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arranged by CALL LETTERS!

1060 CKMX AB Calgary SILent has a BUYER:Akash Broadcasting Inc.1/31 crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2025/2025-18.htm#bm6
1290 CFRW MB Winnipeg SILent has a BUYER:Akash Broadcasting Inc.1/31 crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2025/2025-18.htm#bm6
1450 WJER OH Dover-New Philadelphia 1000/1000 AdCon+100.9 W265DL Dover-New Philadelphia SALE to WJER Radio 1/24
730 CKNW*BC Vancouver moving here from 980. NewsTALK980 remains ON. Rieger-MI 1/24
1500 WLQV MI Detroit REL +101.5 W268CN Charlotte 99w 1/17 WDTK 1400 & WLQV 1500 traded xlators
1520 WMLM MI St.Louis 1000/1000 SILent LICense cancelled at stn request 1/17 Rieger-MI
1230 KLCB MT Libby 1000/1000 C&W www.klcb-ktny.com/ LICense surrendered at stations request
file:///C:/Users/johnj/Downloads/Station_LicenseCancellation_Request_01152025_(002)_KLCB_KTNY.pdf 1/17 Rieger-MI
630 CHQT AB Edmonton – Revocation of licence Corus Radio Inc. has requested the revocation Axelrod-MB 1/17
900 CHML ON Hamilton Revocation of licence Corus Radio Inc. has requested the revocation Axelrod-MB 1/17
1240 WBCFxAL Florence LIC cancelled at owner's request 1/10
1270 WCMR IN Elkhart Solid GOSpel, NO longer SILent 1/10
1560 WRIN IN Rensselear SILent 1/10
1550 KIWA IA Sheldon 283/6 NewsTALK +100.7 K264CW Sheldon 250w 1/10
1230 WFOA+MD Baltimore ex WRBS 1/10
1400 WDTK MI Detroit 1000/1000 +92.7 W224CC Detroit 99w-101.5 W268CN Detroit 99w EFFECTIVE 1/14 vd:s-1/10
1470 WFNT MI Flint LIC cancelled at owner's request 1/10
1400 WTSL+NH Hanover, SILent 1/10
1560 WKDO*KY Liberty REL"the Word +103.7W279DT Liberty 250w, SLOGAN verified. 1/3 vd:e Rieger,MI
1570 WLRS IN New Albany +92.5 W223DK Louisville KY OLD:True 1/3
1520 WMLM MI Saint Louis SILent was OLD C&W:Real +105.9 W290DR Saint Louis 250w 1/3
96.5 CKLJ AB Olds-Red Deer 96.5TheRanch C&W 1/24
104.5 CKJX AB Olds 104.5 The Goat ROCK 1/24
106.5 CKVG AB Vegreville 106.5 The Ranch C&W 1/24
104.3 KMAX CO Wellington ROCK:Maximum Rock Had been ALT to kmax943.com/ 1/17
87.7 WTBS-LD*GA Atlanta Adult R&B:87.7 the Vibe 877thevibe.com/WAS: SS: La Que Buena 87.7 1/17
91.7 WXPD IN Wheatfield CP ON! REL Teaching 1/17
101.7 KTNY MT Libby LICense surrendered at stations request
file:///C:/Users/johnj/Downloads/Station_LicenseCancellation_Request_01152025_(002)_KLCB_KTNY.pdf 1/17
97.9 CJLL ON Ottawa Chin FM Ottawa chinradio.com/ottawa 1/17
100.7 CHINFM ON Toronto Chin FM Toronto chinradio.com/ 1/17
104.3 CJQM ON Sault Ste. Marie ROCK:104-3theFox, was Q104 C&W 1043thefox.com/ 1/17
107.3 WDKR IL Marona SILent 1/10
99.3 WXFM IL Mount Zion SILent 1/10
94.3 WYRX IN Plymouth ROCK:94-3 Rock, was CL HITS 1/10
107.1 WIRO OH Ironton OLD C&W:Hank FM, had been/Stunting/CCM:Air1 SALE 1/10
107.3 WDKR IL Maroa-Decatur OLDies SALE 1/3
100.5 KDHK IA Decorah HotAC 100.5 the Hawk, was Rock:Hawk Rawk (like Hawk Rock). . . 1/3
102.5 KMSO MT Missouli +106.3 K292GH Hamilton HotAC SILent 1/3 www.mountain1025.com/
107.9 KHDV MT Darby-Hamilton ClHITS SILent 1/3 thedrivemt.com/
arranged by CALL LETTERS!

990 KAYL IA Storm Lake, SS:Juan +99.9 K260BS Storm Lake 250w 12/20
102.1 KCKC MO Kansas City ADULT HITS Bob FM, was AC:KC 102.1 12/27
1360 KELE MO Mountain Grove LIC cancelled 12/20
88.9 KEOP MT Browning, 700w NEW STN on the air! EDUC Montana Public Radio 12/20
99.9 KGCC WY Gillette HAD been SILent 12/9
106.9 KHRTFM ND Minot (SILent) SOLD -AM not part of the deal 12/27
1480 KLMS NE Lincoln SILent, loss of tower site 12/20
1320 KMAQ IA Maquoketa //95.1 KMAQFM Maquoketa AC +92.5 K223DA Bellevue 250w SILent 12/9
960 KNEB NE Scottsbluff, 5000/350 TALK +100.3 K262CU Scottsbluff 250w 12/20
98.5 KQYZ ND Emerado-Gr Forks 98 1/2 Q98 Cl HITS q98.fm/ 12/27
1400 KRLN CO Canon City NewsTalk SILent as of 1/1/25 12/27
104.5 KSTY CO Canon City C&W:Star Country, SILent as of 1/1/25 12/27
90.9 KUMD MT Deer Lodge 650w EDUC Montana Public Radio 12/20
89.7 KUMS MT White Sulphur Springs 150w EDUC Montana Public Radio 12/20
88.3 KVWS MO Sedalia NEW STN:REL:Bott 12000w 12/20
96.7 WCXO IL Carlyle, Max 96.7 ADULT HITS 12/20
1450 WELY MN Ely 770/770 SILent vd:e 12/9
94.5 WELY-FM MN Ely SILent vd:e 12/9
1460 WEMK WI West Allis 1000/240 CCM:the Family +102.5 W273DQ Milwaukee 99w. ex:WJTI 12/9
960 WHAK MI Rogers City C&W:WINE Country Radio CONFIRMED ON> Heard on DX. 12/20
810 WHB MO Kansas City SPO:ESPN +103.7 K279BI Kansas City 250w 12/20
90.1 WGIF WI Rice Lake REL NEW STN on the air! 12/20
1460 WJTI WI West Allis CCM:102-5 the Family+102.5 W273DQ Milwaukee 99w , Had been: Smooth Jazz. Flipped: 11/27. 12/2 Still WJTI on 12/1.
1520 WKUNxGA Monroe 1000/1000 OLD:GTOldies :"FM 102-5" +102.5 W273DL Monroe 250w wwkunradio.com/ 12/9
1390 WLCM MI Holt-Lansing REL to Ave Maria. SALE 12/20
750 WNDZ IN Portage 15000/-- Music (from operas to Christmas, Soft OLDies.) -88.5 WSFI Antioch,IL Was REL:EWTN M-F, was ETH Sat-Sun 12/9
750 WOUF MI Petoskey LIC cancelled 12/20
1500 WPMB IL Vandalia 250/2 +102.7 Greenville 250w +104.7 W284BI Vandalia 250w AC SALE 12/9
1400 WPRYxFL Perry LIC cancelled 12/20
1690 WPTX MD Lexington Park OLD:True, was NOS 1690wptx.com/ Vd:s 12/27
1300 WRDZ IL LaGrange 4500/4000 SILent
106.3 WJMLFM MI Thompsonville ex: WWMN IS: C&W:WINE Country Radio//1110 WWMN 1210 WJNL +101.1 W266CS Traverse City, 960 WHAK , was ROCK Was SILent 12/20 12/1
1240 WTWAxGA Thomson 600/600 OLD +104.9 W285EP Thomson 250 w NOTE: +HSFB, dropped from 1000/1000 12/20
1110 WWMN MI Petoskey 10000/10 C&W:WINE Country Radio //1210 WJNL +101.1 W266CS Traverse City, 960 WHAK 106.3 WJMLFM. ex:WJML 12/20
94.3 WYRX IN Plymouth ex:WZOC, effective 12/17 -12/20
1520 WZBU WI New Holstein 350/-- TALK +96.5 W243ER New Holstein 250w //1100 WISS, 1590 WGBW. Had been OLD; vd:b leads to https://wiss.fm/ or https://civicmedia.us/coverage-area NOTHING concerning FM xlator. -93.9 W230DA New Holstein 250w Turned off in '23. vd:b 12/9

