preliminary ~ work-in-progess

The Bleus NSX ShowCase

Well, someday, when the planets of our solar system all align directly behind earth's moon, the old Bleuster will procure the vehicle of his dreams.
Have a peek at the goodies below and you'll see what that's all about. Cheers from MadCity, Wisc USA.....

Greetings from Mr Bleus, and welcome to my alternative little slice of cyberspace. I'm a long-time import audio enthusiast who also enjoys the virtues of 1960's British Blues and 1950's through 1980's Chicago Blues music. I'm very into the roots of these two scenes, and enjoy communicating with other like-minded individuals. If you are on the same audio enthusiast and/or musical wavelength as I am about blues music, come visit the variety of information provided on this webpage.

Just Dreaming ~ Guess what deserves to reside inside the primo NSX sometime soon???

Flashback to the Jack Bruce SuperShow 2000 Website

Website links that may interest you Bleusters....

The Blue Highway
Blues Access Magazine
Jazz & Blues Record Mart
Madison, Wisconsin Blues Festivals
MrBleus' Classic Marantz Showcase
MrBleus' Nakamichi Cassette Deck Cyberspot
Naks.Com's Nakamichi Cassette Deck Website
American Digital Corporation - Music Recording Gear & Media
Highway 61 - Eclectic Website Search Engine Capability!
The Blind Faith Website

Greta Kees Rescue 2003 Website

MrBleus' Map of the World

Revered and hallowed grounds, Restvale Green in Chicago, Illinois

A Tribute to McKinley Morganfield

Welcome to the KJ Bleus' Portal Website

Email: BleusNak Studios 2016

Created 31 December 2006
Updated 28 September 2016