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Stormtrooper Information Central

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Stormtrooper Links

Favorite Sites

How to Build a Stormtrooper Costume - A definitive site that shows you how to build a vacuumformed Stormtrooper costume from the ground up. Body casts, vacuumformed tables and connecting the plastic is covered.

Stormtrooper HQ - You will have been briefed during your journey here as to the honor that has been bestowed upon you. You may already be aware that only the soldiers of the highest dedication to the Empire, with the greatest love for the Emperor, and those with the greatest desire to achieve can be qualified to wear the armor of an Imperial Stormtrooper.

Take a look at IMPERIAL IMPOSTERS, this is another excellent do-it-yourself made from scratch costume creation site.

Hi-Impact is a costuming and prop building group.

The Wookiee Cantina is carrying "White Body Armor" which looks great!

Gerardo Follano's Armor & Prop is the creator of one of the best sets of armor out there!

Safety Pup is the creator of the half scale mini replica helmets which look incredible!

STORMTROOPER is an interactive story by Alexander Wilson. Concerning our only named Stormtrooper TK-421.

EDC Studios can supply you with armor, if you make a request.

Informational/Theme Sites

Big Al's Detention Block 2551 - a cool Stormtrooper site of a fan with his own suit, and founder of the Fighting 501st.

Storm Trooper Cloning Institute - a unique Stormtrooper site with a very nice looking layout.

Stormtrooperland - a member of the Fighting 501st has put together a Stormtrooper dedication site :)

Stormtrooper Squad - a site by someone who is a bigger Stormtrooper fan than I?

LA PµGINA DE LOS SOLDADOS DE ASALTO spanish to english translation : Stormtrooper Site. This hugh Stormtrooper fan was my main source for my video captured movie pics. In fandom, there is no language barrier. Awesome site!!

Stormtrooper Bunker a cool theme page of Stormtrooper Davin Felth.

Imperial Stormtroopers is a nicely detailed subpage detailed all types of Stormtrooper.

Star Wars: Stormtrooper Insignia informational page about the Stormtrooper Insignia from the STAR WARS Technical Commentaries.

Imperial Forces An excellent Stormtrooper subpage of Imperial Military Forces.

Star Wars Imperial Center very creative web site.

The Imperial Academy - Officer examination and application.

Stormtroopers a short character page.

Stormtrooper Check Point - All Loyal troops of the Empire Welcome.

Collectible Sites

Replica Props a sub page of Gus Lopez's Star Wars The Power of Collecting @ - Probably the most complete Star Wars web pages I've ever come across.

12" Stormtrooper page a sub page of Paul Levesque's Star Wars Toy Resource Page - A very complete Star Wars Toy Resource site.

The Imperial Archives a sub-page of JediNet.

My collectibles page.

Action Figure Web Ring List

Hollywood Toy & Poster Company a Canadian site selling Don Post Studio masks and Willitts film cells.

Humorous Sites

Stormtrooper Blooper picture of the Stormtrooper hitting his head on the door in the Deathstar hosted on the Rare StarWars Pictures page.

WWWF Grudge Match The Contestants: Red-Shirted Ensigns vs. Stormtroopers - is a hilarious webpage where you get to decide the outcome. (Stormtroopers will win!)

Captain Kirk and the Mos Eisley Cantina another page with Stormtrooper Slap-Stick comedy.

Inspection of StormTrooper blaster picture from JediNet's Humor sub-page.

Official Sites

Star Wars - Official Site This is where you find it all, Trilogy, Special Edition, and Prequel info.

LucasArts This is the game centre for all that is Star Wars. Check out Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

Please email me at with any additional links you would like to see here.

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