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

94.3 CHNW MB Winnipeg ALT: Alt 94.3 (https://alt943.com/) was HotAC:94.3Now 11/4
98.5 CITM ON Ottawa AC:Mix 98.5 was Lite 98.5 ex:CJWL 11/11 vd:s mix985fm.com/
1340xKAND TX Corsica 1000/1000 OLD C&W"Real" +104.9 K285HC Corsicana 250w SILent 11/4 kandradio.com/
1230 KCOH TX Houston 1000/1000 Urb TALK1230 The Source SILent 11/4
95.3 KDKD MO Clinton Radford C&W SILent lightning damage 11/4
99.1 KEEZ MN Mankato Top40:Z99, tossing HotAC "Mix 99.1" 11/25
1230 KDZA CO Pueblo 1000/1000 Cl HITS:101-9 107-3 KDZA +101.9 K270CM Pueblo 250w //
1530 KQSC CO Colorado Springs 15000d/1000CH/15n Cl HITS. KQSC Had been C&W. Flipped 11/11/24 +107.3 K297BQ Colorado Springs 250w vd:s kdzaradio.com/ 11/18
98.7 KHKM MT Hamilton AAA:98-7the Hawk, was Christian Country/TALK 11/4
1460 KLTC ND Dickinson OLD C&W 2add +106.9 K295BR Dickinson 115w 11/18
1180 KOFI MT Kalispell 50000/10000 OLD ABC:00 +104.3 K282BP Kalispell 250w REDUCED POWER: kofiradio.com/ 30w NOW, to 1000w soon, 50000w "summer 2025" Source: various socials. 11/18
1180 KOFI MT Kalispell 50000/10000 OLD, ABC:00 +104.3 K282BP Kalispell 250w SALE 11/4
94.3 KOLK MT Lakeside C&W SALE 11/4
98.5 KQYZ ND Emerado ex:99.1, power to 9000w @338', was 100w @62' Christmas 98.5 GrandForksRadio.com 11/4
1410 KRWB MN Roseau 1000/1000 OLD:SuperHits1410AM&102-9FM KRWB, 60s/70s/80s +102.9 K275BB Roseau 250w. KRWB had been //C&W:KQ92 vd:p vd:b 11/4
103.9 KZMT MT Kalispell Cl ROCK "Monster 103.9 & 106.7" +106.7 K294CK Whitefish 34w (monster1039.com/) SALE 11/4
1490 WABJ MI Adrian 1000/1000 NewsTALK SALE 11/4
1130 WBBR*NY New York adds CBS:00. remains Bloomberg Radio 11/4
910 WBZH WI Hayward 5000/75 TALK +96.9 W245CT Hayward 250w Buzz of the North buzzofthenorth.com/ 11/25 TRANSLATOR SALE civicmedia.us/stations
1240 WECM+MD Cambridge SPO:Infinity SILent loss of tower 11/4
1400 WFPRxLA Hammond 1000/1000 OLD C&W + 103.7 W278AT Hammond Boss Country 11/18
1230 WGUY+ME Veazie 1000/640 +96.1 W241CP Bangor 250w OLD C&W:True Country//93.5 WCTB Fairfield 1230 +96.1 Bangor were OLDies. the 93.5 was added. 11/25
960 WHAK MI Rogers City C&W:WINE Country Radio-was SILent. was SPOrts 11/25
96.3 WHBS MI Houghton Lite96-3 Houghton's Breeze Christmas mx,(WW1) 2b:(WW1)LiteAC. CP ON! 11/2 11/4 NOTE:As with others in cluster, strict NON-IDer, only LID at TOH.
101.1 WHSM WI Hayward C&W:Muskie101 tossing AdultHITS:theCabin SALE 11/25
1110 WJML MI Petoskey 10000/10 C&W:WINE Country Radio Was SILent 11/25
1210 WJNL MI Kingsley 50000/2500CH C&W:WINE Country Radio was SILent 11/25 NOTE:WJML & WJNL were heard on DX. Voice tracked and LID for ...(960) Rogers City, (1210)Kingsley & (1110) Petoskey (in that order) ASSUMING ALL ARE ON. 960 RARE DX so cannot verify, nor 106.3 WJML was heard 4 days straight.
1460 WJTI WI West Allis 1000/240 Smooth Jazz +102.5 W273DQ Milwaukee 99w. NEW Owners requested:WEMK 11/25
106.3 WJXD OH London ex:WHTD 11/18
103.9 WLEN MI Adrian AC SALE 11/4
94.7 WLGK IN New Albany, REL:The Sound //105.5 WLVK Fort Knox, KY 11/11 vd:s
95.3 WQTE MI Adrian C&W SALE 11/4
99.1 WSMK MI Buchanan UC:Smokin' 99.1 was Top40/RHY 11/4
106.1 WZIE IL Abingdon Cl HITS:Z106.1 11/18
1290 WZTI WI Greenfield &93.3 WLDB-HD2 OLD:AM 1290-the Fonz [WMCS WMVP WLZZ WZUU WMIL] 11/11 FM 100.3 * 107.3 are now seperate with C&W 11/11
100.3 W262CJ WI Milwaukee 91w, 107.3 W297BY Franklin 250w C&W:Froggy fed via:93.3 WLDB-HD3 11/11 vd:s froggymke.com/

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

104.3 CBWZ MB Fairford 7439w from 11800, Lower antenna height.Sys-BC 10/7
92.5 CHRC ON Clareence-Rockland SALE Sys-BC 10/7
1260 CKHJ NB Fredericton 10000/32, was 10000/10000 Sys-BC 10/7
107.7 CKHK ON Hawkesbury SALE Sys-BC 10/7
105.7 CIIS AB Calgary 2b:REL CP calls, 50 w Sys-BC 10/7
97.5 CJKR MB Winnipeg ClasALT:Power97, was ROCK:Power97.5 93900w www.power97.com/ 10/14
98.5 CJWL ON Ottawa SALE Sys-BC 10/7
99.7 CKDY NS Digby 5670w from 6530w. Lower antenna height. Sys-BC 10/7
90.5 CKYG MB Winnipeg surrendered LICence Sys-BC 10/7
88.7 CKYN MB Winnipeg surrendered LICence Sys-BC 10/7
1300 KBMO MN Benson 1000/18 //103.5 K278CX Benson 250w OLD C&W:Country Gold 103.5 & 1290 -was C&W. vd:s bensonradio.com/ shows 1290's logo. 10/7
1400 KCOG IA Centerville OLD:True +103.9 K280GY Centerville 250w kcogradio.com/ SALE 10/28 NO LONGER STREAMS
92.9 KDAO-FM IA Eldora, SoftAC:Soft Rock 92.9 ex:99.5 kdao.com/ 10/7
690 KEII ID Blackfoot Adult HITS:Cannonball 101 //
1260 KNBL ID Idaho Falls Both SILent +92.7 K224EL Pocatello 250w +101.1 K266BY Pocatello Still streaming 10/7
1470 KMNQ MN Brooklyn Park 5000/5000 SS:Amor Radio MN, was SS:LaRaza https://amorradiomn.com/ 10/28 -95.7FM//
1400 KMNV MN St. Paul 1000/1000 SS:LaRaza +95.7 K239CJ Saint Paul 250w has the FM//. 10/28
1420 KRLL MO California 500/225 +104.1 K281CT California 250w 10/14
103.9 KVPG IA Dunkerton-Waterloo CP on:VCY AMerica -NOT shown on VCY AMerica website yet 10/28
94.7 KVPJ IA Rockford-Mason City REL:VCY AMerica CP is on! 10/14
1450 KWES@NM Ruidoso 1000/900 ND "Bear Country 94.7" C&W +94.7 K234AQ Ruidoso 250w SALE 10/28
1340 KXEQ@NV Reno 977/977 ND SS SILent 10/7
950 WCLB WI Sheboygan OLD C&W:Cow Country +107.3 W297CK Sheboygan 250w// 1420 WGXI Plymouth 500/62 OLD C&W:Cow Country +98.5 W253CW Plymouth 250w 950 has returned to the air. Was SILent. vd:b Rieger,WI 10/21
1490 WCHMxGA Clarkesville SALE 10/28
1350 WCSM OH Celina 500/11 C&W:Lake 100.3 100.3 W262DC Celina 250w "Streaming for wcsmam is currently off" 10/7
103.9 WEQC WI Crandon Prayz Network ON AIR 10/28
91.5 WEQM WI Melrose NEW CP: Prayz Network 10/28
100.9 WEQR WI Tomahawk NEW CP: Prayz Network ON AIR vd:b https://prayznetwork.com/coverage-map/ 10/28
1230 WFAS+NY White Plains NewsTALK LICense surrendered 10/14
92.5 WFDX MI Gaylord sold to Northern Christian Radio. 10/21 NOTE: Once the great Drake sounding OLDies WAIR!
1560 WFME*NY New York is back on the air tho NOT at full power yet. 10/21
106.3 WHTD OH London GOS:Joy, was UC:Power 106.3 // 107.5 WCKX Columbus 10/28
1300 WJMO OH Cleveland 5000/500 SS: Mega 1300 -94.5 W233CG Cleveland 250w, was:Blk GOS:Praise 94.5 10/28
590 WJMS MI Ironwood OLD C&W"Real" (0600-1000ELT is OLDies) +92.1 W221EH Ironwood 250w wjmsam.com/ 10/21
102.5 WKVR OH Baltimore CCM:K-Love, ex:WWLG was SS:La Grande 10/28
1450 WMFJxFL Daytona Beach 1000/1000 REL:Cornerstone //89.7 WJLU Cornerstone Broadcasting, thus Cornerstone reference. 10/21
1230 WMQU MI Grayling REL:Relevant LICense surrendered 10/7
97.7 WOXY OH Mason-Cincinnati OLD:106.7 & 97.7 the Oasis (//106.7 WNKR KY Williamstown) tossing SS:Mega 97.7 recent SALE 10/7
1450 WPNO+ME South Paris TALK:thePatriot +96.9 W245CQ South Paris 250w +96.9 W245CQ South Paris 250 w //780 WEZR Rumford 1000/18 wigyradio.com/ WEZR is SILent 10/28
1400 WQXO MI Munising +97.7 W249DR Munising 250w OLD(WW1)& wqxo.com X-mitter part on order per ph call 10/28
1400 WQXO MI Munising +97.7 W249DR Munising 250w OLD(WW1)& wqxo.com NOTED SILent 2x in last 30 days, 10/14
1250 WSSP WI Milwaukee 5000/5000 SPO:Infinity REVERTS to adding 105.7 W289CB Milwaukee 250w audacy.com/thefanmilwaukee --105.7 was Urban Hot 105.7 10/14
1640 WTNI*MS Biloxi 10000/1000 SILent 10/7
103.1 WWLA OH Johnstown ex:WVKOFM SS:AC //107.1 WJYD Circleville replacing Joy 107.1 which moves to WHTD 10/28
1340 WYNFxGA Augusta 1000/1000 ALL NEWS "Augusta's BIN 1340" augusta.binnews.com/ NO LONGER SILent/Hurricane Helene 10/14
1340 WYNFxGA Augusta 1000/1000 ALL NEWS "Augusta's BIN 1340" augusta.binnews.com/ SILent 10/7
92.7 WZBY MN Grand Portage noted w/open carrier on 10/7 visit vd:b Rieger-MI 10/14
1290 WZTI WI Greenfield-Milwaukee -100.3 W262CJ Milwaukee -107.3 W297BY Franklin +93.3 WLDB-HD2 OLD "Fonz FM" Fonzfm.com/ OLDIES only on AM 1290: https://www.facebook.com/fonzfm/ shows only "1290 AM" - FM's 100.3 107.3 are now stunting as "The Haunt" 10/28

