001 and 837.0004. The 2 NZLanders on this frequency have a sunset time around 0610 UTC and are the only TP matches for this early fade-in time of around 0600 UTC. TPK-WI
837 AUSTRALIA Rockhampton Sept5 0710 to 0715, 1045 to 1138 UTC. First showed up at 0710 as a weak, intermittent signal. Was peaking at 15 dBs o/ the 840 LSB noise after 1045. Faded and gone by 1138 UTC. The frequency was 836.9993 w/ a MWList post(3/22/21) of 836.999. The 0710 fade-in is consistent w/ Rockhampton's sunset time of 0748 UTC. TPK-WI
945 NEW ZEALAND, Gisborne Sep24 0530 to 0630,1000 to 1205 UTC. Only match. Steady signal in the 940-950 sideband sometimes rising 10 dBs above the sideband level. Already very weakly present @ 0530 UTC. This early fade-in has only one match - Gisborne NZL w/ a 0605 UTC sunset. Both the Aussies and the Solomon Islands have sunsets past 0728 UTC. Frequency was 945.0040 which differs from an old MWList post(2017) of 944.9923. Gone for good @ 1205 UTC. My LSR was 1140 UTC. TPK-WI
1224 AUSTRALIA, Melbourne and Sydney, Sept9 0745 to 1200 UTC. 2 weak signals present. 1224.0005 was first present @ 0750 buried in the 1220-1230 sideband noise. Stayed mostly in the noise but did peak 10 dB o/ the noise @ 1140. Gone for good @ 1149 UTC. 1223.9997 showed up @ 0809, stayed in the noise somewhat intermittent, and was gone @ 1144 UTC. Melbourne and Sydney are the only 2 TPs that would be fading in around 0800. Melbourne has a sunset of 0805 and Sydney a sunset of 0742. Sydney has a MWList frequency post of 1224.0010(2/14/18) and Melbourne a post of 1223.9994(3/20/17). TPK-WI
1368 NEW ZEALAND Napier Sep7 0551 to 0730, 1000 to 1152 UTC. Showed up @ 0551 as a weak intermittent in the 1370 LSB noise. Eventually became steady w/ a few peaks at 10 dBs o/ the 1370 LSB noise. Faded and gone for good by 1152 UTC. The only TP present until 1133 UTC. Frequency was steady @ 1367.9997. MWList had no frequency listing. Napier is the only TP this could be w/ the early 0551 fade-in. The other NZLander on this frequency is a 100 watt daytimer. Napier's sunset was 0554 UTC. TPK-WI
AUGUST '21 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC
891 unID TP Aug4 1102 to 1114 UTC. A weak transient ghost in the noise gone by 1114 UTC. Frequency was 890.9943 that did not match anything listed. Possibly one of the stations like South Korea on the western Pacific rim. TPK-WI
1269 unID TP 8/2/21 1030 to about 1050 UTC. Weak intermittent ghost in the noise. Gone before 1050 UTC. Not present @ 0815. The frequency measured @ 1268.9999 closely matches a MWList post(2/26/17) of 1268.9998 for NZL but by 1030 UTC the Japanese stations or Korea can't be ruled out. TPK-WI
1404 unID TP Aug/1 1019 to 1055 UTC. First detected as a widening smeared signal very close to NZL on 1404.0028. The smeared signal peaked about 10 dB above the noise @ 1048 before fading and gone @ 1055 UTC. Its frequency was 1404.0036. There were 2 stations past their sunsets @ 1019 that were unaccounted for, Parkes, Australia(0729 UTC) and Dili,Timor-Leste(0936 UTC). Parkes has a MWList post(2/14/18) of 1403.9864. By 1055 the sun had also set over Japan Korea, and Taiwan but these signals are handicapped by being trans-Alaskan. Timor-Leste has a trans-Pacific signal path. Timor-Leste??!! TPK-WI
891 AUSTRALIA Adelaide Aug4 0840 to 1108 UTC. Signal w/o audio peaking at times 15 dBs above the noise(WLS's USB @ 891). Faded and gone by 1108 UTC. Frequency was slowly drifting within a range from 891.0013 to 891.0018. This is a frequency match w/a MWList (7/27/21) post of 891.012 having variable frequency. TPK-WI
891 NEW ZEALAND Wellington Aug4 0840 to 1102 UTC. Tentative. Signal in the noise(WLS's USB @ 891), sometimes intermittent, sometimes peaking a few dBs above the noise. Faded and gone by 1102 UTC. Frequency of 890.9987 is a close match to the 2/26/17 MWList post of 890.9986. The only other TP this could be is the Townsville, Australia station that had no frequency listing. TPK-WI
