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Forbidden Sanity
Saturday, 26 July 2003

Hey all!

I'm uber sorry I haven't updated in a while (not that it matters, if no one's reading this...), my computer crashed and I lost nearly Everything! So, yeah.... Anyhoo! Now to my Topic for today... Yes, you've read it correctly, "'Love' Sucks @ss"... You see, there's this guy. And he's giving me the "idea" that he somewhat fancies me (and other people are getting that idea too)... BUT! He says he still loves his Ex, and that she was EVERYTHING to him, so - WHAT THE HELL?!?! This is why it sucks! It's so bloody confusing! ...Oh well, I actually don't really want to think about it anymore... I just needed to get that off my chest... IF YOU HAVE ANY VIEWS OR OPINIONS ON THE TOPIC, FEEL FREE TO POST!! ^_^ Ugh... I'm tired... I'm always tired... meh! I'm gonna go now! I'll talk to you all later ('all' meaning me, myself, and OK!


~:: ViC! ::~

Posted by weird2/springroll at 1:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 26 July 2003 12:50 AM EDT
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"Love" Sucks @ss...
Hey all!

I'm uber sorry I haven't updated in a while (not that it matters, if no one's reading this...), my computer crashed and I lost nearly Everything! So, yeah.... Anyhoo! Now to my Topic for today... Yes, you've read it correctly, "'Love' Sucks @ss"... You see, there's this guy. And he's giving me the "idea" that he somewhat fancies me (and other people are getting that idea too)... BUT! He says he still loves his Ex, and that she was EVERYTHING to him, so - WHAT THE HELL?!?! This is why it sucks! It's so bloody confusing! ...Oh well, I actually don't really want to think about it anymore... I just needed to get that off my chest... IF YOU HAVE ANY VIEWS OR OPINIONS ON THE TOPIC, FEEL FREE TO POST!! ^_^ Ugh... I'm tired... I'm always tired... meh! I'm gonna go now! I'll talk to you all later('all' meaning me, myself, and OK!


~:: ViC! ::~

Posted by weird2/springroll at 12:51 AM EDT
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Monday, 14 July 2003
Hey all!

Not feeling great today... not gonna post much today... infact, I think I'll go to sleep now... I'll post tomorrow instead...Soyry!


~:: ViC ::~

Posted by weird2/springroll at 10:21 PM EDT
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Sunday, 13 July 2003
Damn this bloody technology!! >_< I had the biggest post ever, for yesterday, and it didn't post!! Blasted computers!! Grrr! Anyhoo...Yesterday I was just rambling on about a tiring day at work and how I met Nick Carter and got his autograph, on Friday (...he was watching a movie - Finding Nemo, apperently - at the theater where I work, and was in town 'cause of the Youth Festival in Toronto...) ^_^ But, yeah! Anyway, I can't post mush tonight... don't have time... Gee, I know I just started this Blog, but I can't help but get the feeling that I'm talking to myself... -_-' ... meh! Well, I've gotta go to bed so I can get up in time for work! ... ugh... G'nite all!

Ta Ta!

~:: ViC ::~

Posted by weird2/springroll at 12:07 AM EDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2003

Posted by weird2/springroll at 12:39 AM EDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
Well, hello there!
Hey all! This is my first Blog, and my first post on my first Blog... So! I guess you're all wondering why exactly I called it "Forbidden Sanity"... Well, to be completly honest with you - I don't know... Nah! I'm just razzin' ya! I called it "Forbidden Sanity" 'cause I'm in the beginning of my teen years, you see, and everything seems so crazy and all, so it seemed appropriate to call it something to do with not being able to find a quiet, peaceful, and SANE moment in my life! Yeah! I hope that makes sense... probably not, but, meh! It made sense in my head... -_-' Anyhoo...For those of you that are wondering, my name is Victoria, but you can call me Vic or Vicky (it doesn't matter much to me), I'm 15, and I like stuff... heh... can you get any more blunt? lol Well, that's about it for now... I'll be back with more interesting things to talk about, or perhaps complain about, who knows!? lol
Ta Ta For Now!
~:: ViC ::~

Posted by weird2/springroll at 10:41 PM EDT
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