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

93.5 CFXJ ON Toronto C&W: New Country 93.5, was VAR HITS:Today Radio 9/2
630 CHED AB Edmonton will move NewsTALK to 880. Target date for this move is October 9, 2024. UPDATED INFO. 9/9
630 CHED AB Edmonton will move NewsTALK to 880. CHQT will drop calls 9/2
101.1KDSR ND Williston, Jack FM SALE 9/16
96.5 KDZN MT Glendive, C&W SALE 9/16
93.1 KGCX MT Sidney Cl ROCK:Eagle 93 SALE 9/16
1250 KIKC MT Forsyth, 5000/- OLD C&W "Kick" SALE 9/16
101.3 KIKC-FM MT Forsyth, C&W SALE 9/16
105.9 KKSW KS Lawrence Top40 SALE 9/16
1230 KLAV@NV Las Vegas SPO:1230 the Game. CP move to 1240 w/1000/1000 9/30
1320 KMAQ IA Maquoketa //95.1 KMAQFM Maquoketa AC +92.5 K223DA Bellevue 250w SALE 9/9
1050 KMTA MT Miles City, 10000/38 OLD(WW1) +95.3 K237DW Miles City 34w "Oldies 95.3" SALE 9/16
1450 KNOCxLA Natchitoches SILent: X-mitter failure 9/30
1340 KPGE@AZ Page C&W:Kix 98.3 +98.3 K252FG Page 250w, 100.1 K261BX Page 250w https://kix98.com/ NO HAD BEEN: OLD C&W kix98.com/ 9/16
95.7 KQLZ ND New England Q95 Rock SALE 9/16
93.7 KTZZ MT Conrad-Great Falls Cl ROCK:Z-93 SALE 9/16
93.9 KXDI ND Belfield SALE 9/16
1400 KXGN MT Glendive 1000/1000 AC +103.1 K276GO Glendive web.kxgn.com/ SALE 9/16
96.9 KYAP CO Nunn-Ft. Collins SS, was OLD C&W "K96-9" SALE 9/16
92.3 KYUS MT Miles City, AdultSHUFFLE SALE 9/16
91.5 W218CC WI Wausau -REL:VCY AMerica was Radio by Grace https://www.vcy.org/announcements/2024/09/06/91-5-fm-wausau-on-the-air/ 9/9
950 WCLB WI Sheboygan OLD C&W:Cow Country NOTED OFF over 90d 9/9
1340 WFMHxAL Cullman LICense surrendered 9/30
1380 WGLM MI Greenville 1000/500 OLD C&W:Back Roads +101.9 W270DN Greenville 250w SALE 9/16
106.3 WGLM MI Lakeview-Greenville Cl HITS:m106.3 m106.3 SALE 9/16
96.5 WHPI IL Farmington-Peoria +104.3 WPIA-HD2 Dunlap-Peoria, VAR HITS:Shuffle Hits was Top40 9/23
101.1 WHSM WI Hayward theCabin AdultHITS +96.9 W245CT Hayward 250w WHSM had been C&W: Muskie 101 9/9
99.7 WIMI MI Ironwood Cl ROCK:99-7 the Storm now off BIRD(WW1). Same as WKLKFM Cloquet --drops ALL local. 9/2
1650 WJFV*VA Portsmouth TALK +92.5 W223CT Norfolk 210w SALE 9/16
106.5 WKCH WI Whitewater OLD C&W:Classic Country 106.5/94.7 Was C&W:Kix 106-5. 9/9
107.1 WKRV IL Vandalia SALE 9/16
1370 WLTH IN Gary 1000/9 Talk +92.7 W224EA Gary 55w SALE.
Owner owns
1500 WAKE IN Valparaiso 1000/25 //1370 WLTH +97.5 W248AP Valparaiso 250w CP: Hobart, 250/11 vd:e 9/9
1390 WMPO OH Middleport 99.9 W260DF OH Athens 103.7 W279CE OH MiddleportSPO:FOX was Top40 9/23
980 WPFP WI Park Falls 1000/105 AdultHITS:Trail Mix 103-1, HAD BEEN Adult HITS:103.1 +103.1 W276DJ Park Falls 250w NEW WEB SITE: https://trailmix.fm/ vd:b 9/30
980 WPFP WI Park Falls Adult HITS:103.1FM CivicMedia.us shows Trail Mix slogan vd:b vd:s 9/9
1500 WPMB IL Vandalia 250/2 +102.7 Greenville 250w +104.7 W284BI Vandalia 250w AC SALE 9/16
100.9 WQXC MI Allegan OLDies SALE to MidWest MWC 9/9
92.1 WQKQ IL Dallas City-Burlington IA KQ92 9/23
830 WQZQ*TN Goodlettsville-Nashville SPO, tossing Cl HITS. Recent SALE , Kirk-WI 9/9
89.1 WUPC MI Iron Mountain SILent vd:b [Rieger-MI] 9/9
1450 WWJBxFL Brooksville 1000/1000 C&W 103.9 103-9 the Boot +92.3 W222CI Brooksville 250w, 103.9 W280DK Spring Hill 250w https://www.wwjb.com/ HAD BEEN TALK. TALK moves to co-owned 99.9 WXJB JB NewsRadio wxjbfm.com/ 9/23
660 WXIC OH Waverly +95.9 W240DZ Waverly SPO:Fox, was So.GOS 9/23
106.9 WXXC IN Marion Top40:Star 106.9 INdiana's HIT Music!, was HotAC www.star1069fm.com/ 9/23
100.1 WXZQ OH Piketon TALK, was HotAC Q100FM 9/23
1270 WXYT MI Detroit SPO:BetQL Bet-Detroit, tossing SPOrts Rap Radio barrettmedia.com/2024/08/28/spo ... n-detroit/ 9/2
92.1 WYVK OH Middleport AC, was Cl HITS 9/23
1520 WZBU WI New Holstein-Appelton-Oshkosh 350/-- OLDies remains SILent + 93.9 W230DA (New Holstein) CP:96.5 9/9
92.5 WZUU MI Mattawan ROCK SALE to MidWest MWC 9/9
30.1 WVCY-TV WI Milwaukee ADDS HD signal. [Rieger-WI] 9/30 https://www.vcy.org/announcements/2024/09/24/wvcy-tv30-will-be-hd-on-9-25/
3 WJMN MI Escanaba ABC moves here from WBUP but is //10 WBUP Calumet 10 was ABC10 Adds CW 9/16
3.2 WJMN MI Escanaba 3.2 CW here. 9/16
3.3 WJMN MI Escanaba 3.3 MyNet 9/16
ABC on 3.1, the CW on 3.2, and MyNet on 3.3.
10 WBUP MI Ishpeming LAST NEWSCAST as "ABC10UP" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hn1clTwcVk 9/9

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arranged by CALL LETTERS!

92.7 CBWY MB Jackhead decrease power from 33000 to 18788w, Raise antenna height. 8/5
99.9 CFCL AB Cadotte Lake was CKTC 8/5
107.3 CFGQFM AB Calgary Cl ALT 107.3 The Edge, was /770 CHQR Calgary NEWS-TALK: QR Calgary 8/5
660 CFFR AB Calgary 660 NewsRadio was CityNews 660 8/5
94.1 CFGW SK Yorkton Variety Hits CruzFM, was Hot AC Fox FM Includes CFGW-1 95.3 Swan River, MB and CFGW-2 102.9 Wapeella, SK. 8/5
107.9 CFLB NS Lundenburg ROCK:Go Rock 107.9 6500w NEW STATION on the air! 8/5
820 CHAM ON hAMilton flipped overnight (8 19)-.ETHnic music:Big AM 820 Cannot find web site for it. Stunting???? Funny 820 website is gone 8/19
106.1 CHEZ ON Ottawa decrease power from 100000 to 92000 watts, lower antenna height. 8/5
900 CHML ON hAMilton SILent. Had been NewsTALK 8/19
105.7 CHQC NB Saint John C105 FM from CHQC 8/5
1290 CJBK ON London - Bell Media voluntarily surrendered the licence for CJBK. Went off the air on June 14, 2023. 8/5
95.7 CJNI NS Halifax 95.7 News Radio from CITY NEWS 95.7 8/5
90.5 CJPN NB Fredericton C90, was Radio Fredericton 8/5
570 CKGL ON Kitchener 570 News Radio from City News 570 8/5
93.7 CKMA NB Miramichi C93 from MA 93 8/5
1150 CKOC ON Hamilton reverts to OLDies, was Bloomberg Business News, after sale. 8/19 www.1150ckoc.com/
98.5 CKRH NS Halifax C98 FM from OUI 98.5 8/5
580 CKWW ON Windsor retaining Oldies after sale 8/19 www.am580ckww.com/
1130 CKWX*BC Vancouver NewsRadio had been City News 1130 8/5
104.1 KBVC CO Buena Vista C&W:Eagle SALE 8/26
1590 KDJS MN Willmar SPO:Fox +105.7 K289CO Willmar 250w - tossing NewsTALK 8/26
1490 KFCR SD Custer SILent financial 8/26
610 KFNZ MO Kansas City ex:KSCP, with 96.5FM now KFNZ-FM .Fun Fact: KFNZ & WFNZ are both on 610! 8/26
96.5 KFNZ MO Kansas City SPO:96-5 the Fan ex: KRBZ, tossing ALT 8/12
1340 KGKG CO Salida 1000/1000 +102.9 K275CR Salida/Buena Vista 94w [KVRH] 80s HITS:The Valley 102.9 SALE 8/26
96.9 KHBL-LP MO Hannibal kbkl.com VARiety khbl.com/ 8/26
1340 KIJV SD Huron 1000/1000 +95.3 K237EL Huron 170w Cl HITS. Had been HotAC. Still Tiger 95.3 vd:s vd:e 8/26
102.5 KKCI KS Goodland Cl ROCK:RockIt 102.5, had been U-Rock 102.5 8/19
104.3 KKSD SD Milbank 104.3 KKSD, tossing Hippie Radio handle 8/19
730 KLOE KS Goodland OLD:Goodland's 730 Gold - KLOE, tosses SPO:Fox 8/19 vd:s www.nwksradio.net/kloe
95.7 KOSY IA Anamosa SPO:Fox/Sports Radio 95.7, was Top40:Y95-7 sportsradio957.iheart.com/ 8/12
107.5 KQKS CO Lakewood-Denver adds Throwbacks, was Top40/Rhythmic 8/19 KS 107.5 #1 for throwbacks & today
92.3 KVRH CO Salida AC SALE 8/26
97.5 KWUZ CO Poncha Springs Cl HITS SALE 8/26
102.7 KYGT-LP CO Idaho Springs K-Goat VAR +103.9 K280FZ Black Hawk 24w clearcreekradio.com/ 8/26
104.3 KZTP IA Sibley SS:LaVoz 104.3 tossing CCM:the Bridge 8/5
1090 XEPRS*MEX Tijuana-San Diego CA SS:REL Monte María Radio, had been SPO:ESPN the Mightier 1090 Flipped 8/1. 8/19
880 WCBS*NY New York 2b: WHSQ, 2b:SPO:ESPN New York, tossing calls and All New format 8/19
107.9 WCDY MI McBain-Cadillac AC, tossing Top40:C D Y 8/12 www.1079cdy.com/
1370 WGHN MI Grand Haven SILent/xmitter site sold 8/19
980 WITY IL Danville 1000/1000 NOS +99.5 W258CY Danville 250w SALE 8/26
104.1 WJFM-LP OH Newark ex:104.3. REL 8/12
106.5 WKKM-LP MI Harrison REL, was C&W:Country King. SALE 8/5
960 WKVX OH Wooster +102.9 W275DG Jefferson SoGOS:Glory Radio, dropping Cl HITS 8/5
1400 WONNxFL Lakeland 1000/1000 SPO:Fox/Fox Sports Lakeland, was Adult Standards +107.1 W296CS Lakeland 250w foxsportsradiolakeland.com/ 8/12
106.1 WUGM-LP MI Muskegon RHY OLDies 8/26
89.1 WUPC MI Iron Mountain ex WLWS 8/26
3 WJMN MI Escanaba (Local 3) and
10 WBUP MI Ishpeming (ABC 10 UP) BOTH now using Tom Kippen for weather. Something's a brewing 8/26