1017 NEW ZEALAND Christchurch Aug26 0540 to 0600, 0930 to 1130 UTC. Tentative. A weak signal in the 1020 LSB noise first present @ 0540. One peak was noted @ 5 dBs above the noise. Its frequency was steady @ 1017.0010. The 0540 fade-in coincided w/ the Granada Spain 0540 fade-out on 1017.0007. Gone for good by 1130 UTC. My LSR was 1109 UTC (0609 CDT). The only match for the early fade-in of 0540 w/ Tonga already present is NZL. Christchurch's LSS was 0556 UTC. MWList had no frequency offset post. TPK-WI
1269 AUSTRALIA Sydney Aug2 0745 to 0815, 1020 to 1054 UTC. Weak signal on 1268.9971 buried in the noise(1270's LSB @ 1269). Only 2 TPs were past their sunsets @ 0745 UTC - the 400 watt Takaka, New Zealand station listed on 1268.9998 and the 5000 watt Sydney, Australia station listed on 1268.9968. A close frequency match for Sydney. Gone by 1054 UTC. TPK-WI
1269 AUSTRALIA Busselton Aug2 1020 to about 1050 UTC. Weak signal in the noise drifting from 1269.0225 to 1269.0230. Gone before 1050 UTC. A frequency match to the 3/7/21 MWList post of 1269.023. Note: Japan and Korea were also in sunset territory but the large offset of 23 hertz being matched very strongly favors Busselton. TPK-WI
1404 AUSTRALIA Busselton Aug1 0940 to 1050 UTC. An intermittent ghost in the noise that was first detected @ 0940. Became more steady by 1029. Faded and gone by 1050. A frequency and sunset match. Busselton's sunset was @ 0939 UTC. The frequency measured was 1403.9987 w/ a MWList post(2/2/18) of 1403.9988. TPK-WI
1404 NEW ZEALAND Invercargill Aug1 0637 to 1107 UTC. Weak signal mostly in the noise but had one peak about 10 dBs above the noise. Faded and gone by 1107 UTC. At 0637 UTC NZL is the only TP that is past its sunset. The next sunset would be Parkes, Australia @ 0729. The frequency was 1404.0028. TPK-WI
JULY'21 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC
1008 AUSTRALIA Brisbane Jul26 0950 to 1050 UTC. Tentative. A weak signal in the noise that was not present from 0543 to 0600 UTC. Gone for good @ 1050 UTC. Brisbane, Australia @ 10 kW is the most likely. The only other 2 options are the 300 watt Canberra Aussie and the 5kW Launceston, Tasmania station. The frequency of 1007.9973 is a close match to an old MWList(12/30/16) post of 1007.9969. TPK-WI
1008 NEW ZEALAND Tauranga Jul26 0543 to 0600, 0950 to 1105 UTC. Tuned in @ 0543 and found a steady signal in the noise that peaked @ maybe a few dBs above the noise. The signal was still present @ 0950 and became faded and gone by 1105 UTC. The only TP this could be @ 0543 is the NZLander. Tauranga's sunset time was 0524 UTC. All the other TPs were still in the daylight. Frequency of 1008.0000 is a close match to the MWList 2/26/17 post of 1007.9997. TPK-WI
JUNE'21 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC
1017 unID TP Jun22 0945 to 1037 UTC. Signal w/o audio just above the noise. One brief peak to about 15 dBs above the
noise. Faded and gone by 1037. Frequency was stable @ 1017.0012. The Australian 2KY in Sydney? TPK-WI
1143 unID TP 6/19/21 1000 UTC. Weak signal w/ no audio was present on 1142.9983. The frequency wasn’t a match for any TP listed on MWList except perhaps NZLand. The only TPs on 1143 that were past their sunset times were the 2 Aussies and the NZLander. TPK-WI
1053 2CA AUSTRALIA Canberra Jun15 0955 to 1022 Tentative. Weak TP signal w/ no audio alone on frequency. The signal peaked a few times about 5 dBs above the noise level .Of all the TP stations on 1053, only the 2 Australian locations in Canberra and Brisbane were past the sunset time. The frequency measured, 1053.0028 , was a very close match to a 2/14/18 post (1053.0027) on MWList for Canberra. Faded and gone for good by 1022 UTC. TPK-WI