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

630 CFCO ON Chatham 1000/6000 C&W REQUESTS 91.3 1250w 7/8
107.3 CFGQ AB Calgary Renewed only until August 31, 2026 due to issues of non-compliance (unauthorized CHQR simulcast and failure to apply for specialty license) 7/1
102.1 CFTJ ON Cochrane SALE to: Harvest Ministries of Sudbury. 7/1
820 CHAM ON Hamilton SALE from Bell 7/1
770 CHQR AB Calgary Renewed only until August 31, 2026 due to issues of non-compliance (unauthorized simulcast on CFGQ). 7/1
880 CHQT AB Edmonton //630 CHED Edmonton News-Talk. CHQT was All News: iNews 880 -simulcasting will end and turns off one transmitter, per Corus. 7/1
910 CKDQ AB Drumheller 50000/50000 C&W "Real Country 910" GRANTED: move to FM--92.5 36600w MOVES to FM https://newcountry925.ca/ 7/1
99.7 CKDY NS Digby decrease power from 6530 to 5570w. Lower antenna height. Relocate transmitter.PROPOSED 7/1
101.9 CKFX ON North Bay The Fox 101.9 was 101.9 Rock 7/1
92.1 CJQQ ON Timmins Q92 was 92.1 Rock 7/1
92.7 CJRQ ON Sudbury Q92 was 92.7 Rock 7/1
730 CKGO*BC Vancouver //980 CKNW Vancouver All News. Was All Traffic simulcasting will end and turns off one transmitter, per Corus. 7/1
1150 CKOC ON Hamilton SALE from Bell 7/1
580 CKWW ON Windsor SALE from Bell to Neeti P. Ray 7/1
102.3 KCDC CO Loma ex:102.5 7/29
107.1 KFCO CO Bennett is Christian Hip-Hop, was REL 7/29
1490 KFCR SD Custer no longer SILent 7/1
1060 KFIL MN Preston SALE Withdrawn 7/15
99.5 KHDL KS Americus-Emporia is:Thunder Country, was C&W:My Country 7/29
1320 KHRT ND Minot SoGOS SILent 7/31. Stn for sale 7/29
106.9 KHRT-FM ND Minot, Cont Christian& SILent 7/31. Stn for sale 7/29
93.5 KKDT KS Burdett is:Thunder Country, was C&W:My Country 7/29
1460 KKOY KS Chanute 1000/57 C&W +99.9 K260DF Chanute 250w is:Thunder Country, was C&W:My Country kkoy.com/ 7/29
93.3 KLED WY Antelope Valley-Cres News Radio 93-3, was OLD C&W vd:s SPO:Fox on weekends 7/29
96.5 KLGT WY Buffalo intermittent power loss https://bighornmountainradio.com/kix-96-5-todays-new-hit-country/
104.1 KQLS MO Lutesville ex:KCGK Christian C&W 7/8
1530 KQNK KS Norton +102.5 KS73DE Norton Superstar Country -was SILent 7/15
106.7 KQNKFM KS Norton C&W, tossing Cl HITS 7/15
98.3 KQZQ KS Kiowa is:Thunder Country, was C&W:My Country 7/29
1340 KSEK KS Pittsburg 1000/1000 +107.9 K300DE Pittsburg 250w is:Thunder Country, was C&W:My Country 7/29
100.5 KVWF KS Augusta-Wichita is:Thunder Country, was OLD C&W:the Twister 7/29
96.9 KYAP CO Nunn-Ft.Collins OLD C&W:K-96.9 SALE 7/15
98.3 KZZS MT Story AC:98.3 The Peak, had been HotAC:98.3 The Peak 7/8
1490 WBSS+NJ Atlantic City SS:Regional Mexican tossing 1490 Sports Betting Radio Rieger,MI 7/15
1490 WCHMxGA Clarkesville 880/880 +94.3 W232DU Clarkesville 250w NewsTALK SALE 7/8
950 WCLB WI Sheboygan OLD C&W:Cow Country NOTED OFF over 30d 7/1
1320 WDMJ MI Marquette Cl HITS:Marquette’s Greatest Hits 1320 WDMJ, Fox:00 Tosses News-Talk 7/1
107.9 WDWS-FM IL Arcola-Champaign C&W:107-9theRooster 7/8 https://www.news-gazette.com/rooster/
98.7 WFGR MI Grand Rapids Cl HITS:98-7theGrand 7/8 https://987thegrand.com/
1350 WIOU IN Kokomo 5000/1000 SPO:ESPN//860 WMRI 860-1350 the Score w/WMRI 7/29
1490 WIRBxAL Level Plains LICense canceled...silent several years 7/15
810 WJJQ WI Tomahawk Sports-Talk SPO:Infinity +97.7 W249EJ Tomahawk 250w "reset your radio tonight at 6PM. This will not affect 810AM" 7/22
94.3 WLLT IL Polo SELLING Oldies 94.3 7/1
1450 WMIQ MI Iron Mountain Cl HITS:Iron Mountain's Greatest Hits 1450n WMIQ Fox:00. tosses News-Talkd/SPO:Fox/n 7/1
96.7 WMJT MI McMillan Rock:96-7 Flash FM, was HotAC 96-7 Flash FM 7/15
98.9 WNFH MI Vassar-Flint Hope FM:CCM. ex:WOWE, was URBan/Hip Hop:98-9theBeat SOLD 7/1
1080 WOAP MI Owasso SILent. 810 WMJH shows only 810. 1080 was removed. https://mipoderosa.com/ or see:FAQ 7/1 NOTE: 810-1080 were // for some time.
94.7 WOZZ WI Mosinee-Wausau-Marshfield is: the Beast ROCK +102.9 W275AC Wausau 250w, was AdultHITS:JackFM 7/29
1230 WPKB*WV Parkersburg ex:WVNT Top40:Pop 103-5. Was News-Talk https://popradio1035.com/ 7/1
99.9 WQLQ MI Benton Harbor is: ALT:Live99.9 wasTop40:Live99.9 live999radio.com/ 7/29
960 WSBT IN South Bend 5000/5000 SPO:CBS + 96.1 W241AD South Bend wsbtradio.com/ 96.1 was C&W:96.1 The Ton 7/29
1340 WTIFxGA Tifton SALE to be non-commercial status 7/1
104.3 WVCN MI Baraga REL:VCY AMerica BACK ON THE AIR! 7/29
104.3 WVCN MI Baraga REL:VCY AMerica NOTED OFF over 30d 7/1
106.3 WWMK MI Onaway SOFT OLDies "Smooth Sailing Mac-FM" 7/15
1390 WWTMxAL Decatur -Huntsville SPO:ESPN 1400 the Team ex: 1400 - Feeds 94.3 W232DL Decatur 250w 7/15
99.1 WXIL*WV Parkersburg Cl HITS:Wixel. was HotAC ex 95.1 7/1
1520 WZBU WI New Holstein-Appelton-Oshkosh 350/-- NOTED OFF over 30d 7/1
92.7 WZBY MN Grand Portage 100w 2B:Total Country-BobFM www.mybobcountry.com/ 7/1
92.5 WZWZ IN Kokomo,AC sale 7/29

arranged by CALL LETTERS!
TV at end, HISTORICAL purpose only.
770 CHQR AB Calgary 50000/50000 NEWS-TALK:QR Calgary //107.3 CFGQFM Calgary LETTER to end simulcast 6/17
94.7 CIHN NB Oromocto cp calls Sys,BC 6/3
107.1 CILQ ON Toronto Decrease power from 40,000 to 36,180 watts. Raise antenna height. Sys,BC 6/3
91.3 CIOG PEI Charlottetown Inspire FM from Harvesters FM (includes CIOG-1 92.5 Summerside), Sys,BC 6/3
105.1 CITA NB Moncton Inspire FM from Harvesters FM (includes CITA-4 107.7 Bouctouche, CITA-1 107.3 Sussex, & CITA-2 99.1 Amherst, NS) Sys,BC 6/3
590 CJCW NB Sussex AC has moved to 92.9 1400w. Remains AC 6/3
93.9 CJLU NS Dartmouth Inspire FM from Harvesters FM (includes CJLU-1 88.3 Canning) Sys,BC 6/3
910 CKDQ AB Drumheller 50000/50000 C&W "Real Country 910" GRANTED: move to FM--92.5 36600w MOVES to FM 6/20
97.1 CKHA-1 ON Minden cp calls Sys,BC 6/3
1400 KCHS@NM KCHS Truth or Consequences C&W SALE 6/3
91.1 KCWP MO West Plains CP on. www.hisair.net/ "Christian Talk Radio network by introducing a new full-power KCWP/West Plains, Missouri, broadcasting at 91.1 FM." 6/3
101.1 KHMN WY Cody CCM:101-1 the One ex:KROW 6/17 https://myheartmountainradio.com/the-one
1320 KMAQ IA Maquoketa //95.1 KMAQFM Maquoketa AC +92.5 K223DA Bellevue 250w
SILent: X-mitter breakdown 6/17 www.kmaq.com/daily-programming HOURS 0600-2200CLT M-F SUN 0600-1800CLT
1170 KOTV*OK Tulsa ex:KTSB 6/10
96.9 KOZA KS Effingham-Topeka HotAC:96.9 Pulse Radio, was HipHop:96.9the Beat ex:KQRB 6/24
1490 KRIB IA Mason City +96.7 K244FA Mason City 250w OLD(WW1)Good Time OLDies-96-7 & 1490 KRIB AP:00 kribam.com/ 6/10 vd:s
107.1 KROW WY Lovell-Cody Cl ROCK:107.1 The Adventure. Was ADULT HITS. ex:KWHO 6/17
88.1 KZCK KS Colby CCM REL //107.7 KGCR + 90.7 K214AU Sharon Springs KS vd:s 6/24
105.5 KZZT MO Moberly Cl HITS SALE 6/10
1130 WAMB IN Brazil 500/20 +99.5 W258BA Terre Haute +106.9 W295CQ Brazil 250w 2B:WFNB 2b:SPO:Fox TheFanbase TOSSING AC:the Breeze SALE 6/10
1450 WASK IN Lafayette 1000/1000 1000/1000 SPO:ESPN 101-7 the hAMmer +101.7 W269DJ Lafayette SALE 6/10
98.7 WASKFM IN Battle Ground, Cl HITS SALE 6/10
97.5 WBBA IL Pittsfield ClROCK:Classic Rock 97-5, SILent: loss of programming 6/3
105.5 WCZQ IL Monticello 2b:WKIO 6/10
1400 WDWS IL Champaign 1000/1000 + 93.9 W230CW Champaign 250w 6/10
107.9 WDWSFM IL Arcola Cl ROCK //WKIO "In a few days WKIO will vacate 107.9." from FB post 6/24
1420 -WHK OH Cleveland 5000/5000 TALK +102.9 W275DF Cleveland 50w. EX:102.5 W273DG Cleveland 5w 6/3 https://whkradio.com/ (site not updated)
1010 WIOI OH New Boston 1000/21 NOS& +106.7 W294CN New Boston 106w 6/10
105.5 WKIO IL Monticello Cl ROCK:105-5 WKIO //WDWSFM,, was Cl HITS 6/24
93.5 WKHY IN Lafayette ROCK SALE 6/10
105.3 WKOA IN Lafayette, C&W SALE 6/10
107.9 WKIO IL Arcola ClHITS 2b:WDWSFM 6/10
98.5 WLSB IL Augusta REL:LifeTalkRadio SALE 6/3
1240 WMSO MS Southaven 580/580 Soul, Blues R&B Power104.1 the Source. Was SS:El Gallo 104.1 +104.1 W281BR Memphis,TN 250w 6/3
100.3 WSHE IL Chicago Millennial HITS:Throwback 100.3 was Cl HITS 2b: WTBC-FM, while WSHE calls go to 820-WWFD. FCC 6/3
830 WUMY*TN Memphis REL:theTruth +105.5 W288BJ Memphis 250w, was SS. SALE 6/10
105.5 WVIG IN West Terre Haute OLD C&W SALE 6/10
97.5 WVNU OH Greenfield AC:Lite SALE 6/3
1490 WWPRxFL Bradenton TALK. USA:00 vd:s 1490wwpr.com/ SALE 6/10
102.9 WXXB IN Delphi, Top40:B102-9 SALE 6/10

3.8 KREG CO Denver MeTV Toons as of 6/25 (entire list)
26.7 WCIU IL Chicago
13.2 WREX IL Rockford
44.5 WEVV IN Evansville
25.3 WCWW IN South Bend-Elkhart
7.6 KWWL IA Cedar Rapids
45.4 KDIT IA Des Moines
12.7 WJRT MI Flint-Saginaw-Bay City
64.7 WLLA MI Grand Rapids
47.3 KXLT MN Rochester-Mason City-Austin
39.7 KGKC MO Kansas City
24.2 KNLC MO St. Louis
35.3 WOCV OH Cleveland-Akron
13.6 KSFY SD Sioux Falls
31.2 WMEI WI Green Bay-Appleton
19.3 WXOW WI La Crosse-Eau Claire
27.3 WKOW WI Madison
49.5 WMLW WI Racine MeTV Toons as of 6/25, dropping MeTV+ Rieger-WI 6/17 vd:b
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrCqaDwYCnU&t=7s https://metvtoons.com/wheretowatch/all-markets
9.3 WAOW WI Wausau WAOW 9.3 WMOW 4.3

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

1260 CFRN AB Edmonton Bell Media's 50000 watt heritage station is officially gone for good. 5/6
103.1 CIHX SK Saskatoon Commercial. 14000 watts. Christian. United Christian Broadcasters. Will sign on June 1. 5/6
98.1 CKBD AB Lethbridge Increase power from 20000 to 99000 watts, Lower antenna height. Relocate transmitter to existing CJOC 94.1 site. 5/6
104.9 KBCT MO Maryville Cl HITS:104-9the Cat vd:s 1049thecat.net/ 5/20
1230 KFUN@NM Las Vegas 1000/1000 +103.7 K279BW Las Vegas 20w 5/27
101.1 KROW WY Cody CCM: 101.1 the One, was ROCK 5/13
1450 KVBV CO Buena Vista 250/250 C&W SILent (had been listed as SILent) 5/20
100.5 KVWF KS Augusta-Wichita OLD C&W:the Twister, was C&W:My Country 5/6
107.1 KWHO WY Cody Classic Rock, was Adult HITS 5/13
1490 KZZN TX Littleton 1000/1000 OLD C&W SILent http://www.kzzn1490.com/ 5/20
910 WAKO IL Lawrenceville +99.3 W257DW Lawrenceville 250w C&W:GiantFM, was OLD C&W:Legend 5/6 facebook.com/WAKORadio/
104.1 WAXI IN Rockville-Terre Haute C&W:GiantFM, was Cl HITS 5/6 facebook.com/waxifm/
104.1 WAXI IN Rockville-Terre Haute C&WLGiantFM, was OCl HITS 5/6 facebook.com/waxifm/
98.3 WCCQ IL Crest Hill //
102.3 WXLC IL Waukegan C&W:Free Country. WXLC was HotAC:Star 102-3 freecountrychicago.com/ 5/27
95.9 WERV IL Aurora Classic ALT:the River. Was Cl HITS:the River. 959theriver.com/ 9/27
1250 WGL IN Ft Wayne 2300/1500 NEWS "News Radio 1250" +105.5 W288EI Fort Wayne 250w wgl1250.com/ 5/20
1050 WGRI OH Cincinnati 1000/278 UrbGOS:Inspiration 1050 & 103.1 +103.1 W276DD Cincinnati 75w inspiration1050.com/ 5/13
1360 WIBK IL Watseka SILent 5/6
107.1 WIRO OH Ironton sold by EMF to KW Ministries 5/13
1460 WIXN IL Dixon 1000/23 OLD(WW1) +95.1 Dixon 250w +
95.7 WSEY IL Oregon AC:Sky 95.7 +
101.7 WRCV IL Dixon SALE:Shaw Local Radio from NRG 5/27
1210 WJNL MI Kingsley 50000/2500CH SPO:CBS:Up North Sports Radio SILent: STA:Financial -UPDATE: LIC expired. As of April 16th/OFF over a year. 5/20
1400 WKNW MI Sault Ste. Marie NewsTalk 6am-6pm/SPO:FOX 6pm-6am + SAT/SUN. Fox:00 ADDS USA :30 (not all hrs) 5/6
1450 WMIQ MI Iron Mountain, Fox:00. Had been CBS. Slogan:Talk 1450. 5/6
104.1 WMQZ IL Colchester-Macomb, Classic Hip Hop:Icon 104.1,was ROCK 5/13
1680 WPRR MI Ada-Grand Rapids UrbanR&B +102.5 W273DD Grand Rapids 155wSOLD:Goodrich to Ghettothropic LLC 5/13
1400 WRJN WI Racine-Kenosha 1000/1000 +98.1 W251BU Kenosha +99.9 W260CV Racine CBS:00. reverts to OLDIES. Had been TALK. facebook.com/YourRadioFriendWRJN/ as of 5/14. 5/20
1340 WRODxFL Daytona Beach Cl ROCK SILent:Tower damage. 5/20 NOTE: Top40 1967-1979
94.5 WSBX MI Mackinaw City Cl HITS:94.5-95.1 BridgeFM. radioeagle.com/ 5/6 SALE Rieger,MI
101.3 WSUE MI Sault Ste Marie Cl ROCK:Rock 101, was ROCK 5/6
95.1 WUPN MI Paradise-Sault Ste. Marie Cl HITS:Bridge FM. Was Eagle 95.1. Adds//
99.9 WWCT IL Bartonville-Peoria ALT:CT99-9 wwctfm.com/ 5/27
103.9 WWFW IN Fort Wayne Cl HITS:103.9 Wayne FM, tossing AdultHITS. Keeps branding. 5/20
1270 WXYT MI Detroit 50000/50000 SPO:Sports Rap Radio WILL BEGIN June3rd. sportsrapradiodetroit.com/ 5/27
98.1 WZOEFM IL Princeton Classic Hip Hop :Icon 98.1, was Cl ROCK:Z98 5/13