1179 NEW ZEALAND Auckland Jun24 0526 to 0600 UTC 0900 to 1030 UTC. A lone, weak intermittent signal started showing up @ 0526 UTC. After napping, I came back @ 0900 to find the lone signal a little stronger and sometimes just above the noise. The freq. was stable @ 1178.9998. By 1030 UTC it was faded and gone for good. Auckland's sunset was 0512 UTC. The only other TP it could be with the early 0526 fade-in would be Radio Vanuatu but its sunset time was later, at 0630 UTC. TPK-WI
JUNE'19 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC
1584 unID 6/26/19 0830 to 1050 UTC. A weak but steady signal was present w/o audio. The very possible TP signal was faded and gone for good by 1050 UTC. My LSR was 1013 UTC. Its frequency was measured @ 1584.0255 khz. By coincidence the MWLIST website has Radio Hauraki in New Zealand listed with a frequency range of 1584.025 to 1584.0266 khz. Was the unID the 1 kilowatt NZL!? TPK-WI
MAR'19 Trans Pacific/DU logs UTC
612 AUSTRALIA 4QR Brisbane 3/17 1202-4 VP just good enough to tell that the newscaster had Aussie inflections. Only DU I could claim audio on. NK-IL
OCT'18 Trans Pacific/DU logs!
972 S.KOREA Dangjin HLCA 10/29 1215 P-F clearly speaking KK. NEW COUNTRY! NK-IL
1205.96 CHINA Yanbian RGD 10/29 1217 P-F in KK. They are located near the border with N. Korea and have been slightly off freq. for years. NEW COUNTRY! NK-IL
OCT'17 Trans Pacific/DU logs!
Trans Pacific DX:
594 AUSTRALIA 3WV Horsham Oct2 1145-55 P-F peaks with M&W talk and I could hear her say," On ABC Radio". Clearly the best I ever heard this one over 9700 miles away! Other common lowbanders in but not much more than threshold levels. NK-IL
1548 AUSTRALIA 4QD Emerald Oct5 1200 P-F with big signal in heavy slop. ABC ToH fanfare into man with news. NK-IL
SEP'17 Trans Pacific/DU logs!
612 4QR AUSTRALIA Brisbane Sep29 1143-8 P peaks with interview sounding the same as 702 and 738. These 3 are the most common Aussies here. NK-IL
702 AUSTRALIA 2BL Sydney Sep29 1145-53 P-F on peaks with gal interviewing a collector of some sort. No real QRM from NZ's Magic at the time and their carrier which is slightly higher than 2BL's was considerably weaker. NK-IL
738 AUSTRALIA 2NR Grafton Sep29 1151 peaking up to P // 702 with interview. Quite a few other low band carriers/hets noted. NK-IL
1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS V7AB Majuro Sep24 1129-1134 Good peaks with choral song ending and fading as a man talks in island lang and peaking up for their NA with every note clearly audible!
This has been audible at least weakly every morning that I've tried this Sept! NK-IL
1098 unID Sep23 1030 to 1210 GMT. A TP signal found hetting 1100. Some weak audio briefly in between 1100 and 1130 but there was too much 1100 splatter and lightning static to make anything out. Frequency measured @ 1098.0006. Signal lingered around to 1210 GMT, 30 minutes past LSR. Maybe V7AB Marshall Islands? A second weaker signal was sometimes around, close by @ 1098.0002. TPK-WI
MAR'17 Trans Pacific/DU logs!
1548 Australia 4QD Emerald 3/20 1153-1201 pr at my sunrise thru slop with Aussie inflected man talking and ABC nx sounder mx at ToH. Quite a few high band carriers were also noted. New! NK-IL
OCT'16 Trans Pacific/DU logs!
1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS V7AB Majuro Oct10 1058 P with about a minute of island mx audible. NK-IL
SEPT'16 Trans Pacific/DU logs!
1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS V7AB Majuro Sep25 1128 P ending a song and then a man talking in Pacific type lang, and then into instrumental NA and faded. They recently have fixed their xmtr and will drop audio at about 1130 but leave OC on AN. Best I've ever heard them. NK-IL