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

660 CFFR AB Calgary 50000/50000 NEWS:City News//1130 CKWX*BC Vancouver -Overnights/Weekends 4/22 "Vancouver & Calgary's #1 for breaking news"
680 CFTR ON Toronto 50000/50000 News:6-80 News Radio Toronto, was City News 680
94.3 CFXE AB Edson New Country West, was Real Country West. Includes; CFXG 93.3 Grande Cache, CFXH 97.5 Hinton, and CFXP 95.5 Jasper 4/15
94.3 CFXE AB Edson New Country West, was Real Country West. Includes; CFXG 93.3 Grande Cache, CFXH 97.5 Hinton, and CFXP 95.5 Jasper 4/15
97.7 CHSP AB Saint Paul New Country 97.7, was Real Country 97.7 4/15
105.7 CIBQ AB Brooks New Country 105.7, was Real Country 105.7 4/15
94.9 CJPR AB Crowsnest Pass New Country 94.9 was Real Country 94.9. Includes: CJPV 92.7 Pincher Creek and CJEV 1340 Elkford, BC 4/15
106.1 CJWE-2 AB Medicine Hat Indigenous. 100,000 watts. Country/Variety. Simulcasts CJWE 88.1 Calgary. Aboriginal Multi Media Society of Alberta. 4/15
95.5 CKGY AB Red Deer New Country 95.5 was Real Country 95.5 4/15
95.9 CKSA AB Lloydminster New Country 95.9 was Real Country 95.9 4/15
93.3 CKSQ AB Stettler New Country 93.3,was Real Country 93.3 4/15
93.5 CKVH AB High Prairie New Country 93.5 was Real Country 93.5 4/15
97.9 CKWB AB Westlock New Country 97.9, was Real Country 97.9 4/15
89.1 KBXY ID Stanley NEWS TALK. NEW STN is on the air! 4/29
1550 KDCC KS Dodge City 1000/90 SPO LICense surrendered 4/15
1270 KIML WY Gillette 10000/40 News-Talk +107.5 K298CT Gillette 250w LICense surrendered 4/15
106.5 KLLM WY Wheatland AC ex:96.5 4/29
106.7 KMRZ WY Superior AC:Z106, was Top40:Z106 106kmrz.com/ vd:s 4/8
SALE: 93.9 KOTE KS Eureka Strickline Communications from Steven J. Brown 4/22
96.9 KOZA KS Effingham ex:KQRB HotAC, tossing Hip-Hop/OLD R&B:96-9theBeat 4/8
SALE: 96.9 KQRB KS Effingham-Topeka. Calls to change Intrepid Companies KNZA, Inc =Bet on format ch from Hip-Hop/OLD R&B:96-9theBeat 969thebeat.com/ 4/1
1400 KREWxTX Plainview 1000/1000 OLD C&W SiIent:loss of tower site. 4/8
SALE: 88.7 KRKY WY Douglas REL:Your Network of Praise, was VARiety:K-Rocky Hi-Line Radio Fellowship from Michael Radio Group 4/22
90.3 KSLP SD Fort Pierre IS:107.1 KSLT WAS: Power 107.1 4/29
90.7 KSLS ND Dickinson IS:107.1 KSLT WAS: Power 107.1 4/29
107.1 KSLT SD Spearfish IS:107.1 KSLT WAS: Power 107.1 4/29
101.5 KSRC CO Watkins REL ex:KJHM 4/22
SALE 93.3 KURL MT Billings REL to: Univ of NorthWestern St.Paul from Elenbaas Media 4/15
SALE 105.7 KVAY CO Lamar C&W from Beacon Broadcasting 4/15
88.7 KVCH SD Huron SILent Antenna-Xmitter line burno ut 4/22
1230 KVOC WY Casper 1000/1000 TALK SILent 4/8
SALE: 91.9 KWRV ID Sun Valley Classical https://www.mpr.org/listen/stations/kwrv 4/22
106.1 WACD WI Antigo C&W:All Hit Country, dropping OLD C&W:Real antigoradio.com/ 4/8
88.1 WAJC MN Forest Lake CCM:YourLifeRadio +
91.7 W219DT MN North Branch 250w 4/1
95.9 WBKY WI Stoughton [ex:Portage] c&w(&JRN:CD country) "Bucky 95-9" +99.5 W258CM Madison 250w 4/22
91.7 WCML MI Alpena SILent xmitter building fire 4/1
1270 WCMR IN Elkhart 5000/1000 SoGOS SILent:lightning 4/8
820 WCPT IL Willow Springs-Chicago &
1240 WSBC Chicago 1000/1000 SLOGAN: Heartland Signal, in addition to Chicago's Progressive Talk 4/29
96.7 WCXO IL Carlyle ADULT HITS to Better Newspapers from Clinton County Broadcasters
900 WDLS WI Wisconsin Dells +98.5 W253DH Baraboo 250w &
102.9 WBOO Reedsburg AC:B102.9 & 98.5 +102.1W271DQ Baraboo 250w B102.9 & 98.5 . WDLS was OLD C&W. 4/15
1400 WFDMxFL Fort Walton Beach 1000/1000 TALK LICence surrendered after SIL:lightning strike 4/8
970 WHA WI Madison 5000/51 2b:WPR-NEWS Educ +100.3 W262DD Janesville 250w +107.9 W300BM Madison 170w (as of May20) Ideas name being retired 4/15
930 WLBL WI Auburndale 5000/70 2b:Class/WPR Music. Now:EDUC:Ideas Network +99.1 W256CZ Stevens Point 250w+100.9 W265DC Marshfield 160w (as of May20) 4/15
1550 WLTI IN New Castle 250/250 OLD C&W:Real -SILent 4/8
SALE 88.9 WMYJ IL Oolitic-Bloomington SoGOS to Moody from Spirit Educational Radio 4/15
1260 WNXT OH Portsmouth 5000/1000 SPORTS:Sportsmouth
99.3 WNXTFM Portsmouth HotAC:Mix99.3
SALE: 98.9 WOWE MI Vassar-Flint sold: to Wonderful News Radio, Inc, from Praestanua Broadcasting Inc 4/29
104.5 WQKT OH Wooster C&W 2B:CCM:River May 1st. wqkt.com//
104.9 WCVO OH Gahanna CCM:104.9 the River. https://riverradio.com/ 4/1
94.3 WREB IN Greencastle Cl ROCK. Had been AC. 4/8
SALE: 1470 WRPU IN Punjab Radio to Moody Radio 4/1
1140 WVHF MI Kentwood 5000/- REL:EWTN +98.3 W252DG Grand Rapids, 89.7 WSPB Bedford-Battle Creek +91.5 WVAV Vicksburg-Kalamazoo +103.9 WLCV-LP Ludington holyfamilyradio.net/about-us/stations/ 4/1
1260 WWIS WI Black River Falls AC +105.3 W287CT Black River Falls 250w New slogan: the Hill 4/29
103.1 WXEC-LP IL Eureka ALT:WC103.1 71w CP on! 4/1
107.5 WZZZ Portsmouth Cl ROCK Total Media Group from Hometown Broadcasting

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

88.7 MB Winnipeg NEW STN 2b:CHEB 800w Variety/31% Multilingual. U Multicultural Incorporated. Sys-BC 3/4
94.7 .... NB Oromocto 2b: SoGOS. 250w Gospel Music Radio Incorporated. Sys-BC 3/4
107.9 CFCD MB Okno 340 watts NEW STN:ETH:German/REL Interlake Mennonite Fellowship Church Sys-BC 3/4
93.1 CFOB ON Fort Frances Cl HITS:the Border, was AC:the Border Sys-BC 3/4
93.1 CIHI NB Fredericton Top40:Hot 93.1, was Cl HITS:Rewind 93.1 hot931.ca 3/25
103.9 CIMS NB Campbellton Sommet FM, was Cims (Includes 96.7 CIMS-1 Dalhousie) Sys-BC 3/4
107.9 CKFT AB Fort Saskatchewan Cl HITS:Mix 107.9, was Hot AC:Mix 107.9 Sys-BC 3/4
1100 KJCW MO Webb City ex: KKLL 3/4
950 KOZE ID Lewiston TALK +95.5 K238CI Lewiston 250w koze.com/koze-950-shows/ No stream available 3/18
1230 KSEYxTX Seymour 1000/1000 SPO:ESPNs/C&Wn LICense surrendered 3/25
104.3 KVPH*NV North Las Vegas REL:VCY AMerica, had been Cl Hip-Hop:theHustle SALE to VCY AMerica 3/25
SALE: 730 KWRE MO Warrenton 1000/120 OLD C&W:73 Country +95.1 K236CK Warrenton 250w & 99.9 KFAV MO Warrenton Kaspar Broadcasting to KB Broadcasting of Missouri 3/11
1490 KYCA@AZ Prescott 1000/1000 ND News-TALK:the News 1490 & 103.5. +103.5 K278CN Prescott 250w kyca.info/schedule/ THN:00, vd:s 3/11
900 WATK WI Antigo +98.7 W254AX Antigo Cl HITS:The Lakes 98-7 was Classic Hits 98-7. Remains:(Dial Global:Pop) ABC:00 3/18 vd:b Vd:s
92.5 WFDX MI Atlanta SILent:Financial 3/11
1560 WFME*NY New York SILent 3/11
1520 WINW OH Canton Black Gos, SILent -xmitter malfunction 3/25
1240 WJMC WI Rice Lake OLDies-TALK +96.5 W243ED Rice Lake 250w CBS:00 wjmcradio.com/ vd:Clay&Buck, Hannity, Charlie Kirk vd:s 3/25
1240 WJMC WI Rice Lake +96.5 W243ED Rice Lake 250w OLDies-TALK, was OLDies. ADDS TALK Hannity, Levin. wjmcradio.com/ 3/18 No stream available
95.9 WKID IN Vevay, REL:95.9 the Cross. Was:C&W:Froggy 95.9 FM SALE to Wilkins 3/25
98.3 WKNA OH Logan Cl HITS:98.3 WKGN. WASLAdult HITS:Sam FM. WKNA WLKN recent sale to:WLOH Broadcasting Company from WLKN Broadcasting Company 3/11
96.7 WKOV OH Oak Hill AC Heinen,CO 3/18 vd:s
89.9 WLJNFM MI Traverse City Worship music:PromiseFM
+107.9 WLJD MI Charlevoix BOTH were REL. 3/18
95.9 WLJW MI Fife Lake IS:REL:The Source //1400 WLJN Elmwood Twp 640/640 REL //1370 WLJW Cadillac 5000/1000 REL wljn.com/ WAS:CCM:Fuel Fm 3/11
1290 WLYV OH Bellaire 1000/33 TALK:River Talk +100.1 W261DH Wheeling,WV +1430 WEIR*WV Weirton +100.9 W265ED Weirton 180w +94.9 W235BX Toronto, OH 50w vd:s 3/25
SALE: 1390 WMPO OH Middleport 5000/120 Top40:QFM //1030 WTHQ Point Pleasant,WV +94.1 W231CY Point Pleasant WV 170w +99.9 W260DF Athens,OH 28w +103.7 W279CE Middleport 230w 94qfm.com/ from Positive Alternative Radio to Jackson County Broadcasters 3/11
88.5 WNPP IN Cole SILent:Eqipment failure 3/18
980 WPFP WI Park Falls remains Adult HITS as "103.1FM" Was JackFM. 2B:Trail Mix "80's 90's & More, 103.1 FM" now. CivicMedia.us vd:b, No stream available 3/18
1250 WSPL IL Streator License surrendered - was SIL. OLDies 3/11
97.9 WSPT WI Stevens Point-Wausau ClHITS:97-9 S P T Rieger,WI 3/18 vd:b s
SALE: 1260 WWIS WI Black River Falls AC +105.3 W287CT Black River Falls 250w WWIS Radio to G&G Media Services 3/11
SALE: 99.7 WWISFM WI Black River Falls, OLD C&W WWIS Radio to G&G Media Services 3/11
1580 WXGT OH Columbus 1000/230 IS:OLDies:My 92.9 WAS:Alt Rock:93X +92.9 W225CS Columbus 250w
AND //1550 WQCD OH Delaware 500/29 IS:OLDies:My 92.9 WAS:Alt Rock:93X +92.9 W254AP Delaware 250w //1580 WXGT Columbus 3/11
SALE: 1450 WZGXxAL Bessmer 1000/1000 SS:El Patron, from Red Mountain to Autaugaville Radio 3/25

arranged by CALL LETTERS!

SALE: 910 WAKO IL Lawrenceville 500/50 OLD C&W:the Legend +99.3 W257DW 250w wakoradio.com/ 103.1 WAKO IL Lawrenceville AC:Light Hits 103 & 104.9 WAXI IN Rockville OLD:Super Hits 104-9 WAXI. 1049waxi.com/ to 3 Towers Broadcasting 2/26
SALE: 1130 WAMB IN Brazil 500/20 AC:the Breeze +99.5 W258BA Terre Haute 250w +106.9 W295CQ Brazil 250w Was NOS. Still using WW1 jingles ("AMerica's Best Music") tho, to JKO Media 2/26
1270 WXYT MI Detroit Sports Rap Radio mid-May. BetQL replaced 2/26
1230 WMQU Grayling REL:Relevant +92.1 W221CA Gaylord 13w Calls MQU="Mary Queen of the Universe" SILENT -Sale (to Relevant Radio) fell though. 2/26
1100 KKLL MO Webb City SOLD from New Life Evangelistic Center to Catholic Radio Network 2/26
1400 WIRAxFL Fort Pierce 1000/1000 EE+Brokered/ETH:Caribbean:TreasureCoastRadio.com/ +104.9 W285FN Port Saint Lucie SILent 2/19
1400 WFDMxFL Fort Walton Beach 1000/1000 TALK //94.3 W232CF www.talkfreedom.net/ SILent, Lightning dAMage 2/19
1400 WPRYxFL Perry Cl HITS canellation un-cancelled. Silent STA,Hurricane dAMage FCC 2/19
1490 WHOCxMS Philadelphia OLD C&W +93.7 W229CW Philadelphia 250w 2/19
SALE:1590 WCGO IL Evanston 1000/2500 NewsTALK/ETH +95.9 Evanston W240DE 80w to AMbiente Chisico LLC 2/19
SALE:1400 KNNR NV Sparks SS:Radio Xtasis +98.5 K253CJ Ely 250w now//1280 KXEG +96.1 K241CS
KNNR HAD BEEN //1230 KELY Ely. TALK 2/19
SALE:1330 WGFT OH Campbell-Youngstown +94.7 W234CH Girard to Bloom Broadcasting Adult R&B 2/19
1400 WJLXxAL Jasper 1000/1000 SILENT, as tower was stolen(!), has had request for temporary authority/translator only denied by FCC"47 CFR Sections 74.1234(a)(2) and 74.1263(b)" (OLD //101.5 W268BM Jasper 250w) 2/12
SALE: 1340 KPGE@AZ Page OLD C&W:Kix 98.3 /93.3 KXAZ Lake Powell to Rim Country Media 2/12
SALE: 1350 WSIQ IL Salem 100.1 WJBD Salem::NRG to SoCentral Illinois Multimedia,LLC 2/12
SALE: 1340xFL WROD Daytona Beach Miracle Media Group LLC to Duvall Media Group LLC 2/12
1490 KXRA MN Alexandria 1000/1000 NewsTalk +100.3 K262AT Alexandria 250w +105.7 K289CL Glenwood 250w TownHallNews:00 vd:b Vd:s voiceofalexandria.com/kxra/ [Rieger-MI]
SALE: 1050 KMTA MT Miles City 10000/38 OLD / 92.3 KYUS MT Miles City CL HITS, 93.9 KXDI ND Belfield-Dickinson, 1400 KXGN MT Glendive /96.5 KDZN Glendive /95.7 KQLZ ND New England 1250 KIKC MT Forsyth C&W KIKCFM C&W 93.1 KGCX Sidney MT, 98.5 KXWI Williston, C&W 101.1 KDSR Williston all sold by Steven Marks Holdings to P&A Media 2/12
1550 WQCD OH Delaware 500/29 ALT:93X +92.9 W254AP Delaware 250w //1580 WXGT Columbus TOSSES:AAA:CD 92.9 2/12
SALE: 960 WKVX OH WKVX Wooster 1000/32 Oldies / 104.5 WQQT Wooster Dix Communications to One Connection Media Group 2/12
1340 KXITxTX Dalhart 1000/1000 Cl ROCK:94.5 the Pulse +94.5 K233BY kxit.com/ 2/12
1470 WRYU WI West Bend Cl HITS/Cl ROCK:93-9 101-3 WRYU, +93.9 W283CJ Cedarburg +101.3 W267CL West Bend 250w rockwryu.com/ Flipped 2/8 [Rieger-MI] Calls="We Rock YoU" 2/12
910 CKDQ AB Drumheller 50000/50000 C&W "Real Country 910" GRANTED: move to FM--92.5 36600w https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2024/2024-31.htm [Rieger-MI] 2/12
590 CJCW NB Sussex AC GRANTED: 92.9 1400w to remain AC https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2024/2024-27.htm [Rieger-MI] 2/12
SALE: 610 CKTB ON St. Catharines Newstalk 610 CKTB Bell to Whiteoaks Communications Group 2/12NOTE:no BC QC included in BELL sales:AM nor FM
1400 WPRYxFL Perry Cl HITS turned in LICence 2/5
580 KIDO ID nAMpa files for CP:20000/4400 (now 5000/5000) LINK: https://enterpriseefiling.fcc.gov/dataentry/views/public/amDraftCopy?displayType=html&appKey=25076f918d319bbb018d3ce86f5d04eb&id=25076f918d319bbb018d3ce86f5d04eb&goBack=N 2/5
940 KSWM MO Aurora, NewsTALK radiotalon.com 2/5
1530 KMAM MO Butler requested cancellation of licence 2/5
1360 KELE MO Mountain Grove NewsTALK SILENT:xmitter failure 2;5
1580 WXGT OH Columbus ex:WWCD +92.9 W225CS Columbus 250w --no longer CD92.9. Alt Rock:93X 2/5
SALES: 1340 WSOY (Talk) WSOYFM (Top40), WDZ (SPO:Fox) 106.3 WCDQ (C&W) Decatur,IL 1490 WDAN (NewsTALK), 102.1 WDNL (HotAC), 94.9 WRHK (Cl ROCK) Danville,IL 2/5
SALES: 790-KXXX KS Colby C&W, 100.3 KRDQ Colby (HotAC), 93.9 KZRD Dodge City, KS (SS), 95.5 KAHE Dodge City KS (Cl HITS), 96.3 KERP Ingalls-Dodge City (C&W), 1370 KGNO Dodge City, 102.5 KKCI Goodland (Rock), 730-KLOE Goodland (SPO), 1470 KSMM Liberal, KS, 97.9 KWGB Colby,KS (C&W) 2/5
1470 WIBD WI West Bend not using requested WRYU yet. 2/5 https://wibdwestbend.com/player/?playerID=2625
✅ TV briefs:
✅ FM briefs:
87.7 WDCN-LP DC Washington DC87-7 was La Nueva lanueva877.com/ 2/19
106.7 KRVI MO Mount Vernon Cl ROCK, tossing Adult HITS:River 2/19
105.7 WWCD OH Hilliard ex:WXZX ALT 2/19
SALE: 101.1 KROW WY Cody ,103.3 KBEN Cowkey OLD C&W 107.1 KWHO Lovelle to Heart Mountain Broadcasting 2/19
89.5 KRIL WY Fort Laramie ex:KSHY. OFF AIR 2/19
92.7 WIBD WI Kewaunee SS:La Mas Grande calls now being used. http://www.lamasgrandegb.com/ "Kewaunee-Green Bay" 2/12
SALE: 104.9 CKBC NB Bathurst Adult HITS:Bounce 104.9 Bell to Maritime Broadcasting 2/12
SALE: 93.5 CIKX NB Grand Falls Adult HITS:Bounce 93 Bell to Maritime Broadcasting 2/12
SALE: 102.9 CKLH NB Grand Falls Adult HITS:Bounce 102.9 Bell to Whiteoaks Communications Group 2/12
SALE: 104.1 CJCJ NB Woodstock C&W:Pure Country 104 Bell to Maritime Broadcasting 2/12
SALE: 100.9 CKTO NS Truro Adult HITS:Bounce 100.9 2/12 Bell to Maritime Broadcasting 2/12
SALE: 99.5 CKTY NS Truro C&W:Pure Country 99.5 Bell to Maritime Broadcasting 2/12
SALE: 103.7 CJPT ON Brockville Adult HITS:Bounce 103.7 Bell to My Broadcasting Corp 2/12
SALE: 104.9 CFJR ON Brockville AC:Move 104.9 Bell to My Broadcasting Corp 2/12
SALE: 91.9 CKLY ON Kawartha Lakes Adult HITS:Bounce 91.9 Bounce Bell to Durham Radio 2/12
SALE: 98.3 CFLY ON Kingston AC: Move 98.3 Move Radio Bell to My Broadcasting Corp 2/12
SALE: 98.9 CKLC ON Kingston C&W:Pure Country 99 Bell to My Broadcasting Corp 2/12
SALE: 92.3 CJOS ON Owen Sound Adult HITS:Bounce 92.3 Bell to Zoomer Media 2/12
SALE: 99.7 CKPT ON Peterborough AC:Move 99.7 Bell to Durham Radio 2/12
SALE: 105.1 CKQM ON Peterborough C&W:Pure Country 105 Bell to Durham Radio 2/12
SALE: 105.7 CHRE ON St. Catharines AC:Move 105.7 Bell to Whiteoaks Communications Group 2/12
SALE: 97.7 CHTZ ON St. Catharines ROCK:97.7 HTZ-FM Bell to Whiteoaks Communications Group 2/12
88.5 WAED IL Lee LIC surrendered 2/5
102.3 CBR-2 AB Crowsnest Pass, ex:Coleman 2/5
95.7 CKRP AB Falher Nord-Ouest FM. was Radio Riviere La Paix 2/5
103.7 CFVR AB Fort McMurray Rhythmic AC:Play 103.7 was Hot AC:Mix 103.7 2/5
96.3 CJGY AB Grande Prairie AC, was CCM 2/5
98.1 CKBD AB Lethbridge C&W: 98.1 The Ranch, was HotAC:2Day FM [Sys-BC] https://www.mylethbridgenow.com/ 2/5
103.5 CJWE-1 AB Lethbridge Indigenous. 100000w C&W/VAR //88.1 CJWE Calgary 2/5
101.3 CKIK AB Red Deer Rhythmic AC:Play 101.3, tossing Top 40:Kraze 101.3. 2/5
88.1 CHLK ON Perth MyFM, was Lake 88.1. Still AC 2/5
103.1 CIHX SK Sasakatoon cp:14000 from 2000. Raise antheight. Change from non-directional to directional. 2/5
arranged by CALL LETTERS!

560 CFOS ON Owens Sound applied to the CRTC to transfer to FM 89.3 w 1500w OLDies format would remain 1/22
97.7 CFAZ NL Gander 2800 w rebroadcaster of CHOZ 94.7 St. John's Not financially viable to sustain [Sys-BC] 1/8
96.3 CIOZ NL Marystown 27000w rebroadcaster of CHOZ 94.7 St. John's SIL:Not financially viable to sustain. 1/8
1240 CJAR MB The Pas +102.9 102-9 CJAR
93.7 CJLT AB Medicine Hat SOLD to United Christian Broadcasters Rebrands to UCB 93.7 from 93.7 Praise FM [Sys-BC] 1/8
92.1 CJOZ NL Bonavista 6700w rebroadcaster of CHOZ 94.7 St. John's SIL:No funds available for transmitter upgrades.[Sys-BC] 1/8
98.1CKHD SK Assiniboia ex: CIAT [Sys-BC] 1/8
AM station count: 12/23:4444 2020:4593 2008:4786 1990:4987 JAN 1970:4269
FM:Commercial 23:6663 2020:6772 1990:4392 JAN70:2083
1490 KBSTxTX Big Spring 1000/1000 TALK +103.9 K280GW Big Spring 250w kbst.com/
1400 KCHS@NM Truth or Consequences 1000/1000 ND C&W:Kicking Country +101.9 K270CE Truth or Consequences 250w
1340 KCQL@NM Aztec SPO:Fox 1340 AM/93.9 FM +93.9 K230AF Kirtland 250w https://sports1340.iheart.com/
1240 KDAN@NV Beatty 1000/1000 ND REMOVE!
1240 KDOKxTX Kilgore 1000/1000 Cl HITS //1490 KYZS +94.9 K235CV Chalk Hill 250w +95.7 K239CB Tyler 250w +105.3 K287AJ Kilgore 250w +106.1 K291CY Henderson 250w
1240 KELK@NV Elk +95.9 K240AI Carlin 230w
1490 KHVLxTX Huntsville 1000/1000 Cl HITS +94.1 K231DA Huntsville 250w +104.9 K285GE Huntsville 250w "104-1 & 94-1 the Hits"
1490 KIBLxTX Beeville 1000/1000 C&W:No Bull Radio //1280 KMFR 97.1 K246CP-Beeville 94.7 K234DG Pearsall 92.1 KCAF 100.1 KQBQ 95.3 KVWG 96.9 KWYU 104.3 KUFA 105.9 KIBQ 103.9 KBQQ nobullradio.com/ was:SILent REL !!!
1340 KIKO@AZ Apache Junction OLD C&W:theBull +99.1 K256DK Phoenix, 250w, +105.1 K286BS Miami 250w
92.7 KIQZ WY Rawlins SILent:Financial, seeking buyer 1/15
106.7 KIRQ ID Hailey-Twin Falls AC:Sunny 106.7 -was HotAC 1/8
1240 KJAA@AZ Globe OLDies +FM vd:s
1490 KJFKxTX Austin 1000/1000 +96.3 K242DE Austin 250w Adult HITS:JackFM EX:KFIT
1490 KLNTxTX Laredo 1000/1000 SS REL:R.Vida radiovida.com/ Last as Cl HITS "Laredo's Classic Hits"
1240 KLTZ MT Glasgow C&W:Big Country
1230 KLVTxTX Levelland TALK klvtradio.com/
1490 KNELxTX Brady 1000/1000 OLD(WW1) "Oldies 1490"
1450 KNOT@AZ Prescott 1000/1000 ND CCM:Arizona HOPE +103.9 K280GH Prescott 25w -WAS:OLD:Fun OLDies 1450 +103.9 K280GH Prescott 25w https://www.radio.net/s/knot-arizona-shine-1450-am !!! says Shine but HOPE over air: Arizona Hope Vd:s !!!
1450 KOBE@NM Las Cruces 1000/1000 ND FM News-Talk 92.7"+92.7 K224FI Las Cruces 250w lascrucestoday.com/newstalklc/ stream horrible, but format checks
1240 KOFE ID Saint Maries North Idaho's Classic Hits
100.1 KOLV MN Olivia C&W FROM Bold to Linder 1/22
1340 KPGE@AZ Page OLD C&W:Kix 98.3 +98.3 K252FG Page 250w, 100.1 K261BX Page 250w https://kix98.com/ NO
1490 KPLTxTX Paris 1000/1000 +96.3 K242BC Paris 250w OLD C&W easttexasradio.com/ WAS: SILent:Storm damage/xmitter
1240 KRAL WY Rawlins SILent:Financial, seeking buyer 1/15
1490 KRSN@NM Los Alamos 1000/1000 ND +107.1 K296GI Los Alamos 58w SILent REMOVE!
1490 KRUI@NM Ruidoso Downs 1000/1000 ND AC&"1490 The Mountain" 1490krui.com https://www.1490krui.com/about "KRUI 1490 will soon be relocating from the old MTD studios to a new location in the historic Wingfield House at 2811 Sudderth Drive"
1400 KRVZ@AZ Springerville OLD C&W https://krvz1400.com/
1450 KSEL@NM Portales 1000/1000 ND OLD C&W:Cow Country cowcountryradio.com/ vd:s
1400 KVSF@NM Santa Fe 1000/1000 ND SPO:ESPN Santa Fe +93.7 K249FB Santa Fe 250w !!! Slogan https://santafe.com/radio_stations/1400-espn-santa-fe/ vd:s
1490 KVWCxTX Vernon 1000/1000 C&Wd OLD"50s/60's"n //103.1 KVWCFM kvwc.com/ SILent FB updated but no freq ments. Website dormant. DELETE Lic & Silent at FCC
1340 KWLM MN Willmar, 102.5 KQIC Willmar, 106.5 KLFN Sunburg, Cl HITS FROM Linder to Lakeland Media 1/22
1490 KWMCxTX Del Rio 1000/1000 OLD
1490 KWUDxTX Woodville 1000/1000 C&W ABC:00 K-Wood off air DELETE
1490 KYZSxTX Tyler 1000/1000 cl HITS +95.7 K239CB Tyler 250w //1240 KDOK Tyler chalkhillcommunications.com/
1490 KZZNxTX Littlefield 1000/1000 OLD C&W http://www.kzzn1490.com/
1340 WBAN+ME Veazie AC:theWave +94.1 W231CH Bangor 250w +95.1 W236DP Bald Mountain 250w facebook.com/941TheWave/
950 WCLB WI Sheboygan 500/11 & 107.3 W297CK Sheboygan OLD C&W:Cow Country//1420 WGXI WI Plymouth 500/62 OLD C&W:Cow Country +98.5 W253CW Plymouth 250w 1/1b
950 WCLB WI Sheboygan AND 107.3 W297CK Sheboygan Top40:Z107 streams, app, website GONE! z107online.com/ GONE. 1/1
1150 WEAQ WI Chippewa Falls-Eau Claire 5000/46 +95.9 W240DC Chippewa Falls OLD C&W/Farm was RhyTop40:95.9 Jamz 1/8
1450 WELY MN Ely 770/770 SILent: new "transmitter equipment and return to airwaves in early spring." in e-mail. WELY.com vd:e 1/15 (WELY-FM//)
92.7 WEZY WI Kewaunee-Green Bay STILL using WEZY calls. http://www.lamasgrandegb.com/ 1/22&15
1470 WFNT MI Flint 5000/1000 NewsTALK SILent 1/1
95.3 WFNX Grand Marias LIC surrendered. 1/30
1240 WFTN@NH Franklin //1300 WPNH Plymouth OLD+92.9 W225CB Tilton 250w
1240 WGCMxMS Gulfport OLDies:Crusin'WGCM +100.9
1240 WGGAxGA Ganesville sports when checked 94.5FM the Lake
1510 WGKB WI Waukesha TALK:101.7theTruth 250/-- much reduced power. Very weak signal and barely understandable audio. in Milwaukee. (AM only)1/22b
https://goodkarmabrands.com/101-7-the-truth/ 1/22
[January 4th, 2021, 101.7 The Truth first hit the airwaves!]
1230 WGUY+ME Veazie OLDies:the Legends +96.1 vd:s
1400 WHZP+ME Veazie Top40/RHY Hot Radio Maine //104.7 WHTP Kennebunkport +102.9 W275CQ Bangor 250w https://hotradiomaine.com/ vd:s
1470 WIBD WI West Bend STILL using WIBD calls. wibdwestbend.com/player/?playerID=2625 [Rieger-WI] 1/22&15
1470 WIBD WI West Bend Cl HITS +101.3 W267CL West Bend 250w ADDS 93.9 W283CJ Cedarburg vd:b 1/8
1400 WILI+CT Willimantic AC +95.3 W237EL Willimantic 5w www.wili.com/ NO
1490 WIRBxAL Level Plains 1000/1000 OLD R&B,Talk "Digital 1490 the Beast" digital1490am.com/ SILENT: Antenna, xmittr damage 1/22
1340 WJAMxAL Selma UrbanAC:Jammin' 94.7+94.7W234DM Selma 250w https://www.facebook.com/people/WJAM-947-FM-Selma/100057597784846/
1490 WKUNxGA Monroe, OLD:GTOldies, had been GOS 1/8
1370 WLJN MI Cadillac, 95.9 WLJNFM Traverse City, 107.9 WLJD Charlevoix, 1400 WLJN Elmwood Twp, 95.9 WLJWFM Fife Lake, 105.5 WSRJ Honor SOLD to:Northern Christian Radio Network 1/8
1340 WMHZxAL Holt +106.3 Cl ROCK www.rock1063.com/ NO stream
1240 WMISxMS Natchez R&B:97-7theBeat //97.7 WTYJ Fayette vd:s https://natchezradio.com/ HAD been NEWS-TALK. SALE
1270 WMKT MI Charlevoix (92-1 103-3 & 1270) Triple Talk WMKT vd:b
1230 WMOU+ME +107.9 W300DN Berlin 250w (ex:102.3) NO stream
1240 WJEJ+MD Hagerstown +104.3 W282CR Hagerstown 250w NOS vd:s
1240 WPAXxGA Thomasville 1000/1000 Adult Standards//103.7 W279BD 1/22
1240 WSNJ@NJ Bridgeton AC:Pop 99-9 +99.9 W260BW Swedesboro 250w +105.7 W289CY Milmay 250w CBS:00 vd:s
1400 WTSL+NH Hanover CL HITS:the Penguin/Valley's Chill Hits +97.5 W248DA to 86905 in Hanover 18w, & 101.7 W269DI Claremont 5w uppervalleypenguin.com/ vd:s
1490 WTVL+ME Waterville surrendered LICense, Was SILent, b4 that OLD Kool 1/8
1490 WVBGxMS Vicksburg 1000/1000 NewsTALK 1490 +107.7 W299CC Vicksburg 250w
1400 WWTMxAL Decatur -Huntsville SPO:ESPN 1400 the Team
1200 WXIC*NC Blowing Rock Top40:95-3 & 107-5 the Pulse vd:s
1240 WZCCxFL Cross City 1000/1000 OLD C&W:Country Legends 93.1 +940 WLQH Chiefland +93.1 W226CI Chiefland 250w +96.3 W242CW Cross City 250w www.suncoastradio.com/ 1/22
1400 WZHRxFL Zephyrhills 1000/1000 Boss Hogg Radio:Rock, Pop, Blues, Classic Country//1360 WHNR Cypress Gardens bosshoggradio.net/ 1/22
1240 WZQKxMS Flowood Classic Hits-The Bridge vd:s +94.3 W232DD Jackson https://www.877thebridge.com/
89.1 ZFKB*George Town, Cayman Islands Community Radio:Bobo. Talk, news, information, eclectic music, arts, culture NEW STN https://dmsbroadcasting.ky/ 1/1
93.5 ZFKC*George Town, Cayman Islands C&W:CayCountry 93.5 FM Cayman’s Best Country & Your All-Time Favorites NEW STN 1/1
91.5 ZFKM*George Town, Cayman Islands Urban AC:Magic 91.5 FM The Soul of Cayman NEW STN 1/1


This listing is from the DX-midAMerica Format Flips page. It is archived back to 2014. It is arranged by month and call letter. The date it appeared is the date shown at the end of each entry.